Guelph Tuesday! Ken, this one's for you!

Hey ya' guelph will be playing a game that is KEN'S CHOICE on tuesday starting at 7pm. for the royal cup team this is a manditory game. for anyone else, you are welcome to come and play as well!!

1. Mark
2. Sandro
3. Haren
4. Ken
5. Big Miike
6. Jen
7. Nat
8. Jay
9. Cowboy
10. Mir
11. Jim
12. Jen
13. Mark LewI
14. Cowboys buddy
15. Timmeh

holy carp


  • Sign me up please!!
  • Hi Mark,

    My friend Nat will come as well. She lives in Guelph and is looking to find some games. Can you please mark her down and send me your address and phone number?
  • count me in

    :kd :ks
  • Now that's service!

    Obviously you guys either:
    A) Really like me
    B) Think I'm easy money
    C) Both of the above (because I'm easy money) :D

    Oh well, a game is a game, I'M IN.

    Now the tricky part - promised to take the wife and kids out for Chinese Food
    (too lazy to do it on Saturday , not open on Monday, so Tuesday it is)
    They open at 4, so if I'm a bit late, blind me out!!! If I leave at 5 and drive 140, I should
    be there for level 2 :D

    And lets do something crazy and a little bit on NLHE :wav:
  • I'm in. I will suck as the normal. Hopefully nobody says "Okay Clock"
  • Dang, can't make it tomorrow. Please don't throw me off the team Coach!
  • please add Mir as well
  • Jen Does This Hand look Familar?

    Flop: K 9 9 6 9

    Your cards: K rag

    My Card 9 6

    ....let me know if you remember that hand...i'll tell you why in another post
  • huh?

    got beef?

  • i was thinking the same thing....
  • no, not beef....This was at brantford awhile ago. I sat next to this girl who looked familiar. She asked "are you from Cambridge, and I said no. Still not knowing who this girl was" I said why do you ask? and she said "cuz, you look like someone I know" She said, are you ali? I lied to her, cuz' I didn't know who she was. I said, "No, i'm arthur"

    Well, later on at the 2/5 table I got dealt 9 6 in the BB jen was dealt Kx I don't remember what her other card was. Action was folded to us after the flop

    K 9 9

    she bets, I call

    turn card is a 6

    she bets, I call

    river card is a 9

    she bets, I raise

    she calls.

    I show my "6" first, then she says I have you beat, I have the K....then I turn over the case 9

    she loses it on me!!!! I got a lecture about poker ettiquette from her. I appoligized to her, and felt really bad for what I did, showing the 6 first and not the case 9 for 4 of a kind.

    I went home that day, still trying to find out where I saw this girl. Finally, I remembered. It was at Sandro's place for a Team Position for the Ryder Cup.

    Jen, I still want to appoligize about that day, that was pretty rude of me to do....hope all is forgiven...and i'm not Arthur I am/was Ali
  • Hi Ali,
    Of course I remember that hand. It was rude what you did but I forgive you. I knew I knew you and had kicked your ass in the ryder cup. lol
    thanks for telling all that I flipped out. lmao
  • I have a another guy who wants to play tonight I think. Brian is his name.
    Let me know if it's okay
  • yeah, it should be alright, i think we're up to 2 tables as it is...
  • Hey, my meeting ended early so I can play. Is it too late for me to get in the game tonight??
  • nope, it's all good..come on over!
  • Excellent Tuesday game, 15!!! it was fun to have that many people out in guelph. Plus great organization Mark, smoothly run.

  • the orginization! :)

    It was indeed a great game last night, with a few new faces, a few faces we haven't seen in a while, and lot of regulars! We had 15 players to start with, and as soon as she moved from table 1 to table 2 Nat became a force to be reckoned with. After calling down (and winning) some hands with only Ace high, Nat was the chip lead going into top 4. Myself, Big Mike, Sandro and Nat were all looking for the win, but with nat holding most of the chips.......let's just say Mike got second, Sandro third and Me fourth.
    Lots of fun, and hopefully we can do it again soon!!
    Look out for Guelph Sunday!!!
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