In my fruitless, never-ending quest to qualify for WPT Niagra, I pulled the triple whammy.

First, I sat down when I was exhausted and in no way prepared for the long 2-3 grind necessary to win the seat.

Second, when I got no hands to play early, I jumped at the first remotely playable hand and overplayed it; and

Third, after I misplayed the hand and knew there was no way I was ahead in the hand, I fired in a ridiculous give up bet which I knew there was no chance of being effective. Someone tell me they have done somthing similar.

Don't have the hand history but basically...I got pocket sixes UTG....I raise 3 times BB...I probably should have either limped or folded, because in these satellites nobody folds and I am better off just seeing if I flop my set rather than thinning out the field. Anyways, 4 callers and the flop is 7-8-8. Not terrible flop for 66 and I may have the best hand so I fire a 3/4 pot size bet. All four players call....shiiit. Turn comes an Ace. Here's where it gets real bad. I have about 1.8 K left. Pot is about 6K at this point. I know I'm beat...and know there is no chance of anyone folding, but I say F-it and chuck it in. Two callers one had 7-8 for the full house. I felt like such a fool, quickly closed the window, and ran away in shame.


  • Otto_Troy wrote:
    In my fruitless, never-ending quest to qualify for WPT Niagra, I pulled the triple whammy.

    First, I sat down when I was exhausted and in no way prepared for the long 2-3 grind necessary to win the seat.

    Second, when I got no hands to play early, I jumped at the first remotely playable hand and overplayed it; and

    Third, after I misplayed the hand and knew there was no way I was ahead in the hand, I fired in a ridiculous give up bet which I knew there was no chance of being effective.  Someone tell me they have done somthing similar.

    First - Yes

    Second - Yes

    Third - Yes

    And I've probably done a hundred more bonehead moves. It happens....just try and learn from it. I bet if you hadn't played tired, the second two mistakes wouldn't have happened.
  • Done all of the above.

    NEVER play tired...too easy too lose patience with the game.

  • My worst is playing drunk, which occationally happens. If I play tired, I'll more often than not fall asleep in the middle of the tournament, then wake up at some point later.
  • I can add played drunk to that as well....Not good ideas but 'we're only human'.

  • I feel better already, what a support group.

    Hello, my name is Troy and I make stupid bets :D
  • Zithal wrote:
    My worst is playing drunk, which occationally happens.   If I play tired, I'll more often than not fall asleep in the middle of the tournament, then wake up at some point later.

    And sometimes you passout fall asleep cause you are drunk   :D
  • I have played drunk and it makes for bad bad bad bad plays.

    I have also played sober and made even worse plays, which makes me think I may play better drunk than I do when I am in donkey mode.
  • Yes, the Stars $10 rebuy beings that out in me after a few stupid beats, often when I have a mid pair. I do the shove to someones healthy preflop raise and as I do I think why am I doing this he has a higher pair. Once in a while he has AK< usually it's a higher pair :P

    Out of curiosity, which sites are running WPT Niagara qualifiers? I do not see any on Stars, Cryptos or Paradise and I admit I have not looked on Party yet.
  • I feel like I am the paradise promoter because i have posted about them so many times, but Paradis Poker has two formats into the WPT Niagra event

    $200 Freezeout-1 seat for every 60 entrants ($5 R/A satellites into $200)

    $500 Freezeout-1 seat for every 25ish entrants ($15 R/A satellites into $500)
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