computer help

I was playing poker online on stars on sat night when my computer started to make noise like it was doing something. My cursor would turn to the sand dial alittle so i checked to make sure my firewall was enabled and it was so i thought nothing of it. Later i got a message saying my computer had some updates and it was going to restart my computer in five my or i could do it later. I chose later as i was having a very profitable session. It came up a couple more times, i have never ever seen this kind of thing before. Later norton said some thing was uploading and my computer had been compromised so i shut off my computer, i probably should have gone to Norton first but it was 3:15 and i was beat and could concentrate anymore, i was only going to play a couple more hands anyway.
Today i turn my copter on and go to norton and look at things and 4 things were open i think it was security, worm blocking, my email scan and something else were all shut off. I think i fixed everthing but i won't Let me fix the email scan.
Do i have some type of trojan or virus? I did a scan friday as usual and it was fine, i just scanned now and said no virus but is it undetectable?
I phone a computer place and they thought it was a trojan , i could get them to clean it up or is there something i can do?
Has anyone else had this happen while on poker stars?


  • Hey.

    Go to and download free version for home users.
    It's a great program to catch and delete any virus, spyware, worm, trojan, etc.

  • Check to see if you have automatic windows updates turned on.

    Microsoft has done a lot of security fixes over the last few days and if you have auto updates on then they would download automatically and then prompt you for a restart when they are ready to be install.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Check to see if you have automatic windows updates turned on.

    Microsoft has done a lot of security fixes over the last few days and if you have auto updates on then they would download automatically and then prompt you for a restart when they are ready to be install.

    That's what I assumed happened, Also, after an update, some of your applications (like fire walls, and antivirus or E mail) sometimes get changed or disabled , often you just have to re set some things and then you're all good. Doing that scan like suggested wouldn't hurt, just to be sure.
  • Sounded like the Windows auto update to me when I read your post. That will continue to hound you every 5 minutes or so until you let it shut the machine down. It also does a lot of disk access while doing the update.
    Be carefull in dealing with spyware. There are a lot of things you might be doing that an anti spyware program might think are spyware. Such things include automatic updates, and any program that writes information to your machine such as online games. I personally go through my cookies by hand to make sure I don't have any that aren't from sites I'm dealing with on a regular basis.
    Right now my spyware reporting program says I have 14 spyware items but you have to remember that any program that has access to transfer information from a net server to your machine looks like spyware to such programs. That probably even includes this site since most sites put a cookie on your machine to point to favorite or last used pages on their site. Antispyware programs have no way of knowing what files including cookies you want or which servers you want to have some access to your machine. Items I know are concidered spyware by anti spyware programs include the Google tool bar and Google Earth.
  • I had the same problem with a trojan - in fact Rogers shut down RangerMikes internet because of me :)

    I downloaded - LavaSoft Ad-Aware. (Free)

    Caught it the first run - no problems since.
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