OK  i get there saterday night , i play the cash game break even and go to black jack before i go to bed build 5 bucks on black jack into , 200 bucks , it was awsome i go to bed wake up the next morning ,  i play cash games all day and  i dont sleep going right into the tourny iam soo tired i bust out early , in the 200 ok thats fine with me iam goona get rest and play the 300 the next day,   NOW HERE IS THE WORST THING THATS EVER HAPPEND TO ME

iam sitting with  tons of  brutal players at my table ,   im dealt  :10c :jc in the hole, in big blind 2 guys call   i chek to see the flop    flop comes  :8c :9c :qd    wow ok i have a nice hand  i bet 300 , 1 guy calls he calls everthing  so i new he was goona call hes a lose cannon,  next card is a :5h  sooo iam loving that iam goona check it to him , he goes out and gets 700  well i call i have the nuts,  next card is  :2d  so i have the nuts i cant lose this hand i push all in 2500 , he  looks and says to me witch iam almost 89% sure he said fold ,  so i muck i dident want him to see wat i had , then he flips over king queen top pair with king kicker, dealer says queens with king kicker wins the pot , and pushes all mu chips in the middle to him cus i mucked my hand and iam out of the tourny with the nuts, fuck that shit


  • Tough break Cole - but at the Casino keep a check on your cards until the pot has been awarded to you.
  • cole woods wrote:
    iam almost 89% sure he said fold
    89% isn't 100%, and what Tom said ;)
  • That's hilarious. That also BLOWS! lol, Cole you kill me man!

  • Sorry that happened to you Cole.... In a casino its what the dealer does that counts, hold onto your cards until the dealer pushes the pot to you, either place then face up in front of you, (don't throw them) or if you don't want to show hold them face down until dealer pushes you the pot.
  • tough break, but that is more of a player error than a casino error, at least you won't do it again
  • oh Cole

    to bad me and AcidJoe didnt see you there at all we were there since saturday night at 9pm and left tuesday today at about 1pm... Me and Joe played in the poker room all day sunday and joe played a super satilite ... I am almost sure Joe should have seen you ... What games did you play... I would thinks sometime or other since Joe spent most of his time in the poker room he would have seen you ... but maybe not... So which games did you play in Joe emailed you his cell onumber to call him... sorry we didnt hook up with you... maybe next time .... Joe did well in the poker room ... lots of fishes in there big time ... I did well in the poker room till i got bored and started playing stupid.... If only i listened to Joe i would have walked away with lots of cash.. considering Joe basically paid his entries to both tournies with money he won in the poker room... well better luck to me next time and more patience to me.. thats all i needa to win more...

    was a great experience to go there I hope to go back another time in the future .... had lots of fun gettn lost in there large casino.... even if it was a dry casino still was very fun to be there ......
  • Huh? first rule of B&M, don't muck your hand until the pot is being pushed to you.
  • yea i know , it was also my first time ever being in a casino, soo lesson learned :rage:
  • cole woods wrote:
    yea i know , it was also my first time ever being in a casino, soo lesson learned :rage:

    So does this mean that instead of being the "Legend Killer", we can start calling you the "Nut Mucker"?

    Tough break Cole. You must have been steamin' after that one. Expensive lesson learned, but lesson learned nonetheless.
  • Where were you playing Cole? I was in that tourney, never seen ya? What was your starting table? I almost never left the poker room except for sleep.
  • I played next to Cole for a little while - he is the nuggets! I ended 4th in this tourney, but with the 4-way chop got a little better than third place money! It was fun to see, and play, with "Hollywood" down there.
  • I went up to the ballroom for the $300 to see if there was anyone I recognized playing it. Didn't see anyone and left Turning stone a little after 1:30 pm. When I was up there the tourney was just breaking for lunch. Cole will never ever muck his cards again until most of the pot is in front of him.

    A similar thing happened in the stud game I was in. 2 players left at showdown and the one shows the straight, the other guy looks and looks and looks at his cards makes a motion to muck them, they bounce off the table and land face up on to his other face up cards. Dealer sorts through the cards announces full house and awards the player the pot. Dude didn't even know he had the boat, he thought his 3 fives were losers. The straight guy goes ballastic since he thought the pot should be awarded to him. Dealer says he threw the cards face up I have to look at his hand. Mr straight says this is BS and racks up his chips and leaves. I understand his frustration but once the cards are face up on the table I believe the dealer did the correct thing.
  • I was wearing a red "845" hat (actually with the wear it is more like pink!) if that means anything to you Acid.

    I also had an interesting hand in a cash game occur. 5-5 NL. It invloved a young kid, whom I didnt get a good vibe from from the outset, wearing his PokerStars on-line gear. The kid obviously thought he was something special, which just made me laugh internally. He refused to give his online name as it would give away too much about his play. Ok, star! Anyways, this kid, from UTG raises to 20, one older gentleman calls from mid position, i wake up to AK Diamonds on the "puck". I raise to 70. Blinds fold, and young kid immediately pushes it allin, another 350 or so. This did NOT scare me. The older gentleman re-raises all in after his flat call. This worries me greatly. I fold. The flop comes A high. As the flop is shown, the older gentleman says, "I have pocket aces". The kid says, "let me see". The older guy instantly shows. The hand gets dealt out, turn gives him a full house, and river is a king. The kid violently pushes his stack into the middle of the table - splashing chips everywhere -like a complete ass. He says nice river, "I have Kings". The older gentleman says "could I see his hand please", to the dealer. The kid flips!! He starts yelling at the older guy, saying, "what the fuck do you need to see my hand for you have Aces full". "You don't need to see shit", he continues. The older guy says it was a called pot and he has a right to see his hand. The kid has flipped out at this point, he is yelling like a fucking madman. Then, the good part. He takes his cards, says he is NOT showing and throws them into the muck. They are still sitting on top, clear which two are his. He reaches over the table from the two seat, pushes his cards into the muck and washes the cards. The dealer evidently must have been scared as he did NOTHING. At this point I figured he had gone way too far. I told him he should stick to the internet where he could throw his hissy fits in private, and that if he wanted to play live to grow up and ACT older than 16. As he was storming off, I told him that it was a good push with his 22!
  • Sorry teach it doesn't mean anything to me. Cash games were a joy to play mostly because there was a lot of young kids with money they were willing to splash around in pots with. I felt like I had gone to poker heaven, as long as I didn't have KK (they didn't play well all weekend).
  • Question. In most Canadian Casinos in Holdem cash games, when there are two players in the pot and one goes all, can either player flip over his hand to see the reaction of his opponent without having the hand become dead?
  • Question. In most Canadian Casinos in Holdem cash games, when there are two players in the pot and one goes all, can either player flip over his hand to see the reaction of his opponent without having the hand become dead?

    Most of the time they allow it, however sometimes it can result in a penalty if its tournament play or a warning if it's cash game. In the WSOP it was a 10 minute penalty.
  • Always check the rules. At turning stone if the pot started three handed and I bet out, there was a fold then #3 re raised they now consider that heads up with no cap on raising. At Rama the play has to start hu on that street. Also they didn't require you to post to join the game.
  • Sounds like a self inflicted injury to me...been there, done that...ONCE...NEVER AGAIN...I bet you won't either.
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