Dave Scharf's WSOP updates



  • ScottyZ wrote:
    I also had no problem seeing Dave's interview on gutshot.com. Both the dial-up and broadband versions worked for me.

    A great interview, and it's worth having another go at it if you didn't manage to get it working before.


    The video works fine for me today - don't know what was with that. I thought it was really good.
  • Hey Dave, if you read this.

    As a up and coming poker player, I watched your video interview twice. EVERY SINGLE NEW PLAYER and most of the established players should see it. Put the books down, forget watching the re runs on TV where you learn less than just playing, and really take in your interview. The amount of inforamtion in that 6-7 minutes was absolutley amazing. I've read your book, and I was almost claaping my hands at a few times in the video.

    Is it because (sorry to the others here) we are from SK, Saskatoon, or mostly Canada ( but I have run into a lot less good guys elsewhere) that players just don't get it? That it's a card game? Its also a people game. Watch TV, but develop your own sense of style, not what you think it should be. It is not an extreme sport. You don't need to be whooping and hollering, degrading your oponents at the table or just being rude.

    I feel like typing for awhile here, but I hope that people get the point. I had the pleasure of playing against you Dave once in Saskatoon, but I am curently building up my bankroll so that I may play the higher stakes. I have a good job ( self employed electrical contractor) but I have my rules as well. Other players should have them, and stick to them. There is nothing worse than seeing a guy that you know can't afford the table, lose on the table.

    If you haven't seen the video interview. WATCH IT. It's what and how this game is about and should be played.

    Thanks again Dave, the time and effort you put into the rest of us is above and beyond what anyone should expect from anyone
  • Hmmm I followed CO's link..


    from another thread and it's just sits buffering video.  I have lots and lots of bandwidth.  I'm 0/2 on 2 different days.  Guess I'll try again later unless there is another path to the video someone can post?

  • literation wrote:
    Hmmm I followed CO's link..


    from another thread and it's just sits buffering video. I have lots and lots of bandwidth. I'm 0/2 on 2 different days. Guess I'll try again later unless there is another path to the video someone can post?


    I couldn't get that link to work either, but if you go directly to gutshot.com and use the navigation, it works. Just go through the front door :)
  • Thanks beanie42 that worked.

    Lots of good information in the interview.  That clip seemed way longer than the cardplayer videos.  Looking forward to seeing some CPT players on the telly.  Hopefully they don't air the 'whoopwho' guys.
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