GUelph Sunday!!

Who's up for a BYO dinner pot luck poker tourney with a heads up action on the side after you go out for 5 bucks?!
what more should i say about that?!

Sign up NOW!!!

1. Mark
2. Haren
3. River MIke
4. Big Mike
5. Sandro
6. Miranda
7. Nadine


  • Beauty and the beast will be there
  • put me down as tent...... what game, stud!! or fixed.... more omaha?

  • so what are you playing again?????
    I might be there not really up for a heads up tourney!
  • I'm away up north Sat. thru Wed. so can't play Sunday. Looking forward to the Big Game next Sat. though!
  • What time is going to be go time?

  • We'll start around 4pm with the pot luck happening after first break..or maybe we'll do dinner after 6pm? i'm open to suggestions... People who are out will participate in the heads up, if they want to. The game played will be......NLHE with potential for a stud game after, again if there is interest...
    and again, i'm open to input regarding game played and format... what do you guys think?
  • *bump*
    ahem...i may have to cancell this game if there is not more interest! :)

    or at least change the start time to 7 instead of 4...who knows....
  • I will come if it is a bit later. I have rehearsal until 5pm in kitchener, so i can make it to your place by 630....Let me know what time you are starting and if it is later, i would love to come
  • count me in if its at 4pm

  • Okay..sorry Jay, i would love to have you there, but i think this game will start at 7pm tonight. I apologize for the late change of time, but i just woke up and i have a lot of stuff to do today! lol! :)
    Hopefully all can make it! :)
  • I/'ll be there Mark, see you tonight>\
  • So just so i know....

    time- 7pm

    Dinner- Nope eat at home

    Game- Stud or holdem

    buy in- 10 for stud or 10 plus 5 for nl

    Is this infor right?

  • quite it's stud or holdem will be a gametime descision based on what everyone wants who is playing....if it is stud there will be no bounty, regular holdem will have a bounty.

    See you all tonight at 7!

  • Who took it down?

  • Jen took it down in the first hand of heads up against me....i had pocket 10's..she flopped 2 pair.....and the turned a boat.. :(
    it was all good tho! :)
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