This gives new meaning to Sit & Go


  • NOT...A...CHANCE...IN...HELL!
  • Sign me up.

  • g2 wrote:
    Sign me up.


    Please explain to me why anyone would want to JUMP from a perfectly good airplane?

    No, thank you...I'll trust the pilot.
  • g2 wrote:
    Sign me up.


    Me too!

    Also note that the Canadian rep was an Island boy!! WOOT WOOT!
  • He was? Well, still no excuse to bail out of a plane, heading towards the ground at an ever accerlerating speed and PRAYING that a piece of bedsheet is going to save your ass.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    He was? Well, still no excuse to bail out of a plane, heading towards the ground at an ever accerlerating speed and PRAYING that a piece of bedsheet is going to save your ass.

    lol....yeah, but it's a really big bedsheet!
  • What, you mean you guy's haven't been skydiving?

    Phhhttt.. nothing to it.... now believe it or not... bungee jumping is MUCH more nerve-wracking...

    Skydiving - just fall out door

    Bungee jumping - you have to force yourself to jump

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    lol....yeah, but it's a really big bedsheet! 

    It must have been mine!
  • Big E wrote:
    JohnnieH wrote:
    lol....yeah, but it's a really big bedsheet! 

    It must have been mine!

    Cause it was wet?
  • In Canada it is ILLEGAL to jump from an airplane without a parachute.
    It is also illegal to enter an airplane that is not on the ground.
  • Bigbearaaa wrote:
    In Canada it is ILLEGAL to jump from an airplane without a parachute.
    It is also illegal to enter an airplane that is not on the ground.

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