Caribbean Sun Poker -> 'Roll Your Own' Freeroll, interested?



  • Hi,

    Your freeroll has been confirmed. You are all set to go.

    Saturday March 5th at 8:15pm EST.
    30 player minimum * - I can't remember, is that the minimum number of people we agreed upon?
    Name: PkCA_FR

    Just so you know, the entry fee for the tournament will be 100 Poker Points, which is how many you get just for registering the Caribbean Sun Poker software as a brand new player, this way if you wanted to have another tournament later on, you can do so, but it would only be available to players with at least 100 poker points in their account, so they would either have to be brand new, or would have had to have played for real money to earn more points again.

    I will have the registration begin 24 hours in advance of the start of the tournament.

    Looking forward to it.

    Best Regards,


    Aside from the fact that they never mentioned it requiring points, we're set to go! The other nice thing is that anyone that missed the original list should be able to get it, so if you havent PM'd me do it ;)

    Also interesting to note that we can have more of them in the future as long as signee's have 100 points (which you all should have had for whoring CS all those months..)
  • I was in but alas, I will be unable to play on March 5th. Was looking forward to it too.
  • I had said I would play in this, but on March 5th I will be at Redingtons.
  • Ionstorm wrote:
    I had said I would play in this, but on March 5th I will be at Redingtons.
    You should still be able to make the 8:15pm start time :wink: oh wait i'm not playing in it, you should be alright :tongue:

  • Can I get in? Do I have to get a Caribbean Sun Account? Sounds like fun.
  • Frack..... :mad:

    Signed up for Caribean Sun account and everything and my wife and I have tickets to go to some supper next Saturday so can't make it. Hope you get the 30 players needed.
  • Saturday March 5th at 8:15pm EST.
    Name: PkCA_FR
    Password: canada

    Registration is now open.
  • I think we had said 10 minimum, hopefully we make the 30.
    I signed up to help the #'s...but, hopefully i'm still in the fight at
    WPC tonight.

    Good luck.

  • <bump>

    we're lookin at a cool 5 people reg'd so far .. lets get movin here ppl!
  • I also reg to bump the numbers but im going to be at the training room tonight playing.
    Gl all who play
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