The Wheels on the Bus go round and round...

Yes, it's true, I have been derailed by the Bus Driver.

After a brutal game where the worst hands sucked out, it came down to 4 old-timers. Me, Jeff, Chris, and Justin. I was shortstacked and pushed all-in on the button with suited connectors. Jeff in the SB called with his pocket Kings. They held up, and I was out.

Shortly after that Chris raised it 3 times the big blind, Justin came over the top and went all-in, Jeff reraised all-in, and Chris reluctantly folded. Justin showed pocket 7's, Jeff had pocket Aces, and with a board of 9 J K 8 X - Jeff's Aces held up, and had Chris called with his Q 10, he would have busted Justin and taken a huge chunk out of Jeff's stack. Oh well!

Now it was heads up and Jeff had around 3/4 of the chips in play. 3 or 4 hands in, Chris slowplays an Ace 7 on a board of Ace 10 9 8 7, only to get cracked by Jeff's monsterous 6 2 off.

Congratulations Bus Driver! Now you can take the wifey somewhere other than Mickey D's for lunch!!!

Chump Kris

Champ Bus Driver


  • El noooooooo! Say it ain't so!!!

    Clearly the estrogen when we're all in the room together really does hold some power...we'll get em back next week. What d'ya say, you and me, dukin' it out heads up?
  • I did it for you Derek  :'(

    Ok, time to let you all in on a new skill I've been developing.  I call it, "Get pockets"  I knew something was up, when the very first hand of the tourny I got QQ.

    When someone goes all-in "Get pockets"

    When someone raises +3x, then another player goes all-in "Get pocket Aces"

    When your feeling like raises a pot "Get pocket sevens"

    When you want to play a hand in memory of a fallen player "Get pocket jacks"

    Heres what I remeber for pockets I got last night AA, KK,QQ, JJ (twice), 99, 88, 77 (no less than 4 times), 66, 33, 22 (which would have made a boat on the river).

    I would teach you this skill Derek, but first you have to believe the cards have mojo. :D
  • I did it for you Derek  :'(

    Ok, time to let you all in on a new skill I've been developing.  I call it, "Get pockets"  I knew something was up, when the very first hand of the tourny I got QQ.

    When someone goes all-in "Get pockets"

    When someone raises +3x, then another player goes all-in "Get pocket Aces"

    When your feeling like raises a pot "Get pocket sevens"

    When you want to play a hand in memory of a fallen player "Get pocket jacks"

    Heres what I remeber for pockets I got last night AA, KK,QQ, JJ (twice), 99, 88, 77 (no less than 4 times), 66, 33, 22 (which would have made a boat on the river).

    I would teach you this skill Derek, but first you have to believe the cards have mojo. :D

    Well, ironically, my I didn't pick up a single pocket pair that I can recall before the merge (maybe 1 if my memory serves me, and I took it down before the flop). Without the PP's, I was doing quite well. Doubled my chips. As soon as we sit down, I pick up JJ, AA, JJ and it all gets cracked in about 5 hands. I had 5 bad beats. Is that not abnormally high? (that isn't counting the 2 bad beats from the week previous.... 2 nut hands cracked).
  • derksen wrote:

    Well, ironically, my I didn't pick up a single pocket pair that I can recall before the merge (maybe 1 if my memory serves me, and I took it down before the flop). Without the PP's, I was doing quite well. Doubled my chips. As soon as we sit down, I pick up JJ, AA, JJ and it all gets cracked in about 5 hands. I had 5 bad beats. Is that not abnormally high? (that isn't counting the 2 bad beats from the week previous.... 2 nut hands cracked). 

    Well that is a high number of bad beats, but you know sometimes you look down and see a k-q unsuited and yeah it has been raised and re-raised but you have to call don't you?

    It doesn't matter that the bet is 1500 and you only have 1000 in chips and the blinds are 50-100.

    You have to call? I mean you paid to play so you just have to get your chips in there. Any two cards can win.

    I mean you have King - Queen unsuited and we all know that suits don't matter; I mean if you fold your K-Q unsuited, what's next? Q-10 unsuited, 7-5 hearts? (my favortie against pocket 6's)

    Where do you draw the line on the hands to play and what to fold?

    So what if you think your are beat and are pretty sure that other player has Aces or just can not lay down your K-Q for all you chips, you have to call I mean the odds may not be in your favour but Odds are for suckers.....unsuited connectors are for suck outs. Plus who does the math anyways?

    It's just too bad that you had to have those rags (High Pockets and AK) when you went all-in....maybe next time you will fold your crap hands and stick to monsters like J-5, and Q-2.

  • Easy wrote:
    Clearly the estrogen when we're all in the room together really does hold some power...we'll get em back next week. What d'ya say, you and me, dukin' it out heads up?

    Sounds like a plan to me!
    Ok, time to let you all in on a new skill I've been developing.  I call it, "Get pockets" 

    Bus Driver....your posts always make me laugh :D Glad your new strategy is working for you. Next week, my strategy will be "get higher pockets". You have been warned ;)
  • Updated original post with Champ & Chump pics.

    In my recap, I forgot to mention that Kris was chump after getting his pocket kings cracked by Chris R's pocket Aces. :'(
  • Easy wrote:
    El noooooooo! Say it ain't so!!!

    Clearly the estrogen when we're all in the room together really does hold some power...we'll get em back next week. What d'ya say, you and me, dikin' it out heads up?

    I'm in to watch you two diking it up heads up....... that's just me tho.
  • AcidJoe wrote:

    I'm in to watch you two diking it up heads up....... that's just me tho. 

    Come on Joe, just because Aimee let us all in on the secret of your giant penis doesn’t mean you have to get dirty.
  • Wow, sounds like quite the game. BusDriver with pocket pairs repeatedly?? And they held up for him??

    El and Easy going one on one next week? AND I MISS IT?? Someone please take pics for me!! :D

    And Joe has a huge member? Okay, that one I didn't need to know.

    And Derek's streak still is on the negative side, huh? Awwwwwwww, that's too bad! :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    And Derek's streak still is on the negative side, huh?  Awwwwwwww, that's too bad! :D

    Nothing bad about it, I think he has angered the poker gods and they are now punishing him.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:

    And Derek's streak still is on the negative side, huh?  Awwwwwwww, that's too bad! :D

    Nothing bad about it, I think he has angered the poker gods and they are now punishing him.

    Not like he wasn't warned repeatedly...we all told him he was due for a humbling :D
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:

    Well, ironically, my I didn't pick up a single pocket pair that I can recall before the merge (maybe 1 if my memory serves me, and I took it down before the flop). Without the PP's, I was doing quite well. Doubled my chips. As soon as we sit down, I pick up JJ, AA, JJ and it all gets cracked in about 5 hands. I had 5 bad beats. Is that not abnormally high? (that isn't counting the 2 bad beats from the week previous.... 2 nut hands cracked). 

    Well that is a high number of bad beats, but you know sometimes you look down and see a k-q unsuited and yeah it has been raised and re-raised but you have to call don't you?

    It doesn't matter that the bet is 1500 and you only have 1000 in chips and the blinds are 50-100.

    You have to call? I mean you paid to play so you just have to get your chips in there. Any two cards can win.

    I mean you have King - Queen unsuited and we all know that suits don't matter; I mean if you fold your K-Q unsuited, what's next? Q-10 unsuited, 7-5 hearts? (my favortie against pocket 6's)

    Where do you draw the line on the hands to play and what to fold?

    So what if you think your are beat and are pretty sure that other player has Aces or just can not lay down your K-Q for all you chips, you have to call I mean the odds may not be in your favour but Odds are for suckers.....unsuited connectors are for suck outs. Plus who does the math anyways?

    It's just too bad that you had to have those rags (High Pockets and AK) when you went all-in....maybe next time you will fold your crap hands and stick to monsters like J-5, and Q-2.


    Just read this for the first time. Great post Chris;) I'll try and learn from it!!
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