Dave Scharf's WSOP updates

Staring July 6 I will be posting updates at www.CanadianPoker.com and here in the Ask Dave Section.

I will post one major update a day here. I usually post a few smaller ones at CanadianPoker.

I play on July 7 Bob Jarrett plays on July 9. Of course, both Bob and I will be playing on July 15th...


  • Of course, both Bob and I will be playing on July 15th...
    You better be! :D
  • ........................REPRESENT......................
  • If you can keep an eye out for magi, that'd be wonderful too!!
  • Dave's looking mean there  :D Hopefully things are going well while you pick up all the dead money!


    ...From http://gutshot.com/wsop/wsop2005dev/LIVE/daily_report_1a.php
  • Well done.  I heard anytime you have a tie in the game it's a good game.  This time it's more about, you are so money.
  • Dave Scharf $35,000 - another money finish and more wsop diaries???

    Alright Dave!! Keep it up buddy!
  • Not to spoil the surprise, but for those who are wondering how Dave did on day one, I received this email:

    "A longer report will follow after breakfast...

    I have made it through to day 2. I will play again on Sunday. This means that I have beaten 3600 players (there will be 2000 left).

    I have 50,000 chips. Average will be 30,000 so we are in GREAT shape."

    Awesome, awesome news. Best of luck on Sunday, Dave.
  • How many hours does one day last?
  • i think it was until 660 people were left. So yesterday went from 11a.m. to around 1a.m.(?) the next day. I think it was something like that
  • zero wrote:
    How many hours does one day last?


    I couldn't resist. ;)

    IIRC, each blind level was 2 hours last year. However, Dave has already refered to starting blind level 7 on Day 1. I believe this may have been a typo, since, according to


    there are 5 blind levels scheduled for Day 1A.

    Also, from the same website, blind levels are 2 hours with a 15 minute break after each level. There was no mention of a larger (i.e. supper) break.

    So, if that website above is accurate, it works out to:

    10 hours of actual play
    1 hour of breaks
    ? for the amount of time for a supper break (if any) in excess of the 15 minutes
    ? for any delay at the start of the tourney

  • In the Live Updates they had mentioned that the Blind Levels for Day 1 had been decreased to 1h40m.

    I'm not sure if this will carry over to the rest of the tournament or not.

    (BTW, my secret lover, Evelyn Ng is playing today, so make sure to wish her luck!)
  • As Zithal just mentioned, for some reason the levels are 1 hour and 40 minutes long, instead of two hours.  Nobody is quite sure why, but that's the way they were playing yesterday.  They play until the end of level 7 if less than 650 players remain.  If there are more than 650 by level 7, they play until there are less than 650, as long as it takes.  This was the case yesterday... they played past level 7, without a break, until there were 650.  It took between 15 and 16 hours total for the day.  All of my info is from here: http://cardplayer.com/poker-tournaments/event.php?id=1264&screen=logs
  • 1hr 40 min then twenty minute break.

    We played 7 levels and 25 minutes of level 8 to finish with 650 players.

    Today and tomorrow they will play the same amount of time and finish with whatever they finish with.
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    zero wrote:
    How many hours does one day last?


    I couldn't resist. ;)


    I knew someone was gonna make that remark!
  • 1hr 40 min then twenty minute break.

    We played 7 levels and 25 minutes of level 8 to finish with 650 players.

    Today and tomorrow they will play the same amount of time and finish with whatever they finish with.

    Well, who are you going to believe? Somebody who was actually there playing in the tournament, or some nutjob who got his hands on a stale internet site that outlines the tourney rules?

    The choice, I think, is clear.

    Two hour levels, baby.

  • Hey Dave congratulations on your day yesterday. I was wondering if you can find out what day Jeff Campbell is playing and if he is playing today what his chip stack is.

    Thank you
  • Another request Dave... a guy I know.. Greg Debora... he is playing can you let me know what Flight he is in please...

  • Also, I'm hungry.  If you could please buy me one of those porkloin dinners we had and FedEx it to me when you get a second I'd appreciate it.  ;)
  • I don't have any way of checking when people play. Sorry.

    Pork dinner... maybe.
  • Thanks anyhow Dave... Show em the Canadian Power!! GO BEAVER GO!!!!!!!!

  • Best wishes Dave...I really enjoyed your report of Day 1 and how you think about the game...good luck.

    Bill Webber
  • ...Bob Jarrett plays on July 9.

    Go Bob!!!!

  • Looking good Dave!!!

    Do you know if Dana from Saskatoon has played yet??

    Debbie (Emerald Casino)
  • In case you guys didn't find out, I stumbled upon this info:

    According to CardPlayer

    Greg DeBora 75425
    Jeff Campbell 64125

    They both played in flight #2
  • Sorry Pete, wrong guy...check this out. We all wish that was the 'real' Jeff Campbell...

  • I remember Dave writing that he was interviewed for Gutshot.com

    Dave's is the only video that will not work for me....anyone else having that problem?

    or is it that we are all trying to watch it at the same time :D
  • It won't work for me either,too bad because the rest of their interviews are really good.
  • It worked fine for me about an hour ago.

    Try again people - this is a VERY good interview and is well worth seeing, even if you didn't know who Dave Scharf is.

    And it is decent length as well - not a 45 second jobbie, that is for sure. Didn't time it but it's gotta be at least 5 or 6 minutes.
  • I also had no problem seeing Dave's interview on gutshot.com. Both the dial-up and broadband versions worked for me.

    A great interview, and it's worth having another go at it if you didn't manage to get it working before.

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