Where would you want to be stationed?

Plaese give reasons for your answer. I've been thinking about this since the inception of each show, man that would be coool! I'm a toss up between being on Voyager with 7 of 9 or chillin at Quarks on DS9 with my laides Kira Narisse and Jadzia/Ezrie Dax. Of course, Deanna Troy and Beverly Crusher were pretty hot in their days... :D

Yes, this post wins geek post of the year award.



  • This post is not up for Geek post of the year, but in the long run Geek post of the decade, and century and so on.....


    although it did supply me with a good laugh as I pictured someone making a pro and con list of which they would like to be stationed on...
  • This post is not up for Geek post of the year, but in the long run Geek post of the decade, and century and so on.....


    although it did supply me with a good laugh as I pictured someone making a pro and con list of which they would like to be stationed on...
    Just wait 5 minutes and I'm sure DrTyore will share his.

  • And the winner is.......


    wow, this may be the all time nerdiest question anyone has ever posed me! :D:D:D
  • shannon, i love the question.

    I'm a big fan of the Star Trek shows and movies.

    anyways, i picked The Nex Generation. the coolest ship, some great lookin ladies (ashley Judd was in my favourite eppisode. where the whole crew got addicted to that video game that plays in your brain), and they played poker on that ship too. so no contest, The Next Generation!

    my second pick woudl have to be Enterprise. Tpal is so damn sexy, and if you take a good look, so is Hoshi, that asin translator!

    i woudl love to be on voyager, but they were too far form home remember? all the other ships went hoem to earth, and i like the convenience of going home.

    ok, i may have just outed myself as a closet geek here, but i think i'm ok with that for now.

  • i woudl love to be on voyager, but they were too far form home remember? all the other

    What happens in the Delta Quadrant, stays in the Delta Quadrant.

    Ok, TNG for me. It's all about sexy Guinan.


  • 7of9 is damn hot, and will try new things to become "human" again.... :D:D:D
  • 7of9 is damn hot, and will try new things to become "human" again.... :D:D:D

    I too vote for Voyager because of "36 of D", I mean, Seven of 9.
    (melikebeer, mealsolikeboobies)
  • ...and will try new things to become "human" again.... :D:D:D

    Best argument yet...Voyager it is!

  • Why would people explore space if the races you meet don't wear miniskirts?

    Funding for space exploration is directly proportional to height of alien women's skirts...

    During the 60's funding for space and depiction of alien skirt height reached it's zenith....
  • During the 60's funding for space and depiction of alien skirt height reached it's zenith....

  • As long as there is a holo-suite I am there. Imagine the possibilities. Screw being on Voyager when you could have Seven of Nine as day of the week, in a the holo-suite.
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