RC2 DrTyore Bounty, CASH MONEY woot!

I will be rewarding a $10 bounty in each discipline on Mark...$20 if he is knocked-out first in a tourney or beaten HU.

Come get the purples!!!

What's that?.....did someone say.....




  • Man... like anyone respects my raises as it is.

    Well, time to nut-peddle.... :) It's nice to be feared.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Man... like anyone respects my raises as it is.

      Well, time to nut-peddle.... :)  It's nice to be feared.

    Come join the Rocks Mark, nut peddling is an art to be feared.... Just keep cultivating the image and you will see how profitable it can be when used wisely. :D
  • Lol, I love it. Go get em' Mark! This should only compound the fact that he'll want to and WILL do some more chair dancing. Sweet, bring the valium.

  • I just hope he keeps his pants on while he's doing his chair dancing.

    Jeff, I don't want to play Mark heads up. I prefer my heads up matches to have $400 riding on them... not just $20 :D

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