Flop Nut Str8 - 3 handed

Long time lurker, first time poster.

130 left out of 800, pay 120 (not really a consideration)
Blinds 150/300 50 ante
Average Stack 13,000

Two limpers, and I check.

BB 12,000   :5s :7s  Me  [Playing tight]
MP 11,000  [A relatively loose player I have seen chasing hands]
Button 13,000 [Fairly tight, but he has only been at the table for a couple of orbits]

Pot: 1,350
Flop:   :3h :6h :4s

I am somewhat of a beginner in poker.  My first thought was to try to control pot odds, but how do you accomplish that in a 3-handed pot?

I bet out 2,100.  Is this too much?  I didn't want to check to give flush draws a free card.
MP calls [I figure he is on a flush draw]
Button calls [this confused me.....but my best guess was that he was on a flush draw as well.  But he could have been on an over pair, two pair, or even a set.  I probably would have re-raised in that situation, but those hands were also in my mind]

Pot:  7,650

Turn:   :6d

Here is my real dilemma.  I don't think that I can check and give flush draw a free card.  How much to bet?  Am I already drawing dead?

I push all-in.
MP calls with  :kh :7h
Button thinks and calls with  :4s :4c

River is a meaningless heart, but shows that I go from the nuts to the worst hand...lol!

I would be interested in hearing how you all would have played this hand.

Specifically, do you worry about pot odds when there are more than two in the pot?
How do you interpret Buttons flat call on the flop?
Is it possible for me to get away from this hand?



  • First off, you're gonna want to switch the site you play on... apparently there are multiple :4s in the deck at your current site ;)

    Based on your read on the MP limper he probably doesn't even know what pot odds are... so there is no point pricing him out of the pot. All that will achieve is building a huge pot that you will have trouble getting away from.

    Instead of overbetting the pot you could have bet the pot, or 2/3 the pot. This would have kept it smaller and if the flush hit on the turn you might have been able to get away from the hand.

    As you played it, the turn push is definitely a bad idea. The only hands that call you are now beating you (other than the flush draw donk).

    I think the best way to play the hand would have been to check/raise on the flop, probably all-in because any significant reraise will pot commit you. The result probably would have been the same, but at least you would have gotten all your money in with the best hand.

    I think the only way to get away from this hand would have been if you slowplayed it on the flop (check/called), and then the board paired on the turn if there is an all-in and a call before the action gets back to you, then maybe you can get away from it.

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