Deerfoot Casino Trip Report

We headed out to Calgary for the last week of summer to visit Nurse Holiday. Since this was a holiday there had to be some poker action at one of Calgary's many casinos. Thursday night we headed to Stampede to play the $3-6 LHE game, but found the place with only one table running and 2 people ahead of us on the list. We promptly headed to the the Deerfoot Casino in the south end of town. We phoned ahead and got placed on the list for the $4-8 with full kill game and I got seated within 10 minutes and Nurse within 25 minutes, also at my table. I bought in for $150. Let me tell you I have never experienced madness like this game before. In my 3 hour session I saw 3 pots over $300 and 2 more at around $270-280. (Unfortunately I wasn't able to drag any of the big ones.) At the table there were a number of MANIACS! The blind straddle was often executed, especially in kill pots, and there were fish biting everywhere. As an example, on a Q high board with both flush and straight possibilities one guy capped every round with second pair against 5 or 6 opponents and it held up. Another fish played 3-5o in midposition in a raised kill pot and rivered a fullhouse to drag a monster. I played fairly tight, hoping to catch some suited connectors or pocket pairs so I could crush someone when I hit a set or flush (7 or 8 to the flop was commonplace, often Nurse and I were the only ones folding). Nurse went through his buy in faster than I did and was kind enough to let me sit and play for another hour or so. Unfortunately the cards didn't really hit me and I ended up losing around $60. I folded almost everything until I hit pocket 9's and just called from UTG. 4 people to the flop which brought no 9, but two overs and flush draw possibilities. I prepared to muck but it got checked around. The turn brought a 9 which I checked, one guy bet, 1 caller, I raise and everyone folds. That was the only pot I won all night.

We were planning on playing the Friday night $50+6 NLHE tourney at Cash Casino, but with 4 kids thrown into the mix we were unable to get away in time to register. We decided to head back to the Deerfoot Casino and try to reverse our misfortunes from the night before. As we were driving we hoped to flop at least one set each for the night. We phoned and got on the $4-8 list again and we were seated right away at 2 different tables. I bought in for $160 and picked up AQs from midposition on my post. I checked and there were 8 players to the flop (great, same type as last night), however the flop brought 4s 5c 6c and there was action in front of me so I mucked. Next hand I look down and see what cowboys. I raise and get 5 callers. The flop brings Kd, 8d, 3d. It is checked to me so I bet and get 4 callers (oh shit). The turn brings a black 7. I bet and get 1 caller (ohhhhh shit). River brings a non diamond, but doesn't fill my boat. I check, buddy bets I call and he rolls over A-2 of diamonds. Well I got my wish to flop a set and look what it got me! I fold the next 2 hands and then pick up pocket 6's. I limp and 7 others see the flop. Flop brings a 6 but also straight draw possibilities. I bet and get 5 callers (oh shit). Turns brings a paint card (can't remember which one). I bet and get 4 callers (ohhhhhh shit) River brings a 7. I check buddy to my left bets, I call and he shows his straight. Well I got my wish to flop a set and look what it got me, again! I then folded every hand for the next 2.5 hours (I completed my small blind maybe 4 times) and folded my BB after every flop. I was COLD DECKED for sure! Nurse popped over to see how I was doing and he invited me over to the "Land of Milk and Honey" at table 8. I got my table change right away and sat beside Nurse. At least the company was improving if the cards weren't! I did actually begin to pick up a few cards and clawed back to a $40 loss for the night on a 6+ hour session. A few hands of note:
I have pocket 10s early, limp and get 6-7 callers. Flop comes 7,8,9 rainbow. Somebody bets, I raise and get 4-5 callers. Turn comes 2, checked to me I bet and get 3-4 callers. River brings the 6 which doesn't complete any flush. I bet and get 3 callers and take it down.
I have J6c in the BB 8 people in already and a button raise (this guy has been catching cards like crazy and has a big stack) so I call, as does everyone else. Flop brings low cards including 2 clubs, giving me backdoor straight draws and the club draw. I check call to the river along with 3-4 other people. the river brings the Ac completing my flush. It is checked around to the button who bets, I call and everyone else folds and my clubs are good (button had AA).
I have QJo from the BB and check 4-5 people see the flop, which comes Q high rainbow. I bet and get a couple of callers, including one really drunk guy (Nurse said this guy reminded him of Stifler from American Pie, I agree) who tells me he has 6-3 (which gave him bottom pair). Turn is another queen, I bet out and get another call from the drunk who says "You're not betting your fuckin' queen are you?". River is a blank. I bet he calls and indeed flips over 6-3.

Nurse had a killer night with many full houses and sets and ended up a winner on the night and over our two visits to the casino. Good on ya man!

If in the Wild West, I highly recommend you bring a big bankroll and your strongest fishing rod and visit the Deerfoot!

Young (damn, back to school on Tuesday) Grimmm
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