Ching Hill RC2 Practise

Since this coming weekend is the last one before the RC2 game, I was thinking we should have another practise session this weekend.

I was thinking Saturday, say around 6 or 7 start time.

Who's in??


  • Saturday Night is no good for Eleanor and I
  • Max just informed me this weekend isn't good for him either.

    So either we plan something for next week (other than Thursday of course) or we go without another practise before the RC.

    What night works for the rest of you??
  • any night is ok with me (after 7pm), I'll just have to work around it
  • Monday and Tuesday are no good, Sunday night, Wednesday, Friday night are all ok.
  • This weekend is no good for me. I have about an hour prior to the RC if you need one. I believe we can go without a practice, if anyone has any questions or concerns to discuss them thursday. Also AJ you may want to see if there are any preferences as to who plays who (for those who know other teams members). Personally the tougher the table (Please give me STPboy in limit to play, if possible), the more I like it.
  • Not sure, but I think Brent is structuring the games before hand. I'll post him and make a request, what's the worst he can say??

    Okay, so is everyone agreed we don't need any more practice to kick ass on the 16th? I'm good with it, but if someone wants to get together for some fun, I'm good to go as well.

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