MODIFIED: Poll for those interested in the Poker Table Tournament thread

Since you guys are going to be the ones playing for the table if I can get this together, I figured Id at least give those interested some input into what theyd be playing for.

Verdict: 10 man racetrack won with 12 votes out of 17, the next highest had only 3. Looks like a 10 man racetrack it is.

Now my NEW questoin is this. Another member mentioned in the previous thread that theyd be interested in a dining top. I originally didnt want to do one, because I really prefer dining tops that match the shape of the table, and those can take a long time and be a big pain to make.
However, I was thinking about it, and what I could do is build a rectangular dining top. The same length and width as the table, just rectangular instead of oval.
I would NOT be doing this in all hardwood because for the purpose of a tournament, that would just add so much cost it wouldnt be worth it. What I would do is a veneered plywood top (in the same wood and stain as the tables racetrack and legs), and then hardwood sides.

This is a nice feature to have on a table that is going to be a permanent fixture in your home, however it will add to the cost of the build and buyin. If youre just looking for a nice poker table, then it may not be worth it for you, but if youre looking for something multipurpose it probably would be.

Because this would add on to the buyin (not a whole lot when divided by 10 or so people but still a bit), this is the kind of thing that I would need a strong majority of Yes votes to do. I dont want a 51% yes majority and then have the other half lose interest in playing because the buyin includes something they dont want or need.

Again vote away!

Thanks for your input!


  • 10 man with racetrack! Go big or go home!

    BTW is there an "official" list of players for this? Great idea Ryan... I'm looking forward to getting many years of use out of the table.
  • all_aces wrote:
    10 man with racetrack! Go big or go home!

    BTW is there an "official" list of players for this? Great idea Ryan... I'm looking forward to getting many years of use out of the table.

    Who said you're winning this?! :D
    I agree...since everyone playing is chipping in for in, I guess the bigger the better!
  • Aces,
    Credit for the idea goes to Esool! He came up with the tournament idea!

    As for an official list, there is not as of yet. However I imagine getting 10 people to play shouldnt be a big deal, and if there are more it just means a cheaper buyin!
  • all_aces wrote:
    10 man with racetrack! Go big or go home!

    BTW is there an "official" list of players for this? Great idea Ryan... I'm looking forward to getting many years of use out of the table.

    I'll invite you over, but I may be moving out west
  • The player list should start with the people who said they were in in the other thread.

    I voted for 10 man with racetrack :)
  • Has to be 10man Racetrack!!! Nothing else will do.

    Whenever this happens, count me in. All you other chumps can come over and play on it at my place!! :D
  • Ah man... I am the only one that wants a 10 player without the race track? Have any of you played on a table that has a race track?
    I haven't but I assume no race track is better for me. Oh well.
  • IMHO, I think race track just looks alot better
  • westside8 wrote:
    IMHO, I think race track just looks alot better

    Agreed, (from pictures) but I would think that the constant clanking of chips on the wood could get annoying after a short period of time. I am also guessing that the racetrack could show scratches after some time.

    I could be wrong on both counts since I have never played on one. I saw one in person that looked like crap. The race track edges were not smooth on either side where the jigsaw had made the cuts. I am sure that Ryan's would not look the same since he seems to know his stuff.
  • Hmmm... sounds like I'd have to implement a new house rule: "No shuffling of chips upon the racetrack". (I love rules that non-poker players would not understand...)

    Seriously, though, if the noise becomes annoying just get players to shuffle/count down on the felt.
  • Looks like its going to be a runaway for 10 man racetrack!!!

    Esool, I wouldnt worry too much about the problems of a racetrack. There arent really many downsides. Some upsides however:
    1) Players canjust scoop their pots onto the track in front of them and the next hand can resume
    2) It can act as sort of a "betting line", where if you put the chip onto the felt, its in, if its on the track, you can do what you want
    3) There will be steel cupholders, so assuming your players can be CAREFUL, theyll have somewhere to put their drinks.
    4) They just look damn good! They really add a classy look. Especially to tables with wood pedestals.
  • with all this interest might as well build 3 or 4!
  • Esool:

    I built a 10 man with a racetrack and love it. I wouldn't build another without. For the non wood worker, it is a fair bit of work. In retrospect I would have done a few things differently but I'm happy with the end result. Having been in the construction trades for over 20 years definately helped tho.
  • Personally, I just like the look of a racetrack. And as mentioned, you can use it as the betting line too. I was going to try to make one this summer myself, which should be good for some vintage cursing I'm sure as I have absolutely NO wood working talent. But winning is SOOOOO much better! :D
  • Although I won't be playing I figure I'd give some input.

    I've built 3 tables so far, 2 of them being standard and one having a racetrack. Although the racetrack table looks a little more elegant, I prefer the standard because of the noise alone especially if there is some sort of padding underneath the playing surface material.

    Just thought I'd throw in my $0.02
  • New question. Get those votes in.

    I ran the numbers of the MAX cost of this table (if dining top loses, which it almost certainly will), assuming I have to buy all the components at the retail prices of my normal suppliers*.

    The total costs (depending on the type of cloth I decide to use) will be either (1) $1372 Canadian or (2)$1344 Canadian. At 10 players that would be a buyin of $135 each**.

    This is again the MAX cost, assuming I do not find any better deals. I always check for cheaper prices locally on items I normally have to order in, and I always see if I can find wholesale pricing if its available. So it is completely possible and fairly likely, that the actual cost will be lower than this, and of course any savings will be passed on to the players final buy-in price!

    I'll post the final buyin when the table is near completion and all the materials have been purchased and accounted for.

    I have the total cost broken down by parts and price in a spreadsheet that I can gladly send anyone who wants to take a look at it, and any questions as to "whats this part for" or "why this part?" are completely welcome and encouraged. I want people to know what theyre getting.

    *My normal suppliers as of right now are: Home Depot,, and local Upholstry stores.
    **This is without payouts to other places. If the players want other places paid out, the decision is up to you guys, and you can decide what places and how much. Then just divide that by 10 and tack it on.
  • Depending on location, date, time and cost I'd be interested....

  • You could always open the tournament to more than 10 players (maybe 20 max?) that reduces the buy-in, and allows for payouts for 2nd/3rd place.
  • Are you saying its going to cost you $1344 to build 1 table?
  • yea what elliot said. That way the buy-in won't seem as big, for a winner take all tournament. I'd go for two tables, especially with the interest this has generated.

    I'll be there no matter what with a friend.
  • Arctyper,
    Yup. That's correct. Again though thats IF I cant find any wholesale or local prices that beat the prices I'll have to pay to order some of the stuff in.
    For example. The suited speed cloth or ultrasoft velveteen from YAT. I don't know of anywhere locally that sells those items, so I have to buy them from the US, and pay shipping on them. Same goes for the steel jumbo cup holders. There is a Canadian supplier, but they havent had them in stock for a long time, so I may have to have them shipped ot me from the US. It makes me cringe to think about what the double pedestals might cost me if I have to buy them at retail price.

    However, the buyin cost will be lower if I can find wholesale/local deals, and on any given table build I find there are always one or two components I will find locally or cheaper to drop the cost.

    Please keep in mind this is a high-end table being built. No mystery foams, generic vinyls, strange felts or paritcle board is being used.

    If you'd like to see the spreadsheet with the cost breakdown I can email it to you.

    Ryan Healy
  • I have no doubt of the quality of the table. From the sounds of it, you know what you're doing, and I can't wait to take it home :D
  • Thanks Cristi.
    I think its important that if people are going to be putting their money down to play for this, that theyre confident in what they'll be getting. I don't want anyone thinking Im inflating costs or ripping them off or anything.

    And some good news, my new Lewin router compass came in today so I'll be starting the build very soon!

    On a side note, the place I got the compass from is great. For anyone on here that buys tools/workshop accessories like router bits, drill bits, clamps, etc.
    check out
    They have some seriously great prices on stuff and their shipping options are extremely flexible. I wont be buying any more small items from Home Depot thats for sure.
  • Maybe it might be a good idea to post some cost breakdowns. This way if anybody here's sees or can get a cheaper price they can let you know. Just a thought.
  • Not a problem.
    Anyone who wants the full sheet can PM or email me and Ill get it to them.

    The biggest expense on this, which is where I really want to find a good deal, is on the wood double pedestal set. Full retail price for one of these sets, with two pedestals, feet and a stretcher, Ive seen as high as $400 Canadian before taxes.
    I really dont want to buy one from a retailer, so right now Im trying to find a way to get one wholesale or possibly through a liquidation sale.

    The 1" HD foam sheets I get from YourAutoTrim are 50lb or 65lb compression set with 100% recovery. Their price has almost doubled recently due to shortages in one of the materials used to make them, apparently caused by the bad weather the Southern U.S. was having. Those are about 60-70 Canadian depending on 50lb or 65 lb. If anyone knows any local upholstry stores that have as good, for cheaper, Id like to know, but as of right now I havent found any 1" foam locally that has the same properties for any cheaper.

    The cloth is pretty much a must-buy from YAT, they have the best quality and best selection, and for suited cloth, there is only one other place to get it, and YAT is cheaper. Suited cloth is about 20-22 Canadian/yard and Ill have to buy 3 yards.

    Whisper vinyl is a really nice faux-leather. Much softer and nicer than the harder plasticy vinyls that most fabric stores have. Ive seen it in fabric stores, both here and in the U.S., but I find that the price at YAT is very good, and that since Im buying the foams and cloth there anyways, the ammount of extra shipping to have them throw the vinyl in isnt enough to make it worth looking for it somewhere else. Whisper vinyl is about 17 Canadian/yard and again, 3 yards.

    3/4" Oak plywood, last table I built, cost me $65 CDN/sheet, Ill need 2 of them and one sheet of 1/2" pine which cost about $25-30.

    THe surface padding is 12/yard and I need 3 yards of it.

    The steel jumbo cupholders are $8/each and I need 10 of them.

    So not including any of the smaller parts, nuts/bolts, stain, or anything like that, were at about $840-850 CDN before tax. After tax its around $970.

    Then there is shipping the stuff from the US to me, which I originally estimated to be about $75 but may be more, and then to finish it off labour cost is set at a fixed price of $250 for this one, which on a table like this, works out to $10/hr or less. This is about 1/3 what it normally costs, and when you factor in Ill likely have to pay a guy to help me with some of the stuff I cant do alone, its even worst. Like I said though this is a promotinal thing so the labour cost is something I can swallow heavily reducing.

    Thats a list of the major costs for anyone who couldn't or didnt believe it could cost to much to build a table. As you can see, the real killer is the pedestal legs. If anyone knows where I can get a set of double pedestal legs for cheaper, let me know, it will drop the cost and therefor the buyin.
  • Sounds like it is going to be a beautiful table!

    By the way, when I click on your link (, it says the domain is expried.
  • Sound like a beautiful table for sure.

    How much extra am I going to have to pay for a dining table top after I win the SNG?
  • EEliot,
    That domain is dead. I didnt like the hosting company I was with, and there are better domains, so I just let it expire at the end of January.

    If you win and want a dining top, I will consider it a package with the table and give you the promotional labour price. It would then just depend on what you want. For instance, if you wanted a rectangular top made from say oak veneered ply such as on the racetrack, then that could be done fairly quickly and with relatively lower cost materials as opposed to say if you wanted an oval dining top made of solid oak.
  • ryanhealy wrote:
    That domain is dead. I didnt like the hosting company I was with, and there are better domains, so I just let it expire at the end of January.

    Perhaps it is time to remove it from your signature then?
  • Agreed. New URL is in.

    Site is just in infancy. Only cloth and vinyl options are shown as of right now.
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