Since You Don't See Birds In Outer Space...

how high could a bird fly?

would it eventually get low on oxygen and pass out?
or would get a "beak-bleed"?


  • I don't know the answer for sure, not an expert.. I'm guessing, "It Depends" (sound like a poker question :) )... Depends on type of bird, for instance.

    I'd guess that at some point the oxygen level and air pressure would make it difficult for them to breathe and they would get fatigued more easily.

    Here's a link that sorta talks about it, along with some examples of specific heights and when/why the birds would go there...

  • and maybe at some point they run out of lift, like when aircraft can fly too high and stall. the air becomes less dense so i guess that would make sense
  • or maybe they would suffocate when they would reach 30, 000 feet...
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