Hello / toking?

First great site. Thanks to the people that keep it running and the people that contribute. I have only been playing for 8 months or so and just in the last couple of months have started to pay myself back for a costly poker education. I only play online (low stakes limit and NL sitngo) and home games (welcome any contact from Vancouverites). I have had no B&M experience and I am going to try River Rock soon. I just was wonder what people toke? Thanks for any help.


  • At the lowest limits the casino offers (generally 2/5?), a $1 chip will usually do for most pots. If it's an exceptionally large one, make it $2 or $3, depending on how generous a person you are and what kind of night you're having. If it's an exceptionally small one (ie: you raise preflop and win the blinds, or you win with a bet on the flop) then no toke at all is fine, and standard.

    I thought your post was about something else altogether. ;)

  • I thought your post was about something else altogether.

    So, I guess your initial thought for a response was "Hi there / yes." ;)

  • I generally give $1 from any small to mid sized pot. $2 or $3 if its a really large pot. I live about an hour outside of Vancouver, I usually play in poqo at the great canadian but I am going to head to river rock this weekend to play some no limit. Its a very very nice place.
  • So, I guess your initial thought for a response was "Hi there / yes." ;)
    Lol exactly.... "Hi there/when and where?"

  • Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Homer goes on medicinal marijuana, and Dr. Hibbert asks him whether he wants the skull or the wizard for his prescription bong. :)
  • At the Ontario $5-$10, I almost never toke. I'll toke a large-ish amount, sometimes a red chip, on rare occasions if a dealer does something extremely exceptional, such as enforcing a rule. ;)

    The reasons I don't toke much at all in Ontario casinos are:

    1. The $5-$10 rake is far to high already ($5 max).

    2. (more importantly) The individual dealers do not keep their own tokes. The tokes are in fact shared casino-wide, therefore good performance is (unfortunately) not rewarded by toking.

    In casinos where dealers do keep their own tokes (e.g. Vegas), I'll typically toke $0.50 per pot while playing low-limit (e.g. 3-6, 4-8). I might not tip on a very small pot, or make it the full $1 on a huge pot. I'll also generally toke more if I see a dealer do something specific, or handle some situation, with exceptional skill; and conversely will toke a little-skilled dealer less often.

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