Name the beaver



  • Beefer.


    B for Beaver, silly.
  • :s: :d: :c: :h:

    T.A. Beaver = Tight Aggressive Beaver (from Canada - where all poker players like their beaver tight and aggressive!) :D:D
  • KRT with a strong post!!

    Dave, maybe you want to pull a couple of suggestions and poll it or game on.
  • TA Beaver. that is sweet.

    I was going to say Canuckle cause its canadian and bad sounding, but how can you top TA Beaver - that rocks !
  • KRT wrote:
    :s: :d: :c: :h:

    T.A. Beaver = Tight Aggressive Beaver (from Canada - where all poker players like their beaver tight and aggressive!) :D:D
    Easy winner right here!
  • You could always be crude... and call them

    "F#ck You" and "A$$hole"

  • We do seem to have an early favourite... TA Beaver.

    One of our running gags here is: "What's so funny? What are all you Americans laughing at? I don't get it. Is there some sort of double entendre that I don't understand? All I said is 'I have a hairy beaver'"

    To finish this with "His name is TA. He's a great mascot. All Canadians love a tight aggressive beaver" will probably finish them off.
  • T.A.

    I already vote for that one.

    Too funny.

    Fear the Beaver, Baby!
  • Hey Dave,

    Along the theme of FEAR THE BEAVER - I saw a t-shirt today that u might like - it is a brown t with 3 yellow beavers on it bearing their teeth and the words (again in yellow - sorry it won't match the kilt) "I am being chased by ANGRY BEAVERS". I laughed and thought of team canuck poker.

    If you are real interested in one, i could probably go back and pick one up for you.

    In terms of naming the beaver, TA is awesome. Can't go wrong. My 2 cents is how about "FEVER" ??
  • I like T.A. Beaver...nice.  How's about "ScharfACE" ... I'm told Scharf is pronounced 'skarf' as opposed to 'sharf'?  Hope I am not mistaken.
    "Say hallo to my l'il friend"
    "What's his name"
    "NO, ScharfACE - eat hot lead you bast...   fear the beaver baby, fear the beaver"
    <wish I could remember more applicable quotes>

    Hmmmm...perhaps melikebeer too much on Friday nights...

  • Say Hello to my little friend!

    But... it is, in my case, SHarf (others with same spelling say Skarf, but not my family).
  • Hmmm....

    With a Stars Wars theme how about Chewbarka. ©

    With a Leave it to Beaver theme, how about Cleaver.

    With a Vegas theme, how about Elvis?

    With a slight poker theme, how about Razor? (Raiser)

    With a sharp knife theme, how about Ginsu?

    With a cartoon theme, how about Beavis? hehe hehe hehe

    With an adult theme, how about "Shagginsum" Beaver?

    Nurse, more anesthetic please.........
  • Thanks for the clarification Dave...I had thought it was "Sharf", but a friend of mine says "Skarf" so I figured I was the one mistaken.  I'll have to try to take all his chips at poker tonight for that!

    Love reading your WSOP posts, excellent stuff...soooooo far beyond me, but such a great learning experience for us novices.  Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences there, and all the time you spend in the forum here.  Cheers :-)

    And best of that "powerful winning force surrounding you" Sunday!

    <aside - Chewbarka!  HAHAHAHAHAHA, that has to be up at or near the top of the list!>
  • Although a new beaver mascot applicant arrived in the mail today (on the right) this interloper is too big to be used on the table.

    Dave, just what would you consider too big for a card protector?? I have been shopping around also, but don't want to buy something I can't use. Are there any rules around such things, or is it up to your better judgement? I would assume something that covers your cards completely would be too big, but what about height restrictions?

  • Before I read the other posts, I was thinking of "Chewy" (not to be confused with Chewyee Der). I gotta admit T.A. is pretty good though.
  • I would go with Flat Call, myself/ :D
  • I like TA as well, and the other can be AT. :D
  • I like the TA also :D
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