$25 Challenge!

Thought this may be fun.. Give it a try some night when your bored...

Going to start you with a 25$ Bankroll.. If you can afford to start at a higher level go ahead..

Level 1:
I want you to take 5$ and go sit a Loose $0.10/$0.25 NL...
At this limit Your restricted to playing these and only these hands....
If you drop below 4$ reload to 5$
AQ/AK, JJ - AA If you get any of these push all in!!!!
Any Pair and Any Suited 1Gapper 4-6 or Higher and any Axs.. ONLY LIMP with these...
Once you get to 10$ or higher sit out your moving up a limit....

Level 2:
Find a loose $0.25/$0.50 NL table.
Play the exact same way you did at Level 1
If you drop to 5$ or less go back to Level 1 and sit with 5$ again...
Once you reach $20 or higher move to level 3.

Level 3
Sit with 20$
Stealing becomes part of your game....
If folded to the button or the SB in your SB Push ANY 2 cards!
If Button makes a steal raise in your SB Push any 2 Cards!!
If more then 3 limp on your BB Push any hand with at least 1 Paint!
Play all hands from level 1 the same as before..
If you hit 10$ Drop to level 2
Once you hit $40 or Higher sit out....
Repeat Levels 1-3 ......
so with 25$ you got 5 tries to get to $40 once there you got 8 more Tries to repeat...
If you can do this twice in a row move to level 4

Level 4
1/2 NL
Here I'd like you to sit with 40$
Play the exact same way as Level 3
If you hit 80$ + Repeat Level 4
If you make 120$ + skip to level 5
If you drop 40$ play a level 3 again

Level 5
2/4 NL
Sit with 80$
Play same as Before..
If you drop to 40$ drop to level 4
Once you hit $160 -200$ repeat level 5..
If you repeat it next try take the $160-$200 and move up to level 6..

Level 6
3/6 NL
sit with your winnings from repeating Level 5 the $160-$200...
Play same as before....
If you double up Leave table and start a new level 6 table..
If you drop to 80$ go back to Level 5 and do it
One Time...



  • Isn't this the strategy Fells Knigh posted in his blog.

    I can't remember the name he gave it, but it was catchy.
  • Rampaging.

    Its discussed in countless threads on the board...most met with moderate to little success.
  • yeah I altered it somewhat though...
  • sound skind of risky, starting with, say 25 dollars (especially for smaller BR players such as myself) and later that night, pushing for 200 with any 2 in the right position?

    I might try this, but I'd probably stop oce i turned 5 into 100, and then start over, see if I can build a BR like that.

    and if not, it's only an hours pay, so it's all gravy.
  • gokorda

    I took some risks out of it... You only risk 5$ at a time and if you hit level 3 or 40$+ you repeat the first 3 again... This way you have a safety net..

    You can repeat any or all levels if you wish too..

    This is just a basic guide.. You may not wanna push as much later.. feel free to play to your comfort level.
  • Someone test it out and see if it works.

    Also someone should play a 5$ SNG and fold every hand but the premiums where you push all in. Then play a few more hands when you get down to 4-5 people, but still very tight. (has to be a turbo sng) See if this will let you finish in the money.
  • Someone test it out and see if it works.

    Also someone should play a 5$ SNG and fold every hand but the premiums where you push all in. Then play a few more hands when you get down to 4-5 people, but still very tight. (has to be a turbo sng) See if this will let you finish in the money.

    why not try it yourself?
  • so far, so bad.

    20 minutes in, was up to just under $7, from $5. when i had J8o in the BB. limped, flop 79T rainbow. there was a train of limpers, so I made a min bet, got raised to .50, raised to 2, got called. turn: 5 bet 2, got called. river, 5, bet my last 2.50something, got called, he shows 99 for a runner-runner full house.

    I did manage to make it up to 20, and found KK with 17.50 left. all in against QQ, with an extra 7 in the pot from an original raiser, JKT rainbow on the flop, brick on the turn, 9 on the river and I'm down again.

    I'd rather just play at my limit for now, though if you can avoid bad beats numerous times in a row, this could work.

    I do think though, that with the stealing in level 3, you are going to run into a real hand on a push, as people will start calling you with a lot of different hands when they pick up on what you're doing.
  • My Results:

    LEVEL 1: Highest I got to was 8.36 cents then I picked up AA pushed all in AK calls me he ends up getting Quad Kings
    That took me back to 1.20 I pushed with TT I get called by 89 flop QJT my hand doesnt improve.
  • Someone test it out and see if it works.

    Also someone should play a 5$ SNG and fold every hand but the premiums where you push all in. Then play a few more hands when you get down to 4-5 people, but still very tight. (has to be a turbo sng) See if this will let you finish in the money.
    For your SNG Stategy, I say it won't work. Early on, you need to get paid off as much as possible to live through the quick increase in structure.

    If you're still playing very tight at the 4-5 level, you're missing out on push/fold situations and essentially blinding yourself off.

    10c/25c $5 roll
    I also tried it, I got bored of playing. Sat for like 30 minutes @ 6max table, so card dead, or chopping pots with same hands. no PP, no suited connector, should have multitabled it. It took me an hour, and I wasn't really rampaging as no AQ/AK or big PP. Just limping eith the hands and making hands, out of BB as well.

    25c/50c, $10 roll EXACTLY
    Don't have to wait long, within 2 orbits I pick up AA. Raise of $3 in front, I push 8.75 called by 2 spots. I triple up to $24.95

    50c/$1 $20 roll (as stated), so if I busto, I will be -$0.05
    -I took out the If folded to the button or the SB in your SB Push ANY 2 cards! Because it seemed ridiculous, risking 20+ Big Blinds to pick up 1.5 Big Blinds
    I looked for the table with the highest pot avg. What I found wasn;t a loose game, but a very agressive game with big pots. So far its been limp folding to raises pf. $100 max, stacks are (100 x2, 200 x2, 300), so this shows they aren;'t pushovers. Standard raises are $5 preflop.

    3 limpers, I push JJ on SB back to 20.50
    UTG, open push 20x with AQ, $22
    I make a bad call down, $12
    AK loses to 44

    The End.
  • Also someone should play a 5$ SNG and fold every hand but the premiums where you push all in.

    I actually tried this once (maybe a year and a half ago) in a $5+.50 on Stars. Table was too tight, it didn't work.

    My plan was to push AA/KK and fold everything else (I folded QQ around hand 20).

    Around hand 40 there was a button raise on my blind and I pushed with AA and got called by QQ and doubled. Even with the double through the blinds eventually became too oppressive. If you had an action table folding into the money might work, but I don't think you're typically going to find a table that good. Eventually I abandoned the plan realizing it wouldn't work and started auto pushing once my stack dipped below 1K with blinds of 100-200. Ironically my rocklike image allowed me to steal blinds on like 5-6 consecutive hands and I more than doubled my stack through push stealing. Eventually I think I bubbled in 4th...
  • OK here's how my lack of rampage went. First hand I sit down I get AQ s in the BB everyone limps to me who pushes, I get called by UTG with K4 s and he hits trips with the 4's. Reload. I then limp about 4 times before getting KK under the gun, push. the BB who has me outchipped by about 6x calls with 33 flops a 3 I'm done again, reload. About 12 hands later I get AA in mp and push after 2 limpers, get called 4 ways (and I've only pushed with good hands) and 10 J suited hits his straight to my set of A's. At this point I decide I had enough and quit.
    All total I played about 40 minutes 3 hands all in and $15 poorer. I know I want these guys to make those bad calls, but this is going to be harder than it looks if you truely sit at a loose loose table.
  • I'm doing this now. KK got me to level 2. Woooo I'm up 6 bucks and bored. I just want to see how far I can take it.
  • Wow, KK again. Lost to a backdoor straight. Looks like my rampaging career has come to a close.
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