Home Game Names

Please suggest other names and if I like it they will be added to the list, otherwise they will be added to the list of shame.  As a side note... if the name by chance can double as a name for a stripclub that would be a bonus hahaha!!!  Inside joke (but not really a joke).  Suckers!!!!!!!

List of Shame:
  • The Poker Cellar
  • The Poker Chamber
  • Ace in the Hole
  • The Poker Hole - too perverted ;)
  • The Poker Pit - all rights previously reserved by stpboy



  • Word of the Day for Tuesday March 22, 2005
    stygian \STIJ-ee-uhn\, adjective:
    1. [Often capitalized] Of or pertaining to the river Styx, the principal river of the underworld in Greek mythology; hence, hellish; infernal.
    2. Dark and dismal.

    The Stygian Abyss
  • Ooh ooh. I've got a good one that could also be a stripclub:

    The Bacchanalian Bombshelter

    The noun bacchanalia has one meaning:

    Meaning #1: a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
    Synonyms: orgy, debauch, debauchery, saturnalia, riot, bacchanal, drunken revelry

    Bacchanalia (băkənā'lēə) , in Roman religion, festival in honor of Bacchus, god of wine. Originally a religious ceremony, like the Liberalia, it gradually became an occasion for drunken, licentious excesses and was finally forbidden by law (186 B.C.).

    In Greco-Roman religion, any of the festivals of the wine god Bacchus (Dionysus), which probably originated as fertility rites. The most famous Greek festivals included the Greater Dionysia, with its dramatic performances; the Anthesteria; and the Lesser Dionysia, characterized by simple rites. Bacchanalia were introduced from lower Italy into Rome, where they were at first secret, open only to women, and held three times a year. They later admitted men and became as frequent as five times a month. In 186 BC their reputation as orgies led the Senate to prohibit them throughout Italy, except in special cases.
  • Yeah, I really like Bombshelter, but that's what the main bar on [UW] campus is called. So it's taken. I also really like Poker Cave... but Tyson has the rights to that one.

  • Wasn't Shannon's Park Street Poker Pit? So pit's gone too. I like the Abyss - sounds comfy ;)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    Wasn't Shannon's Park Street Poker Pit?  So pit's gone too.  I like the Abyss - sounds comfy ;)
    Aha! I knew it sounded too familiar to be free... thanks beanie :)

  • i always enjoy your tourneys..but i can guarantee that i'll be at the next one, if there is entertainment in that other room in the basement!
  • When the Rocks make their reappearance we'll have to make sure our pacemaker batteries are fully charged!
  • The Dirty Poker Hole...  :D hehe j/k...

    my real submission is the The Dank Den of Poker or perhaps the Dreary Den of Poker.. no that's too depressing. I suppose that I have a thing for alliterations.. but how about the Dark Den of Poker... well all three sound good to me, take your pick.

    - Dave

    "There are few things that are so unpardonably neglected in our country as poker... Why, I have known clergymen, good men, kindhearted, liberal, sincere, and all that, who did not know the meaning of a 'flush'. It is enough to make one ashamed of one's species." ~ Mark Twain
  • The Bacchanalian Bombshelter

    Would recieve my vote - as my first online account with Poker Now was under the handle Dionysus.

    A few point of interest:

    Originally Bacchanalia , which you have defined above, were for woman only. Hot.

    Second, Nietzsche saw Bacchus and Apollo as being the two extremes - Bacchus using intoxicated and promiscuity and Apollo using reason. I think on any given night at a poker table we see Dionysus and Apollo at battle - the question is whom will prevail?

    "God is dead"
    -Nietzsche, 1882

    "Nietzsche is dead"
    -GOD, 1900
  • I've always liked the name "Ante Runner Runner Club"...that's what I'm calling the new garage...now if I can
    only find some suckers...I mean, players... :)
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