Guelph! Back to Tuesday!

Hey Guys...i mentioned on Sunday night that i would be switching from Thursday's to tuesdays again, so satisfy my masochistic need to play at The Rock. I realize that it's a little bit short notice..but i hope we can all get out for tuesday night!

Same buy in as my usual games......10+5

1. Mark
2. Mark L
3. Jimmeh
4. Timmeh (i think you said you were in)
5. Jay
6. Big Mike
8. Cowboy Mike (if you aren't in, i'm not talking to you anymore)
9. Sandro
10. MirMir


  • I should be in

  • *GASP*
  • you can count me in.

  • still looking for confirmation from Timmeh, Sandro and cowboy mike...hopefully you guys can call me or Post and the game will be a go!
    If not i will call the game a dud, and head to the rock. *hangs head in shame*
    I hope we can play at my place!
    If i dont have confirmation by ..uhh....4:15....i will be calling the game!
  • no can do tonight
  • Okay ya'll..i'm heading to the rock!
    a vex on all your houses!
  • So i guess tonight is cancelled eh

  • yeah, buti put your name in for the rock if yer interested!
  • How did everyone do at the ROCK?

  • I ate dinner watched some Ali G and went to bed
  • Thanks mike I was wondering what it would like if you were on big brother, now i know.

  • I got rocked! first hand of final table, I was short stacked, got AJ suited and raised, some idiot to the right of me all-in'd, I called and he had 9/ classic rock fashion, he pulled a strait off the river.....BLASTED!@!#!
  • 2nd hand in i pull pocket AA..i put 600 of my 1050, and get cold called by the small blind..everyone else folded. Flop comes dimond, dimond dimond. I look, and no dimond for me.....but i'm on the button. SB checks to me, so i push my 450 in.....she thinks for a few seconds, and calls. I say "slow play the flush?"
    she says "nope, i have a pair of 10's and a dimond draw"..turns over..Kd 10c. i was like " dimond..." turn was an guessed it.
    i know with that flop i should have folded..but i didn't.and now i have another donk story from rockwood.
  • Hey Big Mike I forgot to write something at the end of that
    Here's your sign
    BTW Mark can you do weekend games instead of Tuesdays now, I still prefer to play at your place but I can't play on Tuesdays.
  • If mark can't host, i may be able to.

  • i can for sure host a weekend game..i just thought everyone would like to do a tuesday game....
    so what day on the weekend folks?

    who's in for saturday? who's in for sunday? who's in for a new thread to vote on this!?
    I AM! :)
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