Poker in KW mon? or Tues?

Anyone wanna play some NO LIMIT HOLD'EM? THE CADILLIAC OF POKER? Or limit.

I am game for anything. .01/.02 NL to 10/20 NL. I JUST WANT TO PLAY. Friendly game, angry game, happy game, game with strippers, so long as there is a game of poker being played, I will be there.

Let me know.


  • Let me know if you find a .01 / .02 NL game with strippers....

    I may even drive to that...

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Let me know if you find  a .01 / .02 NL game with strippers....

      I may even drive to that...

    I might know a place. They're not opening until Sept though ;)

  • A game in KW?.... well of course Ill play.

    Im on vacation this week wo I am interested in some play ...
  • No strippers, but I"m willing to host some $5 - $10 SNG's at my place tonight... I get home after 6:00, so we'll start at 7:30ish? Look for the post

    Here's the link

  • DrTyore wrote:
    No strippers, but I"m willing to host some $5 - $10 SNG's at my place tonight... I get home after 6:00, so we'll start at 7:30ish?  Look for the  post
    I think Meistro is looking for cash games, and I don't think he'll leave Waterloo anyway (without a ride) ;)
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