My instructional poker DVD...

... is now finished, and for sale.  The following link provides a sample clip, which features my weird weird thumb.  It bends a lot farther back than most thumbs.  They both do, actually, as do my big toes.  I'm a freak of nature.

Anywho... for now the DVD is only available through the learnbydvd site.  From what I understand, now that they have all of the DVD's produced and pressed, they are moving on to the marketing stage which I imagine will include talks with the major retailers.  If you just can't wait:

In the interests of full disclosure, the DVD is intended for beginners (and maybe some intermediate players) and it teaches LIMIT hold'em.  If you have friends, girlfriends, wives, etc. who have shown an interest in learning the game and playing low-limit casino poker, this is the DVD for them.  If you already know how to play, you probably won't get much from this that you don't already know, although my later sections on strategy might be worth watching as a way of solidifying what counts--in my opinion--as "solid limit poker".

If you have any questions feel free to post them here.  If you have any comments on the sample clip, feel free to post them here.  And finally, thanks very much to ScottyZ and Dave Scharf for their assistance with this project.  ScottyZ in particular was extremely helpful as my primary script editor.


  • Well good luck with the DVD!

    Having played you before I did notice the thumb, and didn't want to say anything. Now that you brought it up!. jk.
  • I took a look at the clip. I think most of the players from my home game could learn a lot from this dvd. I will pass it on to them.

  • Just curious Devin, when/how did you get the idea for your pose (head resting on hands resting on chip)?
  • LOL. What are you trying to say?

    When I was on the cover of CPP magazine, they hired professional photographers to come over and take some shots. That particular pose was one that was suggested by the photographer, and it was the one the editors of CPP (Dave Scharf at that time) ended up selecting.

    The people at Learn By DVD saw that mag. cover, liked that shot, and copied it exactly in that photo session. As did the people at Labatt Blue, for that matter. I'm not sure what they like about it... I think it's fine, kind of welcoming, friendly, and thoughtful, as opposed to the tough and stand-offish standard "poker shot" you normally see.

    This long reply may give you the impression that I've given this matter some thought. I haven't... I'm making all of this up as I go.
  • I don't even think you answered westsides question. I'm curious to know too. The clip looks good, good job.
  • Thanks specialK.

    As for answering the question, here was the question:
    when/how did you get the idea for your pose (head resting on hands resting on chip)?

    and here was the answer:
    When I was on the cover of CPP magazine, they hired professional photographers to come over and take some shots.  That particular pose was one that was suggested by the photographer

    So, the "when" part is: when I was on the cover of CPP, which I believe was August 04.  The "how" part is: it wasn't my idea, it was a photographer's idea.
  • Aces, there are rules for the forum which we all abide by in order to make it a useable place for everyone.  You know that.  And, I think you know the score.  You get nothing extra by posting in the general chat.  I'm really quite surprized at this tack you're taking. Yes, everyone does it -- doesn't make it right.  Do the right thing.

  • Lou, to be honest, your intensity about this issue is either funny or scary. I'm not sure which. But if it means that much to you, so be it.
  • Sorry about the advertising comments. 

    I think everyone, including myself is rooting for you and I'd like to congratulate you! (nice to see you on the front page) I know there's countless hours put into these things, and thumbs included, it looks very professional and well done.

    I, like Esool, will  recommend it to my home game friends and on the Lucky Lou Poker Tour (hey it's more promo). I need to incorporate Dave's book as well, as I think there's some great stuff coming from Canada.

  • I appreciate the support Lou, but I think that this comment:
    I'm really quite surprized at this tack you're taking. Yes, everyone does it -- doesn't make it right.  Do the right thing.
    was out of line.

    As a moderator I can distinguish between SPAM and promotion.  Is there a difference?  Yes.  If you, or any of the "good" members of this forum (there are many) who have posted so many of your ideas here actually produced and hosted a poker DVD, and you wanted to include something about it in the general section, I would have no problem with that.  Many people (myself included) don't read the advertising section.  You have to understand that there is a difference between something like this, and a one-time hit-and-run spammer whose posts I delete every day.  I'm not sure why this was such a big issue for you, or why you had to post your thoughts about it twice.  I know I just sent you a PM about this, but you chose to start this debate publicly, so there you have it.
  • As a point of clarification, if you, me, or any other "long-term" member was selling a chip set and wanted to post a heads-up about it in the General section, obviously, that would be deleted.  What's the difference?  The poster didn't spend over a year writing and realizing that chip set.  The poster's interests would be entirely financial, as opposed to wanting to give people a heads-up about something he's been working on forever, and is proud of, and he could care less about whether or not he actually makes money on it.
  • Couple of points:

    #1/ I would read a post by you in the advertising section. I'm sure others would, too. Especially if it was about your DVD vs a chip set for sale.

    #2/ Moderators should follow their own rules. (See the Magna Carta for reference.) No point having your integrity or the integrity of the forum questioned. It would be nasty if Scotty had to ban you...

    #3/ You could have worded the post so it was informational vs promotional. "I finally finished my DVD" would have probably fit the bill. Still iffy but justifiable.

    #4/ Best of luck with this. You have been a terrific contributor to this forum and I wish you nothing but success.
  • These are my own rules.  Please read my last two posts.  In it I state pretty clearly that if you made an instructional DVD and wanted to tell people about it in the General section I'd let you.  Or if you started writing poker columns for a magazine, or you were going to be on TV, or you wrote a book, etc etc etc etc. Just giving a little something back... but I guess not.  Sheesh.
  • I think its rare to say, but, I do think that everyone here is a fan/supporter of yours Devin, lets get back to focusing on the DVD.

    Congrats and I wish you well with it...of course most of us will wait till it becomes one of the biggest DVD rips on the internet...just kidding.

    I'll be coughing up the $ just to say I have it in my collection, better value than the $ I spent on Helmuth's book!!!!!
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    I'll be coughing up the $ just to say I have it in my collection, better value than the $ I spent on Helmuth's book!!!!!

    I beg to differ, Hellmuth's starting hands turned your game around, you should frame that literary gem!


    p.s. I will also be supporting Devon in this venture
  • Ding!

    Everybody step back into their corners.

    The name of the post was : My instructional DVD.

    This is something D worked long and hard for (so I hear). Everyone should lighten up on this. This is a great accomplishment. I see nothing different with this post and the Ding Ding Ding post that everyone posts in. They are advertising they won or accomplished something.

    According to some of the posts here everytime someone wins something it should be in the advertising section. hmm.


    round two.
  • I actually paid pkrfce9 and Magithighs to get on me about this issue... I figured that some good controversy keeps threads alive. ;)

    Thanks for the kind words guys... it is very satisfying to have completed this project. I went through many different versions of it. Basically, they would send me a rough edit, I would go over it, and send them notes on errors in the DVD. Then I'd get another copy... another rough edit, I would go over it, and send them notes on errors in the DVD, some of which were the same as the last set of notes. Then I'd get another copy... another rough edit, I would go over it, and send them notes on errors in the DVD, some of wich were the same as the last set of notes, and the set before that.


    Nothing against the production company. Overall, they did a great job and I'm happy with the DVD. They had a bunch of other DVD's to focus on, as well. I haven't actually looked at the latest version yet. I'm afraid to. I just really really hope that they changed a flush from "7h 7h 7h 7h 7h" to something more, say, accurate, and that they removed my ex-g/f's name from the credits like I asked them to.

    Even if they didn't get around to making all of the fixes, by the time the last rough edit came by the mistakes were pretty minor. If you do get a copy of the DVD, maybe start a thread listing all of the mistakes you can find in it. ie: I say "suited connectors like the 9 and 10 of hearts" but the graphic shows the 9 of hearts and the 10 of spades, etc. The person who finds the most errors gets a free Team Canuck Poker bobblehead beaver card protector from me.
  • Correction: PM a list of errors, so others don't rip you off.  And stick to "real" errors, not subjective ones like "the credits roll too slowly" or "the edit from the wide to the tight shot of you wasn't clean enough".  I am expecting exactly zero PM's about this, but hey, it could be fun.  I'm also hoping that there are no errors in the version that they are selling.

    I will post all of the "error PM's" on this forum at the close of the "contest", which could be anytime, really.  A long time from now.
  • all_aces wrote:
    Just giving a little something back...
    How about a download of the full DVD - just for us friends here on the forum :)

    Seriously though, this is good timing.  I'm just starting to play limit regularly, so I'm one of the "beginners" you refer to.  I'll definately be grabbing this - thx for the HU.
  • all_aces wrote:
    I actually paid pkrfce9 and Magithighs to get on me about this issue... I figured that some good controversy keeps threads alive.  ;)
    LOL. You did actually get way more promotion for this DVD by posting the way you did... My cheque must have gotten lost in the mail but I wouldn't turn down some quivering beaver, either!

    Personally, I feel you mods can do what you want with the forum. As long as the nuggets outweigh the bullshit I'll keep coming back for more. My post was not intended to chastise Devin and I hope it wasn't interpreted that way. His post was innocent enough to me but obviously not to one or more others. I would hate for the value of the forum to be diminished due to perceived bias. Key word: perceived.

    2000th member celebration idea: Give away a few of these DVDs!
  • Yeah, I'll give 'em away.  For $15 a pop.

    Hey, this is the advertising section, right?  ;)
  • ... I wouldn't turn down some quivering beaver, either!
    Who would?
  • LOL. Let the off-colour jokes about beaver begin...

    "Quivering". I can't tell if that's hot, or not. I'm leaning towards hot.
  • I am more interested in the chip set for sale. Can you post some more details pls AA?
  • all_aces wrote:
    LOL. What are you trying to say?

    Nothing in particular, its just that it seems thats the pose you use for everything you're involved in (your PS avater, CPP picture, DVD cover etc). Just a little curious about the "origin"
  • westside8 wrote:
    Nothing in particular, its just that it seems thats the pose you use for everything you're involved in (your PS avater, CPP picture, DVD cover etc).  Just a little curious about the "origin"
    He loves that image so much, I'll bet when you use his washroom, the first thing you see in there is the CPP issue with his mug on the cover.
  • all_aces wrote:
    I haven't actually looked at the latest version yet.  I'm afraid to.  I just really really hope that they changed a flush from "7h 7h 7h 7h 7h" to something more, say, accurate

    Hahaha! That's awesome.

    I always wondered if the 5-of-a-kind flush beat a Royal.

    Congrats on the DVD :)
  • westside8 wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    LOL.  What are you trying to say? 

    Nothing in particular, its just that it seems thats the pose you use for everything you're involved in (your PS avater, CPP picture, DVD cover etc).  Just a little curious about the "origin"

    You're right... there must be something about it that the "suits" dig.  The PS avatar though, has me standing up, outside, holding the chips in a stack straight out towards the lens, making the stack in the f/g appear to be as big as my head in the b/g.  I was always a fan of that particular shot, but it hasn't been used anywhere.  Except on Stars.

    I'd post it here but my computer is all f'ed up for some reason.
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    westside8 wrote:
    Nothing in particular, its just that it seems thats the pose you use for everything you're involved in (your PS avater, CPP picture, DVD cover etc).  Just a little curious about the "origin"
    He loves that image so much, I'll bet when you use his washroom, the first thing you see in there is the CPP issue with his mug on the cover.
    Well as for that, I swear to God it was buried under a bunch of other CPP's, and someone found it and put it on top.  I swear.
  • all_aces wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    He loves that image so much, I'll bet when you use his washroom, the first thing you see in there is the CPP issue with his mug on the cover.
    Well as for that, I swear to God it was buried under a bunch of other CPP's, and someone found it and put it on top.  I swear.
    Let's say maybe in a pinch I could believe that. Can you explain why the pages were stuck together, then? Hmmm? Hmmm? I think you reeeeeeeeeeeeeally liked that issue...
  • all_aces wrote:
    westside8 wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    LOL. What are you trying to say?

    Nothing in particular, its just that it seems thats the pose you use for everything you're involved in (your PS avater, CPP picture, DVD cover etc). Just a little curious about the "origin"

    You're right... there must be something about it that the "suits" dig. The PS avatar though, has me standing up, outside, holding the chips in a stack straight out towards the lens, making the stack in the f/g appear to be as big as my head in the b/g. I was always a fan of that particular shot, but it hasn't been used anywhere. Except on Stars.

    I'd post it here but my computer is all f'ed up for some reason.

    Then it must've been just the CPPs I seen that pose.
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