sunday million

i qualified thru a sat for the sunday million on poker stars and was wondering from those who have played what to expect? is it wild early form all the $3 turbo qualifiers and then the play becomes very good? I qualified form a 72+5 sat, 1 in 3 get in, the play was super tiiiight which suited me very well for those that know me.any advice?


  • No advice, since I haven't played them, but what's your screen-name? I'll come railbird you for a bit later (although they won't let me chat).
  • kit carmaker
  • If i'm not doing anything tonight i'll come railbird. You should talk to PkrRooster, he made it quite far last time. I'm sure he'd have some graet advice.
  • Here what I did. From what I can remember


    Play tight. Wait for the big hands to get paid off on. There are enough loose players early that you should get paid off if you flop a monster. The play can be loose but not as loose as some of the satellites.


    Keep playing tight. If you have some extra chips start putting the blind steal in your game plan. See who reacts by calling.


    The bubble is a long way out from the final table so trying to steal lots of chips to get deep in the money doesn't seem to be on everyone's mind. Look out for all ins because they probably have the goods.


    Continuing with the tight play. If you have a big stack look for coin tosses against short stacks. If you have an aggressive player at your table look for the resteal all in. Use the last one wisely and only against your aggressive player.

    Final table

    Come to the final table as chip leader and throw it into maniac mode and bust out 5th. LOL If you get this far please get 4th or better. And if they start talking deal you don't have to say no. Not saying anything is just as good.

    Final piece of advice


    I had some pretty good suckouts to make it to the final table.

    A6 vs AK
    KT vs KK

    Those two suckouts I will always remember

  • chat will not work without buy-in for the game? so take it down like prk did or better.
  • sorry pkrooster not prk
  • 2 hours in and i have been on life support for 45min or more
    early alot of raising and i had no cards to play
    i need cards soon because russian roulette only lasts so long
  • Hey sorry for the bad luck you hit with the AK us his AQ
    better luck next time
  • i hate getting beat by AQ with AK, it has killed me a few times
    i was starting to like my chances to at least money if i could have doubled there
    i was starting to get some cards i just needed alittle money so i could play and not scare everyone away with all in bets
  • Harsh to hear, you seem to have made it pretty far in the Tourny though, gj.
  • Too little too late, but here's a VERY extensive list of hands in a tournament I played a while ago...
  • thanks all aces i enjoyed reading those hands, after reading those posts i don't think i played too badly, my last hand was tough because i had 4480 with blinds of 200/400 20 a and next hand they were going g to 300-600 with 30 ante. My stack was about too shrink and i can't fold here although i prefer the first in when small stacked. he had about 9000 and i had just doubled off him with QQ vs AQo recently. Should he have called my re-raise with AQ, we would have almost switched spots. I guess with my stack i could have a number of hands but probably at least a pair. I had only really shown down big hands, i was glad for the call when i saw his hand just unlucky
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