According to my unofficial calculations, I’m both 2nd in money and 2nd in points. Ya, sucks to be me. You had to know I wouldn’t take this quietly. I hereby demand a one on one grudge match. Myself vs. the double title holder. Or the El train can save the trouble and relinquish the points title to the BUS.

Upon close scrutiny of the past season’s events. I’ve notice a couple things.
1) The bus was unable to grind it out every game for points (painting)
2) The El train never once had to go through the BUS for a victory. (There was this one time, at band camp, herself and AJ ganged up on me to put me down to 3rd. Every other game the El train skillfully avoid confrontations with the BUS)

Oh, I also unofficially crown Big<Whiny>Chris this season’s “UGLY COUSIN” (most points without a first place finish)

I’m the people’s champ! My fans demand I get on the plaque again this season.

Here’s what I propose:

The challenge:
Heads up, EL TRAIN vs. BUS. 1 hr before the TOC. Best 2 out of 3. Alternately pick, the time, place, and rules of your chosen, and the BUS will be there.

The stakes:
If the EL TRAIN wins, the BUS not put a bounty on her. Plus, the BUS will hand over all his TOC bonus chips.
If the BUS wins, the EL TRAIN will gracefully step down from points champ.

Naturally all the above will have to meet the approval of the league chairman.

I look forward to your response.


  • Naturally all the above will have to meet the approval of the league chairman.

    HEY!!! Don't get ME in the middle of this!!! All I do is report the results, and they CLEARLY show El as the dominator this season. Sounds to me like Jeff is just afraid of being El's 2nd place BITCH again this season :D

    Although I won't speak for Eleanor, and IF for some reason she has lost all of her sense of reasoning and logic and decides to accept your challenge, I will gladly host AND deal this mini event prior to the TOC next week.

    ONLY IF BOTH PARTIES AGREE!! And if agreement is reached, then the only rule I must enforce is this...

    All parties MUST live with the results for the duration of the TOC ONLY. Once the TOC is completed, we are TEAM MATES once again to conquer the Ryder Cup on Saturday.

    Otherwise, Jeff, BOUNTY UP!!
  • I'd like to Challenge Derek to a game of see which of us can get the worse cards.....the game will be played for $ that is the amount that both him and I can afford after our amazing season.
  • With the luck you both seem to have, you would both be dealt pocket aces preflop, and KKK would hit the board. :D

    Any more challenges to be issued?? Real or otherwise?

    I'm prepared to host any of them pre TOC time.
  • Hmmmm....let me think. What will I get out of this?

    More TOC chips?
    already got lots.

    No bounty?
    A win here only gurantees no bounty from guarantee that others won't bounty me.

    Defending my honour, title, pride, etc?
    5 time 1st place champ. My pride's fully intact.

    Methinks I'll pass. ;)
  • :'( Well I had to try

    I thought no bounty would be sweet enough deal for you. Oh well. I'm not going to put a bounty on you. I can't speak for my legends of followers who feel the peoples champ was robbed of his title. All I can say is, I wouldn't give up the twin crowns either.

    Good luck on the TOC, and I'm glad your on our side for the Ryders Cup.

    In other news: Can you believe that traiter Pkrfce9, he's going to play against us in the Cup. Now think long and hard where you may want to place your bounties. :D
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    I'd like to Challenge Derek to a game of see which of us can get the worse cards.....the game will be played for $ that is the amount that both him and I can afford after our amazing season.

    Humm, my money is on Derek, 'cause he sucks more. Plus chris has harnessed the power of the suckout.
  • :'( Well I had to try

    I thought no bounty would be sweet enough deal for you.  Oh well.  I'm not going to put a bounty on you. I can't speak for my legends of followers who feel the peoples champ was robbed of his title.  All I can say is, I wouldn't give up the twin crowns either.

    Good luck on the TOC, and I'm glad your on our side for the Ryders Cup.

    In other news:  Can you believe that traiter Pkrfce9, he's going to play against us in the Cup.  Now think long and hard where you may want to place your bounties. :D

    If you are going to make a misleading accusation, at least spell it correctly. Don't they give bus drivers spelling tests? Zero cred, man.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Don't they give bus drivers spelling tests? Zero cred, man.

    They just have to DRIVE to school, not ATTEND!!

    Typical engineering mistake...ends up costing thousands and thousands of dollars...but they never admit they made the mistake.

    Typical. :D
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    I'd like to Challenge Derek to a game of see which of us can get the worse cards.....the game will be played for $ that is the amount that both him and I can afford after our amazing season.

    Dude... you are so f***ed. I'd also like to propose a side bet with the rest of my bankroll (approx. value, $1.50) that you will go down in flames.... the only exception is that we must make flushes, straights and the wheel good hands (unlike your typical razz game) as I'm sure it will be the only time your suckout power will work against you and my shit cards will be golden shit!
  • derksen wrote:

    Dude... you are so f***ed. I'd also like to propose a side bet with the rest of my bankroll (approx. value, $1.50) that you will go down in flames.... the only exception is that we must make flushes, straights and the wheel good hands (unlike your typical razz game) as I'm sure it will be the only time your suckout power will work against you and my shit cards will be golden shit!

    After being sucked out over and over again I have found the secret of the suck out and have managed to reverse it, you too will soon learn this power.

    Use it wisely and during the proper time. Any comments AJ?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Any comments AJ?

    Find a highway
    Play on it
    DIE :rage:
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    :'( Well I had to try

    I thought no bounty would be sweet enough deal for you.  Oh well.  I'm not going to put a bounty on you. I can't speak for my legends of followers who feel the peoples champ was robbed of his title.  All I can say is, I wouldn't give up the twin crowns either.

    Good luck on the TOC, and I'm glad your on our side for the Ryders Cup.

    In other news:  Can you believe that traiter Pkrfce9, he's going to play against us in the Cup.  Now think long and hard where you may want to place your bounties. :D

    If you are going to make a misleading accusation, at least spell it correctly. Don't they give bus drivers spelling tests? Zero cred, man.

    Ok, I'll keep it simple in easy to spell words.  Who's side are you on?  You could have came as a Ching. Hill alternate.  I mean, before Chris and Derek bust out, we'll need someone to get drinks, and rub my back.  

    This is going to be a long day of poker, and I can't remember the last time I went 12hr ++ .  Oh .. wait a minute... Now I remember, and it ended badly.  Have you guys concidered mental fatigue, I don't think I'm going to do to well once we get into HU.
  • I don't think I'm going to do to well once we get into HU.

    Defeatist attitudes like that will get your ASS kicked!

    Most likely by your own TEAM!!! :rage:
  • 1. El would be foolish not to accept the challenge. Simple risk vs reward.

    2. I would be opposed to such a match. She already has a huge chip advantage starting the TOC. After she kicked BD ass, it would be insurmountable. She could fold her way to the money. Not cool

    She's already said no, so never mind.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    I don't think I'm going to do to well once we get into HU.

    Defeatist attitudes like that will get your ASS kicked!

    Most likely by your own TEAM!!! :rage:

    Scratch that... I mean are you tough enough? I've been training.
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