Monday 5/5 NL @ Airport Club starting late tonight

Hello everyone,

Tonights 5/5 NL will be starting at midnight, but will not be short of action. The majority of the players including myself will be at another clubs tournament. All the players will be heading to the Airport Club at midnight to start up our usual action packed 5/5NL game. Everyone is welcome and there should be plenty of action tonight.

See everyone tonight,

Airport Club


  • Anyone in waterloo going to this? I will pay your gas to drive me!
  • I am going to the tournament they are talkng about and then the club. There are cash games at both. PM me your number and we can work something out.

  • whats the other tourney. Where, how much?
  • It i aroundthe corner from the Airport Club but itis sold out and there is a waiting list. If you need more info let me know and I PM you the address, there will be a cash game.

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