Season 3 Bash? Any ideas?

As Season 3 is coming to an end, I was thinking about having yet another season ending bash.

In the past, we have gotten together at a members house, eaten their food, drank all kinds of beer (some of which I still don't consider BEER, but who can account for taste?), and did some fun gambling, on everything from Rock/Paper/Scissors to AJ's ATM in the Shed Cash game.

It's all been fun.

Recently, though, Zithal posted a new fun structure for Chaos Poker!! Check it out here

With Zithal's permission of course, I was thinking maybe we can hold our own version of this for the Season Ending Bash. Before I launch into the legal matters and copyright infringement laws with the Master Zithal, I was hoping to get some indication on how everyone would feel about this kind of fun season ending game.

We only have a week off between seasons this time around, so the recommended date for the BASH would be Sept 23. Location and Time to be confirmed at a later date.



  • Get El to dig into that now huge bankroll and hire a limo to pick us all up and take us to Ruth's Chris for a huge bash.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Get El to dig into that now huge bankroll and hire a limo to pick us all up and take us to Ruth's Chris for a huge bash.

    That sounds like a great idea. Of course I'd be up for the KAOS poker too. I see nothing right now on September 23, but somethings says to me that day isn't good. But I'll figure that out later.
  • KAOS poker bash sounds fun.

    23rd is out for Chris and I....we have a wedding that day. That Friday could work though (the 22nd).

    No steakhouse limos...but we'd be happy to host.
  • Alright, we have a new date and place potentially...

    Friday Sept 22 at the Elliotts

    Who else is interested?
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Alright, we have a new date and place potentially...

    Friday Sept 22 at the Elliotts

    Who else is interested?

    I think I may be able to make it....but I'll have to check with the wife first.......
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Alright, we have a new date and place potentially...

    Friday Sept 22 at the Elliotts

    Who else is interested?

    I think I may be able to make it....but I'll have to check with the wife first.......

    I check with her, she says your busy cutting the lawn...... you pussy whipped or something? LOL
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Alright, we have a new date and place potentially...

    Friday Sept 22 at the Elliotts

    Who else is interested?

    I think I may be able to make it....but I'll have to check with the wife first.......

    At first, I thought Jeff posted this :D
  • Joe and I were really looking forward to the HASH Bash we thought we heard AJ talk about, but KAOS Bash is good for me too...I guess.

    I'll be coming, but Dan won't because he's lame and thinks that going on a trip to NYC is a better idea than hanging out with degenerate gamblers. Shows how much he knows...

    I do propose maybe that we actually play Polish Poker...because PP is the greatest single achievement that we as a league will ever conceive of.
  • There was ALOT of that at your table Thursday night. I guess we can make room for some Polish Poker as well, would be fun. Just bring more toonies.
  • Polish poker? What's a fine Irish kid like me know about Polish poker....... LOL. I don't recall AJ talking about the HASH bash, but I'd be in for that too.... LOL
  • HASH Bash?? I don't remember saying anything like that either. Mind you, the stuff I brought back from Newfoundland is very good stuff.

    Purity Corned Beef Hash! With eggs, fried newfie steak, and brown beans.

    Yummy! :D
  • Anybody got 10sided dice?? Apprently that's what is required for the Chaos Poker round.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Anybody got 10sided dice??  Apprently that's what is required for the Chaos Poker round.

    It sound like this is becoming a big nerd fest......"Roll your ten side dice to see how many chips you win, but don't forget you have the mystical Ace+4 for chips"
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Anybody got 10sided dice??  Apprently that's what is required for the Chaos Poker round.

    It sound like this is becoming a big nerd fest......"

    Wasn't that the whole idea??
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Anybody got 10sided dice??  Apprently that's what is required for the Chaos Poker round.

    It sound like this is becoming a big nerd fest......"Roll your ten side dice to see how many chips you win, but don't forget you have the mystical Ace+4 for chips"

    I"m just waiting to see who's first to admit they have a 10-sided dice.  And Chris your a close 2nd for Leagues biggest nerd for knowing what a 10-sided dice is most commonly used for.

    Will the biggest nerd please step up?

  • I"m just waiting to see who's first to admit they have a 10-sided dice.  And Chris your a close 2nd for Leagues biggest nerd for knowing what a 10-sided dice is most commonly used for.

    Will the biggest nerd please step up?

    Well I know I'm a big nerd that's a if only I can craft my pants of protection against suck outs+2 then it'll be all good.
  • Easy wrote:
    Joe and I were really looking forward to the HASH Bash we thought we heard AJ talk about, but KAOS Bash is good for me too...I guess.

    I'll be coming, but Dan won't because he's lame and thinks that going on a trip to NYC is a better idea than hanging out with degenerate gamblers. Shows how much he knows...

    I do propose maybe that we actually play Polish Poker...because PP is the greatest single achievement that we as a league will ever conceive of.

    Whoa... slow down there sweety... "we as a league"... I'm afraid not! How about ME. It's all about taking credit where credit is due. I can't take credit for a good season, so you can bet your ass I'm taking credit for this!
  • derksen wrote:
    Whoa... slow down there sweety... "we as a league"... I'm afraid not! How about ME. It's all about taking credit where credit is due. I can't take credit for a good season, so you can bet your ass I'm taking credit for this!

    Your taking credit for inventing Polish Poker? <sigh> Have you sunk that low D. :D
  • I"ll go out and buy 10 sided dice. I dont' have any and I aint' driving to robs to get them... Now if amanda admits to having 10 sided die then we all can just go home....... I think she's smoking the beef hash with me tho.
  • derksen wrote:
    Whoa... slow down there sweety... "we as a league"... I'm afraid not! How about ME. It's all about taking credit where credit is due. I can't take credit for a good season, so you can bet your ass I'm taking credit for this!

    Your taking credit for inventing Polish Poker?  <sigh>  Have you sunk that low D.  :D

    All I can take credit for this season!
  • Great Idea!!!!
    And I think that I will pencil Sept. 22 in my calendar for this... (will it be 8:00 pm as always)

    Now for the big one. I have no doubt that Derek is the "inventor" of Polish Hold-Em (or poker if you wish) and he should have rights to promotion and distribution of this poker variation. But I was the inspiration for it, I hope you all will recognize that... So lets give the credit where credit is due - Big Up Derek. And... LETS PLAY SOME POLISH HOLD-EM!!!!!!!! at the bash maybe...

    See you all the TOC,
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