My instructional poker DVD...



  • Does this mean you won't be selling any at the Lucky Lou Poker Tour? :D:D (it's a joke, Lou, don't kill me!!)

    AA, I suggest you leave the errors in. That way you can produce Vol 2(with corrections) in a few years, and sell us it to us again! And Vol 3, etc......

    Congrats on your accomplishment, can't wait to see it!!

  • Ok now I have to buy the DVD....

    I am dying to know what the SB and BB do now that there is a 3 bet out there. Does someone cap it? Ohhhhh the suspense!! :D
    Just kidding btw.

    Congrats on the DVD AA, that's yet another great accomplishment for you. :D
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    westside8 wrote:
    Nothing in particular, its just that it seems thats the pose you use for everything you're involved in (your PS avater, CPP picture, DVD cover etc).  Just a little curious about the "origin"
    He loves that image so much, I'll bet when you use his washroom, the first thing you see in there is the CPP issue with his mug on the cover.
    Well as for that, I swear to God it was buried under a bunch of other CPP's, and someone found it and put it on top.  I swear.

    I was there, It was on top for everone to see! ;)
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Does this mean you won't be selling any at the Lucky Lou Poker Tour? :D:D  (it's a joke, Lou, don't kill me!!)

    Unfortunately, perception is sometimes reality.  I bear no ill feelings, in fact bought a DVD and WILL be promoting it the Lucky Lou Tournament. 

    Those that know me well would realize I would be the first one in the General forum talking about the DVD.  And, I'm certain almost everyone will be commenting on the DVD.

    Heck, I don't  make the rules -- why not change them and change the posting guidelines to allow these posts and give other special consideration where it is warranted.  I can think of one which deserves the full attention of the whole forum.  While we're changing the rules, I vote to give BBCZ authority to delete or alter my posts to include subtitles on what I really said. 

    It's too bad I've ruffled so many feathers on this one.  But in a good way, I'm glad it's  drawn attention to a great effort.

  • Congratulations on finally getting this thing done... luved the preview...

    Now the important question.... Where should I post the bittorrent link... in the genereal forum, advertising, or off-topic...

    hee hee...
  • How much are the autographed copies going for? :D
  • Where should I post the bittorrent link... in the genereal forum, advertising, or off-topic...

    wouldn't that be Online Poker?
  • my question is: Did they come to your house and video tape you, or did you send them video streams.
    Cheers and good job.
  • ppokyh wrote:
    my question is: Did they come to your house and video tape you, or did you send them video streams.
    Cheers and good job.
    The process was as follows:

    I spent a long time writing the script, exchanging a thousand long emails with ScottyZ.

    Then once the script was finalized, we shot the raw footage of me talking.  This was done in a studio that is owned by the production company, and I was in front of a greenscreen.  That "Casino" background was added in after the fact. 

    First, they had to enter all of my script into their teleprompter software (the prospect of me trying to memorize that much text was ludicrous, and when you're giving poker advice, you want to be as precise and as specific as possible.)

    There were 3 cameras rolling on me simultaneously... two at the front (one tight, one wide) and one overhead.  The reason my eyeline is good for both of the front cameras is because they were right next to each other (the lenses were practically touching) behind the same prompter glass.  The fact that they had two different shots of me to use meant that, if I screwed up a line, instead of having to start over from the very beginning of that section, I could start from the beginning of the line and they'd have an edit point.

    And then came the graphics, which were hugely important for this DVD.  I'd written the script assuming that there would be a graphic of a poker table (much like you'd see in online poker) to help with the explanations.  I was very pleased with how the graphics turned out, but it took a lot of tweaking... emails back and forth, rough drafts, edit notes, etc.

    You know what though, I loved it.  Every second of it...  I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

    Long answer to a short question again.  Sorry... that's one of the many reasons I needed ScottyZ to help me with the DVD. 
  • a thousand long emails with ScottyZ

    Ah, yes. Finally the long awaited sequel to "32 Short Films About Glenn Gould".
    Long answer to a short question again. Sorry... that's one of the many reasons I needed ScottyZ to help me with the DVD.

    Indeed. I was often able to turn your long answers into very long answers.

  • Indeed. I was often able to turn your long answers into very long answers.

    Geez.... now that you mention it, that's not too far off the mark.
  • all_aces wrote:
    Indeed. I was often able to turn your long answers into very long answers.

    Geez.... now that you mention it, that's not too far off the mark.

    Would you mind expanding on that thought?

  • Killed to birds with one CC, bought your DVD Devin...and the Fitness for Mom' the mom's looked hot and I need to add to my stagnant P*rn collection.


    p.s. was that your picture on the front of the Learn To Guitar DVD playing the Juicy Fruit song?
  • Anybody in KW got this DVD yet? I'd like to take a look at it. Thanks.
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