Guelph Sunday!

Alright ya'll!
Sunday at 7pm..who's in? I hope we can have at least 8 people out!!

I'm not going to be all crazy and chipper in this one....i went out in rockwood with someone calling my preflop all in with 10 /7 os...i had a pocket pair that couldn't beat a 10. He hits his 10. SHOCKING.

Sunday. 7pm. Be there. or be (man i wish i could draw a square...) []

that's more of a rectangle....

1. Mark
2. Haren
3. Cowboy Mike
4. Big Mike
5. T-Bone Mike
6. Sandro
7. Mir
8. Paul
9. Jay
10. Timmeh (tent)


  • Not sure if i can make it or not. Depends on how the baseball team does that day.

    Yeah Rockwood SUCKS My hand :kh :jh

    FLOP :7h :kc :3h
    Buddy moves all in
    I call
    He shows :ad :7d
    Turn :qc
    River (yep) :ac

  • Sign me up scotty

    Wiseman say forgiveness is divine but he who play at the rock bound to lose
  • I'm down.


    Plus it is fun to listen to all the crazy all in's, quite amusing. I think it would be fun to hand them a piece of paper and ask them to write down what the hell they were thinking.
  • Love to play, not sure if I can yet. Put me down as tentative and I will confirm as soon as I can. Oh, and after hearing all these horrific Rockwood bad beats I don't think I can ever play there - head might explode.
  • Me
    Mike aka tbone
    and possibly Paul
    and maybe even Dave
  • Oh for the love of bejesus another Mike!
  • the bad beats really aren't that last night, i was online and playing a MTT, i was chip lead (yes! i know!) with 13500 in chips..this dude with 8000 was playing into me, and i had him labeled a donk b/c he pushed with a flush on board with a straight..i had the flush, called him and he rebought. So anyways...he raises preflop, not too much so i call. I have AJ, flop comes A J 3. he pushes all in. i giggle and call. He flips over pocket 5's. Turn is a brick...river is a 5.

    rockwood has nothing like that on thursdays....... :)
  • oh yeah, slide my chair between a few mikes and deal those cards.

  • Crap, what happend to Guelph TUESDAYS! I was gonna be in the area Tuesday!!!!!!!!

    Whas up wit SUNDAYS? Don't you know that's reserved for church???

  • i'm often resorting to preying on sunday these days! :)
    maybe we'll do a tuesday game if there is interest?!
  • What are we playing? NL, Limit, Omaha, or Sandros (stud)

  • hey Mark Take my name off the list I have prior commitments
  • River Mike, why do you have to be Gay like that. Play in the tourney and lose some money.

    P.S. Cowboys SUCK.

    P.S.S. Just kidding
  • Well now I'm not coming just for spite.
    Just Kidding
    SOmething did come up though so I am a no go
  • What are we playing????

  • PAul is not coming. mke is
  • hey, it's Mir. I am out for tonight as well. Sandro and Mike are still coming.
  • Timmehhh will be there.
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