Casino Niagara today, 2/4 and 1/2NL.... Wearing Wendel Clark Golf jacket and cap.. Look me up if you are there... Jeff..
I'll be in Vegas for New Years! (staying at New York New York)
I'll be At Brantford tomorrow, paying 2-5 and maybe five ten if I feel like it. I find 2-5 to be more fun, and that's definitely the plan for tomorrow.
Standard apparel, Detroit Tigers hat and a big dumb grin.
I'm thinking brantford tomorrow myself... I have no description of myself, other than I'll be one of the sensible players playing 5-10, that's under 30... (I'm guessing this describes the majority of TAGs that reads this forum that plays at Brantford)...
I'll be at Brantford tomorrow (Friday), playing 5-10 during the day, most likely starting in the morning. Brown hair, glasses, I'll be wearing a navy blue track jacket with 2 white stripes down the sleeves. Scooby, or anyone else, come on over and introduce yourselves.
Rumour has it there will be a car leaving Milton tonite, Destination Niagara
I'll be at Casino Windsor tonight. Either 3/6 LHE or 1/2 NL whichever has shorter list. I'll be wearing a black FMC hat. Going around 7 and staying till whenever, Come by and say hi.
I'll be back at Casino windsor for the 4th night in the row. Black FMC hat and a black OCC shirt. Probably playing 3/6 if there is no 5/10
All being well, I hope to be in Brantford tomorrow, late afternoon/evening, playing 10/20.
5:00 Sunday afternoon - I'm heading to Brantford right now. I'll be playing 5-10 iuntil about midnight, wearing a navy blue track jacket with white stripes down the sleeve. Brown hair and glasses.
Any other forum members around, give me the secret code word........'brown trout' :)
I will be at Casino Niagara or Fallsview (Depending how I feel and the lines) for some NL, either 1/2 or 5/5 wed evening, thrusday and maybe friday. I'll be the one with the hockey night in canada hat, if you're in the area don't hesitate to come up and say hi! :)
I'm going to Brantford today (Super Bowl Sunday) for most of the daytime and into the evening. I'll be playing 5-10. Brown hair and glasses, wearing a navy blue track jacket with 2 white stripes down the sleeves. Come by and introduce yourself if anyone is there too.
Going back to Brantford tonight (Monday), leaving right now. I'll be playing 5-10. Brown hair and glasses, wearing a navy blue track jacket with 2 white stripes down the sleeves. Come by and introduce yourself if anyone is there too.
I'll be at brantford tonight playing 2-5 or 5-10 depending on what comes up first, 5'10" brown hair wearing a grey hoody with a OCC black hat, first drink on me.
I'm heading to Brantford for a litte Heritage Day action!!
Most likely I'll be at 2/5, or the 5/10.
Black sweater, tan slacks and of course, my trusty Retro Toronto Blue Jays Road Cap.
Come say "Howdy"
You'd get punched out in Brantford for saying howdy...
Trip report when you get home JohnnieH, hope the birthday cards were good to you.
heading to BCC tonight for a little 2-5, i'm 6'4" with dark curly hair, green jacket.
sat 2-5 from 12AM - 4:30AM, buy in $100 - cashout $245
Brantford tomorrow. I'lll likely be in the 2-5 pit. Detroit Tigers cap, not sure what else. If anyone is going to be there I might just dress up though.
My name is court by the way, and there generally isn't alot of Tigers caps there, so I should be easy to find. Late morning til whenever.
I'll be at BCC too after supper till whenever depends how the cards are flowing, most likely 2-5, or 5-10 whatever opens up first.