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Anyone use sharkscope?


it's like thepokerdb but for SnG's


  • :'(

    Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit Form Network Filter
    Dorez 51 -$1 $8 -4% -$76 Hot PokerStars x

    It must have kept records from a long time ago, because all I've been playing is cash games for the last year and half. I may have snuck in a few MTT's here and there.

    I just started playing SNG's again and have cashed about 5 of the last 10, now that I've found this site, it gives me something to shoot for...... TO GET BACK IN THE BLACK. :rage:

    thanks for the site specialK
  • Interesting site, on Stars I have an Avg. Profit of $1 - sahweeet! I think it's SnGs and normal tournaments.

    However, I don't think this is totally accurate. Punched in a friend (who I know has never played a +100 buyin) and it shows him having played multiple at that level. He has won his way into some on FPP statellites, but that doesn't register as profit, but the loss still counts against.

    Still it's an interesting resource and probably worth a free signup.
  • It only tracks SNG's, but it does track those 20-table SNGs from stars.
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