Max Wins his First League Game

Max finally gets his first win last night, taking $300 last night when he out kicked Dan.


Dan hits a J on the flop, but so did Max, who had the better 10 kicker. Dan takes down 2nd place for $180. Third place goes to Allen, who kept getting chips, only to see them get quickly dispersed. Seem to take a long time to get the three handed play active, as we got to the payout level quickly (around 10:30). I thought it would be a quick night, but the boys needed until midnight to finish it up. Great game you guys.

Jeff was bubble boy, and Igor was CHUMP. Don't worry Igor, I wasn't very far behind you at all.


And Eleanor, you might want to apologize to Easy...STARTING NOW!!! :D

I'll update the leader boards over the weekend and post the pics here later today (Friday). Next week is the FINAL regular game of Season 3, and the TOC will be held on Sept 14.

See everyone next week.


  • Good game, Max, if there was a "most improved" prize this year... I think I'd get it. :D

    As for you AJ, no more coaching, lending books, mags.

    btw, with only one game left, is there any mathematical possibilities, of... well... you know. Or is EL guaranteed the double?
  • Congrats to Max....let him know for us AJ.....I knew he was going to win last night, he was playing awesome.

    Now if only he knocked out Allen a little earlier everything would be perfect.
  • is there any mathematical possibilities, of... well... you know.  Or is EL guaranteed the double?

    With Eleanor's win last week, there was NO WAY ANYONE could catch her.

    I'm proud to say that Eleanor is our


    Congradulations, Eleanor. You also now must decide if you want to place a double bounty on yourself for the TOC.
  • Hey AJ - pass on our congratulations to Max! Now I feel even more confident about our Ching Hill Royal Cup team!

    As for the double bounty....hell no! I crumble under the pressure of bounties. You want to bounty me, you have to put up your own cashola! :D
  • I say double bounty .... hehehehehe ............
  • Bounty?????? I didn't realize there was a bounty, but then again I haven't fully read the rules yet. Congrats max I see you didn't waste my chips I gave you. AA vs 22...... I should have just gone f'n all in.
  • Bounties are not in the rules, but we leave it up to the season champion(s) to decide if they want to put a bounty on themselves for the TOC.

    Eleanor has put SEVERAL on herself already, so I don't blame her for deciding NOT to do it this time.

    However, there is NOTHING stopping any other player to put their OWN money up as a bounty on the season champs... :D

    Bust MY Aces, will you....HAHAHAHAHAHA
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