Camera Phone Help for all those smarter than me

Ok, I can figure out how to take a pic...when I try to email it to my hotmail it says sent but it never arrives. I can send it to another cell, but I did not receive back from that cell when resent. do I send to an email address/or what am I missing to do so? Rogers service, new Nokia phone.

Also, is there a cable to connect directly to my PC to download pics I take?



  • I'd call Rogers support about the emailing of pics. I do know you can pick up USB cables for pretty much any phone which will allow you to transfer to and from your computer. Depending on the phone they can be a bitch to find and will likely run you around $60. We use some Motorola phones here at work and the service guys sometimes grab shots on site and then I transfer the pics to off the phone, the software is flaky as hell but it does the job. Most cables are specific to the phone to so they have you by the short and curlies!
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