A project I've been thinking about, rake free waterloo

Hey guys. A year ago, when I was still living in London, I started thinking about a project. At the time I called it "rake free london" but now that I live in KW I guess it would be called Rake Free Waterloo :P

Basically it would be a non profit organization that promotes rake free micro limit poker in Waterloo. It would consist primarily of a website that could be used for organizing games in Waterloo. I certainly don't mean to take away from this website and I think that Canada's Poker Forum and Rakefree Waterloo could definitely co-exist / help eachother a ton. Basically it would be a structure to help promote / protect rake free poker in the Kitchener Waterloo area.

What's the difference between this website and just random home games? Well, for one it would be a way for people to find other home games. Yes there are a few similiar sites out there but most become pretty outdated fast and I haven't seen any that look to reliable, alot of them have listings from years ago or have games listed that no longer run. I would want to have a game atleast 4 days out of the week guarenteed before it even began to maintain interest.

So there would be a games calender listing whatever games / limits. Beyond that though there would be a complete list of game structures sanctioned by rake free waterloo as well as a complete list the rules (probably roberts rules or something like that) that hosts must have in their game. This would allow anyone to walk into any home game and feel comfortable knowing exactly what the game is going to be like, encouraging newer players to come out because all the games all over town would be the same.

I'm talking games from .01/.02 nl and .02/.04 limit up to $.25/.50 nl and $.5/$1 limit, nothing high stakes. The highest games I would ever want to see on the site are $1/$2 NL because anything higher than that and I think you might start attracting the wrong element. No one is going to cheat at or rob a game where there is $5-$100 in the pool.

I don't know anything about web design although I am trying to learn it. Does anyone have any feedback about this project? Let me know!


  • Illegal. NEXT!
  • If it is rake free, how is it illegal?
  • I think its a great idea and know many people would use it.
  • sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet - except .01/.02 is a complete waste of time and effort
  • Deleted due to old info...
  • compuease wrote: »
    What if you just created a post here and I sticky it for you? Seems simpler than creating a whole website. If it takes off I'm sure Graham would be ok with giving it a section by itself....

    isnt this like a 3 yr old thread resurrected?
  • BiiLLY wrote: »
    isnt this like a 3 yr old thread resurrected?

    You are absolutely right, I missed the fact that it had been resurrected. federosa, please take note of how old these threads are that you are posting to....
  • i am interested, especialy if you get some .5/1 games going... where do i sign up!
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