Name the beaver

Although a new beaver mascot applicant arrived in the mail today (on the right) this interloper is too big to be used on the table. Thus, Bob and I will be using the matching beaver mascots on the left. So, it's time to "Name the Beaver."

What should the name of the Team Canuck Poker Beaver be? Post your suggestions here. At the end of July I will make short list and there will be a vote. Probably even a prize for the winner. Although, I don't have much more than a hat to offer.

On your mark. Get set. Name ... that ... beaver!



  • i'll go with Chucky :D

    or Bucky :D
  • i'll go with Chucky :D

    or Bucky  :D

    No disrespect to your suggestion, ConfusedONE, but I think people expect a toy beaver to have that sort of name :).  I prefer something that will catch people off guard...something Steve.
  • I submit "Wishpoosh", the Chinook monster beaver, from whom the Indian tribes were created.
  • I go with Woody the Beaver
  • Yeah, I like the Steve thing....

    "What's your beaver's name?"


    ???????? (with a confused look upon their face)Why Steve? ????????

    That's why! (as you giggle quietly in your head, because now not only do they fear the beaver, they don't understand him either!) And you walk away smirking, as they are left standing scratching their heads.
  • How about BOB.

    Knew someone who had a dog named BOB. She and Bob always went to the cottage. (sounds like a real person)
  • Harry

    you figure out how to spell it though
  • Toothy McBeaver

  • Since you got twins how about Harry and Sherry. Or how about Wally and the Beav. My final suggestion would be all_aces.
  • My top two choices, after thinking about it for about 3 straight minutes are:

    1) aDAM and stEVEN (yes, Dam and Even)


    2) Bob and Doug Mackenzie

  • Well I was thinking Putzy but Chugs suggestion is more to the point.
  • Loonie (canadian ring - our dollar) and the name matches the kilt.
  • Since he's gonna have a kilt, I've got to go with "Angus MacRipyerheartout". That should conjure up fear.

    Or, as a poker related item, you could call him "Buster"

    I like Chug's suggestion. If you want to take it a step lower, how about "Stinky"?
  • One has to be called Harry, beat me too it!!!!
  • Dead Money wrote:
    I go with Woody the Beaver

    If you are going to go with a wood theme, how about Chip!
  • "Cleaver"
  • "Bitey"

    for the simple fact, when they ask, just say "I call the big one bitey"
  • I like Wayne and Mario
  • How bout "Pockets"
  • or "Nickel"
  • Bucky and Lucky
  • or...

    Mr. Leahy
  • Chompers Lord of the Ring Tables


    Mr. Chicklets
  • Taking a page from South Park...

    "Beavery the Beaver"

    or, other suggestions...

    "Dr. Baloney" (Sung loudly at any table -> 'My Baloney has a first name, it's B-E-V-E-R! My Baloney has a second name it's B-E-V-E-R!! repeat until all players are on tilt)
    "Cthulhu" ('but, he's a tiny beaver, not a monstrous demon??!' 'Don't tell him that!')
    "Pussy the Beaver" ('You call your beaver, Pussy?' 'Who doesn't!!?')
  • Leavett, as in Leavett to Beaver
  • Johnny as in "Hoorray for Johnny Canuck"..keeps with the Canuck theme..

    "Canadians, while not noted for undue displays of patriotism, have nevertheless had national heros and superheroes. One such character, Johnny Canuck, personified Canada in early political cartoons. He first appeared in 1869 as a younger cousin of the United States' Uncle Sam and Britain's John Bull. Depicted as a wholesome, if simpleminded, fellow in the garb of a habitant, farmer, logger, rancher or soldier, he often resisted the bullying of John Bull or Uncle Sam. For thirty years, he was a staple of editorial cartoonists, then, in the early twentieth century, faded from view.

    Johnny Canuck re-emerged during World War II in the February 1942 issue of Bell's Dime Comics No.1. Cartoonist Leo Bachle created the character as a teenager, apparently on a challenge from a Bell executive"

  • sloth wrote:
    Johnny as in "Hoorray for Johnny Canuck"..keeps with the Canuck theme..

    I agree, I like this one.
  • "equality" and "respect" - the two values that Canadians seem to live by more than other countries in the world.

    I wish ya all good cards, eh!
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