Chump to Champ!


Stephen bubbled, Gus came in third, Allen second, and....yes, you heard me, Chump to Champ baby!

I took some friendly advice from Bus Driver.... "get pockets".

Chump this week was Chris R.

Just a quick next week is back at AJ's.


  • I see you are making it tough to catch you. But that won't matter after I take down the TOC. And busdriver, how the hell to you "get pockets" and worse get them to hold up especially kk.
  • That’s the last time I share my secrets with you El!  Seems like everybody is on to my new technique.  Took me years to develop that, and now Easy seems to have improved it.  I seen her summon up Aces.  Now I have to give up that technique and find a new one.  With everybody using the “get pockets” method it’s just too easy for someone like Gus to counter it with “get AK suited” and bust us out two at a time by flopping the nut flush.

    It’s like rock-paper-scissors, there’s no one dominant technique.  I can play “get pockets” but that can be beat by “get suited connectors” (aka Gus, aka well, I want to go home, so I might as well call).  Then “get suited connectors” can always be busted by “raise with Crap” (aka Justin, aka raise with 7,2)

    I think I've given away too many secrets already, but just as a reference guide. I thought I’d rank some of Ching. Hills best and worst starting hands. (These only apply to Ching. Hill league games, where the laws probability and statistics don’t apply)

    1. 4,3 suited
    2. 7,2 off
    3. J,10
    4. A,5
    5. A,7
    6. K,10
    7. K,8
    8. 9,9 (only against higher pocket pair, guaranteed to flop trips)
    9. Kx
    10.Any two (aka, play the board)
    100 AA
    101 AJ
    168 QQ
    169 JJ
  • I did summon those aces, its true...but all psychic abilities aside...

    I know a money making opportunity when I see one, and right now, I see the Ching Hill Clothing and Accessories for Poker Players.
    T-shirts, hats, mugs, lanyards, little flipbooks with charts, strategy guides including: Get Pockets, Advanced Get Pockets, and Get Pockets for Dummies.

    Gimme a few days and I'll post design prototypes....
  • Okay, I'm BACK!!!

    Eleanor, you are going down!! Can't rely on the rest of the league members to take you out, so I have to do it myself!!! :D (Great game, El, I'm sure you played with a vengance after your chump out).

    Jeff, you know better than to discuss secret strategies in the open. We love to steal with PRIDE! :
  • That’s the last time I share my secrets with you El!  Seems like everybody is on to my new technique.  Took me years to develop that, and now Easy seems to have improved it.  I seen her summon up Aces.  Now I have to give up that technique and find a new one.  With everybody using the “get pockets” method it’s just too easy for someone like Gus to counter it with “get AK suited” and bust us out two at a time by flopping the nut flush.

    It’s like rock-paper-scissors, there’s no one dominant technique.  I can play “get pockets” but that can be beat by “get suited connectors” (aka Gus, aka well, I want to go home, so I might as well call).  Then “get suited connectors” can always be busted by “raise with Crap” (aka Justin, aka raise with 7,2)

    I think I've given away too many secrets already, but just as a reference guide. I thought I’d rank some of Ching. Hills best and worst starting hands. (These only apply to Ching. Hill league games, where the laws probability and statistics don’t apply)

    1.  4,3 suited
    2.  7,2 off
    3.  J,10
    4.  A,5
    5.  A,7
    6.  K,10
    7.  K,8
    8.  9,9 (only against higher pocket pair, guaranteed to flop trips)
    9.  Kx
    10.Any two (aka, play the board)
    100 AA
    101 AJ
    168 QQ
    169 JJ

    AHEM.... Uh, I believe Q2 should be up there round the top 5 or so!
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