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  • New Site Sponsors/Advertisers

    Please be aware that PokerForum is starting to take on site sponsors and advertisors to help us keep the lights on and to keep the servers making beeps and dings. If you see a post and the users title is "VERIFIED SPONSOR" they ARE a verified sponsor and they have paid for the right to post this content, please do not report the post as SPAM. As always be respectful and polite. If you have any questions for us or feel a sponsors content or PMs are questionable please feel free to reach out to an PF Admin.

    Thanks All!
    KK Poker - CS
  • New Badge: Verified Game Host

    I have verified you BTW @Bfillmaff check your profile!
  • New Site Sponsor - WPT Global

    I would like to say hello to WTP Global and @Gabriel - WPT Global who is a new site sponsor. You will see new banners and posts by them. Please be respectful and welcome the new sponsor. Its people like them that keep the lights on in the server room!
  • Server Changes Last Night

    Sorry guys it seems the hosting company that hosts this site did some changes to the server last night without telling me and the site was having an issue where all you get is the home page and nothing else. I have fixed the problem and we should be up and running again. Please let me know if you see any issues
  • New Badge: Verified Game Host

    I like it!
    I know I'm 1000km away now but consider it SEAT OPEN for anyone passing through NB :)
  • Server Changes Last Night

    Thank you Steve ! All your hard work is appreciated.