Kitchener game tonight

Hey all

Cheap SNG's / venue for the Bristol Street head's up tourney tonight at my place. Aiming for a 7:30 - 8:00 start, PM / E-mail or call cell (519-241-1572) for directions. Check back here at 5:00 to see if this is on or not. Please reply in thread if you're coming

1. DrTyore Mark
2. Metro "smartass"
3. "beanie42" Trevor
4. "redington" Tyson
5. "johnnieh" johnnie
6. "datamn" Al
7. "itsame" Mario
etc. (as needed)


  • Well maybe if there could be more than 5 people.
  • Have to work otherwise I'd be there.

  • TNORTH wrote:
    Well maybe if there could be more than 5 people.
    I'm not scared of short-handed ;) . I may be a bit late though, since I need to get the kids to bed first. Will call you later.
  • sign me up!
  • errr.... unsign me I am going to the airport club
  • sorry I gotta hang with Gordon Ramsay and the wife tonight.  :D
  • Im in but not till 8 ish


    PM me directions too please
  • I'm in like Flynn
  • I'll play, but not until after I play my Bristol Street match tonight at 7.
  • Allright then... "GAME ON!"

    Sounds like some players may be a bit late, so SU&D may be later, or we'll do a speed SNG while we wait... or ...

    guitar hero
    any number of my vices.

  • Mark - can you also add me.

    "Metro" TNORTH

    Thanks :D

    I ll be there around 8.
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