MODIFIED: Poll for those interested in the Poker Table Tournament thread



  • Sounds like it's going to be a beautiful table. Thanks very much for doing this and I can't wait to try and win it.
  • Just thought Id give you guys an update:
    Ive got the playing suface cloth, and Im just waiting on the foams, the vinyl and the cupholders, which I believe will arive soon.
    Once they come, I will purchase the wood and begin work.

    The colour scheme of your table will be (check my website for colour samples):
    - Green UltraSoft Velveteen. Dont let the sample picture fool you, the actual colour is much darker and very rich. A better representation would probably be the actual background green on the website.
    - Black Whisper Vinyl
    - 10 Jumbo Stainless Steel Cupholders
    - The racetrack Im thinking will be done in the mahogany stain, which should look amazing in between the black rail and green surface.

    I think this colour scheme will look great. Its going to be a great looking classy table, and the classic looking green felt will give it that traditional poker table look.

    Again, you can see colour samples if you go to
  • Out of the millions of poker tables ever built, all but 27 are green felt. Of the 27 that are not green felt, 14 are blue, and 13 are burgandy. Why not be daring and try a new vibrant colour?

    Just an idea, am I off base? Probably.

    I personally like the look of the Slate, Harley and Ginger. But thats just me.

    Either way, I am sure your table is going to look great in my basement. :D
  • I like some of the other colours a LOT!

    And if this table was for me, Id probably go with something other than green.

    However, this table is going to be for someone else, and while some players might like orange, and some might like purple, etc, etc, odds are, all will be happy with the green.

    Since this table isnt being built for one person in particular, I decided it was best to go for a look that was classic and would work for most people.
  • Foams and Vinyl arrived today. Cupholders are delayed a week or so but theyre a near-end installation anyways.

    Ill start working on this table this weekend, if not sooner.

    Now what Im in need of is somewhere to have this tournament.
    What Im looking for is somewhere I can bring the table to for the tournament, and then have the winner pick it up from that location.
    If anyone is interested in hosting this tournament, contact me and we can work out the detailes. I'll take care of the chips, the schedule, all of that. I just need a space.

  • Send Esool a PM. He can arrange to hold the tournament at the Airport Club I beleive, or he may have other contacts he can call upon as well. That's where we held the Woodsman's Charity game, and it was a great success there.

    They may even allow you to use their chips, and they will provide snacks and beverages as well.
  • Cup holders came in today. Thats everything now so construction begins on Saturday!

    I will be taking MANY pictures of this one all throughout, so if you guys want to see some pictures during construction, I can gladly post some.

    Im still trying to find a better deal on the legs than buying them at full retail. I attended a recievership auction at a local furniture manufacturer yesterday, but unfortunately they didnt manufacture any pedestal based tables. Ill keep hunting though.
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