Bad Run in SnG'

I mainly play Turbo NL SNG on PokerStars, $6.50 ones. I had a good run the past few months so decided to move up to the $16.50 (which I've seen is the next step). The play is basically the same, but when it comes down to 4 or 5, it gets a bit tougher, sometimes. Since the beginning of Sept. I've been on a really bad run. I've seen so many 2,3,6-outers, runner runner it's unbelievable. My roommate has sat in and watched when I've played and he can't even believe my bad luck. I've lost $300 since begin of Sept. =(

Question is...since these are turbo SNG's...when the blinds get so high, when is the right time to become push-bot? or call-bot? Even if it's say 2:1, 3:1 or more for your money and you KNOW (i.e. 62 offsuit) you are it still right to push/call? Sometimes I feel even though I'm getting the odds on the call, it's a waste of money because I know I'm going to lose. Any insight would be much appreciated.

I play these turbo's just because the time efficiency of them. However I think I'm going to drop down to the $5.50 SNG's now. I have to build up that bankroll again.


  • I'm not a fan of Turbo SnGs. I know the play is faster, but I don't like how quickly it becomes a crap shoot. I prefe to play 2 $5 'regular' tables to keep my focus, rather then 1 Turbo.

    Try the $5.+.50, them move up to $10+1. You're not having any luck with Turbos anyway, so switch it up. Or maybe even try a new completely new site.

    Or, maybe it's time for a break from online. You played well at the Royal Cup last week, right? Then focus on home games/tournaments rather then online.

    Remember a wise man once said "Live poker is the shizznit."

  • ugh, turbos suck.. at these low limits, play regular SNG's, the regular structure will give you more time to pwn the newbs

    I recommend the 3 and 5 table $5 SNG's. tons of bad players in these - playing your M properly will give you a huge edge, plus u can get some nice payouts when you get $50 or $70 from a $5 investment.

    ..and this should go without saying, but play from around 6pm - 12pm for optimal fish factor
  • I have been on the opposite - a very good run of SNGs.

    I have really adopted the play for First only - once we are down to 5.

    I will get involved in only a very few pots early on if given good odds and being sure I can stack a guy if I hit a set, str8 or flush.

    I really take advantage of the tight players who min bet with big hands.

    As a rule I won’t even make attempts to steal blinds until they are 50-100.

    Once we are down to 5 - I nail the mid-size stacks, which generally play very tight as this point. I push small stacks all-in with any reasonable cards - figuring if they fold 3x and call once and I am live - I am good in the long run.

    I generally steer clear of the big stacks unless I have really good hands - or they are playing too tight.

    I know this sounds stupid - but I do on occasion watch Poker Night Live - I try to remember the analysis given and think of the comments they give regarding how people play.

    When I play I think about how this would be commented on if others were watching - I find it pushes me to make more aggressive raises and better folds.

    This week alone I have played 12 SNGs ($10+1) to date.

    7 - Firsts
    1 - Second
    1 - Third

    1 - 5th
    2 - below

    The biggest change I made was to play for First only once in the top 5. I used to play weaker at this time hoping to get 3rd then push for money - but I realized how much I am losing by doing this.

    A lot of this came from the Ryder Cup where part of the strategy around the table was to finish in top 5 positions for points - but not necessarily playing always for First - I realized that if everyone was doing this, which many were, the people who benefit are those who play for first.

    So many people on-line play to get ITM. You see this when the guy with hardly any chips folds his blinds just trying to sneak into 3rd. Take advantage of this and you get all the chips.

    I would say with 75% of my 1sts - I have 80% of the remaining chips when we are down to 3 players. This is because 2nd and 3rd have tightened up and just waited to get ITM - by the time they get there they are out of chips – and don’t really stand a chance.

    Near the end when the blinds increase aggression can build you back from a small stack in a couple rotations - so I dont play for 3rd but first.

    Again this has only been based on limited data - but I hope the trend conintues.

    **The other big mistake I see all the time is people betting poorly - if I dont know where I stand in the hand I am sure to bet an amount that will let me know - this amount varies by the player - but the end of the game you should have a good idea of what people will call and with what cards.
  • It sounds like you probably still have a small sample size in these SNG's. Theres a lot of variance in turbos, and I wouldn't make any assumptions about wheter or not you can beat them until you have at least 200 of them under your belt, and even then thats relatively small.
  • From what I keep track of I've played over 300, $6.50 Turbo SNG's. Sample size is still small, but big enough to see some trends.
    8% ROI which is down like 10% since the big slump and 42% in the money. 32, 50, 49...first, second, third places respectively. There's a leak I have to work on my heads-up, but sometimes it's just a luck-box when it comes to that point. #s are definitely not fantastic, but there's a profit. haahha.

    Do you find a lot of other players calling with any 2 cards, given that they have good odds? Though it's mathematically correct...would you call?


    Blinds: 300/600 - 900 in pot
    Amounts after blinds:
    (UTG) Player A: 5000
    (Button) Player B: 2000
    (SB) Player C: 800
    (BB) You: 1500

    A & B folds...C raises 800 all-in: 1700 in pot. You have J2o. Do you call the 800?

    It's probably my thinking that this is a waste of chips, but is it really worth it?
  • Example:

    Blinds: 300/600 - 900 in pot
    Amounts after blinds:
    (UTG) Player A: 5000
    (Button) Player B: 2000
    (SB) Player C: 800
    (BB) You: 1500

    A & B folds...C raises 800 all-in: 1700 in pot. You have J2o. Do you call the 800?

    It's probably my thinking that this is a waste of chips, but is it really worth it?

    First of all, it's 500 to call, not 800.

    So there's 1700 in the pot, and it's 500 to call. You're getting over 3.4:1. His range is any 2 cards, so yes you should call. Your at an M of < 2, so you shouldn't be passing up on any +EV situations.
  • It's 800 to call...I stated those were the chip stacks AFTER the blinds.

    Is it EV if you know you're behind though? That's the question. Does it matter if he has K4 or 74?
  • from the pot odds perspective, calling against k4 is marginally +EV and calling against 74 is ver +EV
  • bdiddy69 wrote:
    It sounds like you probably still have a small sample size in these SNG's. Theres a lot of variance in turbos, and I wouldn't make any assumptions about wheter or not you can beat them until you have at least 200 of them under your belt, and even then thats relatively small.

    That was just over a one week period - I have been playing SNGs online since 2003.
  • It's 800 to call...I stated those were the chip stacks AFTER the blinds.

    Yes, and the small blind puts in 300 to call the big, plus a raise of 500 to you. Hence it's 500 to call. This is an automatic call, regardless of your cards.
  • bad. Maybe that's my reason for a downswing..I'm seeing things. hahaha
  • TNORTH wrote:
    bdiddy69 wrote:
    It sounds like you probably still have a small sample size in these SNG's. Theres a lot of variance in turbos, and I wouldn't make any assumptions about wheter or not you can beat them until you have at least 200 of them under your belt, and even then thats relatively small.

    That was just over a one week period - I have been playing SNGs online since 2003.

    sorry, was talking to OP. should have said.
  • Some of the advice in this thread is absolutely laughable.

    The best tidbit is how someone says you need a sample size of "200" to see if you're profitable.

    Try 5,000 or more.

    The variance in turbo SNGs would astound you. I've had $10,000 swings (up and down) in the $225s on Stars.

    That said, turbos are more profitable per HOUR than regular SNGs if you learn how to pushbot properly (simply because you can get more of them in). I'd highly recommend searching the net for SNGPT (a program which helps with ICM calculations) and buying it, entering hands into it like crazy, and learning from it. Also, post specific hands in a forum somewhere to get help.

  • TimSum: the SB would have to be pushing only 10% of his hands for this to be a BREAKEVEN call $EV wise for you, so you obviously call.

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