If Ching. Hill had a logo..

What would it be?

And if Ching. Hill had a slogan, what would that be?



  • " Chinguacousy Hill....where the Suck out is King"

    " Chinguacousy Hill....you're half-way there"
  • "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...The League that Eleanor BUSTED!"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...where CHUMP gets just as much attention as the CHAMP"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...if you can spell the name, you qualify to play"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...we cut Newbies some slack...ONCE!"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...where Q2o is POWERFUL and QQ gets mucked preflop"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...where the BUS and TRAIN collide"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...where aggressive play is completely ignored"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...The Poker Stars version of a Home League...you'll get rivered just as much"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...Where Vegas Virgins come while still under age" (Justin)

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...Where the TOC pot gets awarded to JHJ before the cards are even dealt"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...Where the only ODDS considered is who opened"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...Humbling Players for almost a year"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...Where Easy, Acid, Hoe, Bus, and Fish all have different meanings"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...where K8 NEVER fails"

    "CHINGUACOUSY HILL...Where Daniel Negraneau got his start" (yea, okay, maybe just a bit exaggerated)

    I'll think of some serious ones later maybe (but some of those above are VERY serious).

    You know, we have been throwing around the idea of a logo and maybe some marketing paraphenila, and I think Amanda said she can design something. I wouldn't mind getting unique with our own logo on it to show off abit, provided it doesn't cost alot.

  • Here’s what I got.

    “If your gonna come up the Hill, you better bring your A game”
    “K8 make money”
    “Ok, you’ve had your fun, now the big kids are going to play”
    “I have to call, I got outs”
    “How much you got left?”
    “Land of tall stacks” (Chinguacousy means Land of tall pines)
    “There’s no bad players, just bad beats”
    “If your so good, how come I got all your chips?”
    “Get the camera ready!”
    “You out already, ahh, that’s too bad”
    “Call me, and I’ll show you my nuts”

    I'd be down for matching T-shirts for the royal cup.  Even if we don't win, we can still look good while making an ass of ourselves.
  • I'd be down for matching T-shirts for the royal cup. Even if we don't win, we can still look good while making an ass of ourselves.

    Me too! It's kind of cheesy....but fun :D

    I like either:

    "Chinguacousy Hill....you're half-way there"
    "Chinguacousy Hill...Land of tall stacks”


    "Chinguacousy Hill....where luck meets skill, and luck kicks skill's ass"
  • ElElliott wrote:
    I'd be down for matching T-shirts for the royal cup. Even if we don't win, we can still look good while making an ass of ourselves.
    "Chinguacousy Hill....where luck meets skill, and luck kicks skill's ass"

    This one I kind of like
  • What the HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i am way wierded out big time here ...!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • So have we got a logo for the tee shirts or do I wear my Barrie HOMEGROWN capital of Canada shirt again?
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    So have we got a logo for the tee shirts or do I wear my Barrie HOMEGROWN capital of Canada shirt again?

    Not too sure. Let's bring it up tonight at the game...AFTER YOU CHUMP OUT!!! :D
  • Dude WHOAAAAAA me chump out? Who do you think I am El? Champ to chump in a week. Well I'm not champ so never mind. I don't chump. I"m bringing beer tonight AJ so LOOOK OUT>
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    I"m bringing beer tonight AJ so LOOOK OUT>

    You're my BESTEST buddie ever, Joe :'(
  • ROFL

    And will he be riding in the trunk again tongiht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope I am not at his table....
  • Just my way of saying thanx for a great season I have enjoyed it.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Just my way of saying thanx for a great season I have enjoyed it.

    My pleasure Joe. Had a blast with you on the league as well. Nobody seemed to piss us off nearly as well as you could :D

    Make sure the beer is cold, bud!
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