Hand Analysis

Hey Guys,

Played a few games over the weekend and this hand came up. The thing is after reviewing this hand I think I made a mistake.. can I get your comments on the play to this point and I will post the rest of the hand afterwards

PokerStars Game #6072234422: Tournament #30769426, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2006/08/27 - 15:44:35 (ET)
Table '30769426 1' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: megad0rkus (1485 in chips)
Seat 2: Spades 71 (3135 in chips)
Seat 5: silvergran (1320 in chips)
Seat 6: 1kelvinator (2375 in chips)
Seat 7: sheeby (1895 in chips)
Seat 8: BigMark88 (1315 in chips)
Seat 9: korn999 (1975 in chips)
1kelvinator: posts small blind 25
sheeby: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to korn999 [Jc Jh]
BigMark88: folds
Burnt Ernie is connected
korn999: raises 100 to 150
megad0rkus: folds
Spades 71: calls 150
silvergran: calls 150
1kelvinator: folds
sheeby: calls 100
*** FLOP *** [8c 4s 8d]
sheeby: checks
korn999: bets 200
Spades 71: calls 200
silvergran: folds
sheeby: folds
*** TURN *** [8c 4s 8d] [9s]

Thanks for any comments


  • Betting 200 into a pot of 625 is letting your opponents see another card for way too cheap. I would have bet more like 500 or 600 on the flop. Being out of position you want to take this pot down ASAP.

  • g2 is right.

    I would have also raised a bit more pre-flop. JJ is vulnerable and 150 isn't that much. But it comes down to the flop bet. 200 is way too small. I would have done at least a pot sized bet.
  • g2 is right.

    I would have also raised a bit more pre-flop. JJ is vulnerable and 150 isn't that much. But it comes down to the flop bet. 200 is way too small. I would have done at least a pot sized bet.

    I nominate this for POST OF THE YEAR!!!!!! :D

  • Well thanks guys this is exactly what I thought after reviewing the hand. I dont know what the hell I was thinking but at least I noticed a major error in reviewing the hand. I will second the nomination for POST OF THE YEAR!!! :D

    Here is the rest of the hand which is not as important as the first part of the post...

    korn999: bets 300
    Spades 71: raises 500 to 800
    korn999: raises 825 to 1625 and is all-in
    Spades 71: calls 825
    *** RIVER *** [8c 4s 8d 9s] [6s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    korn999: shows [Jc Jh] (two pair, Jacks and Eights)
    Spades 71: shows [Qs Ks] (a flush, King high)
    Spades 71 collected 4275 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 4275 | Rake 0
    Board [8c 4s 8d 9s 6s]
    Seat 1: megad0rkus folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 2: Spades 71 showed [Qs Ks] and won (4275) with a flush, King high
    Seat 5: silvergran (button) folded on the Flop
    Seat 6: 1kelvinator (small blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 7: sheeby (big blind) folded on the Flop
    Seat 8: BigMark88 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 9: korn999 showed [Jc Jh] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Eights

    thanks for all your help on the forum I am learing so much..maybe one day I will be posted a big win instead of the hands I played poorly :P
  • maybe one day I will be posted a big win instead of the hands I played poorly

    Wheres the one you played poorly? You got the guy to commit all his chips when he's behind.

    That sounds like a well played hands to me.
    Betting 200 into a pot of 625 is letting your opponents see another card for way too cheap. I would have bet more like 500 or 600 on the flop. Being out of position you want to take this pot down ASAP.

    Whats your play on the turn? If you overbet the flop you are giving up a lot in pot size control OOP. 200 is lowish but c'mon, it's not a massive mistake.
  • 200 not a massive mistake? Look at the hand that called on the flop, betting 500-600 on the flop get this hand to fold, you take it down right there, and save yourself from losing a big pot.
  • 200 not a massive mistake?

    Not betting is a massive mistake.

    Slightly underbetting is a mistake but I'd never consider it 'massive'..
    betting 500-600 on the flop get this hand to fold, you take it down right there, and save yourself from losing a big pot.

    How does betting the pot help you when he makes trips? Or plays back at you on the turn and you pot commit yourself? Everyone loves to just 'Win it right there', ensuing they win the minimums from the hands they are ahead of and lose the maximums to the hands they are behind.
  • raise preflop is fine, bet 400-500 on the flop, tho.
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