Lookin like guelph SUNDAY! lol

Alright ya'll........the draw of The Rock, with their disproportonate prize pool and HUGE number of fish (honestly, how on earth do you call an all in bet, in a raised pot, with 5/7 os when you have 1000 chips in a 2000 chip game where the blinds are only at 50/100? please god tell me how...and this time...i didn't accually lose..)

anyways....that is the reason for the lack of thursday game..i think me sandro and jimmy are headin' to the rock..maybe we should all good out and bet on final table!

This saturday SUNDAYhowever will be another story...i'm taking suggestions on when the game should start. Pizza was fun...this time maybe we could do it a little later...i'm thinking 6:30..and this time no pizza? I'm open to suggestions however..
As it stands now..the saturday game will start at 6:30...and i'm also thinking a little more relaxed blind schedual...like 20 min, and add a line here or there...
these are all logistics..who's in?
last week we had 13 players....it was lots of fun....this week, hopefully we'll have more!!

1. Mark
2. Nadine
3. Haren
4. Cowboy Mike
5. River Mike


  • Gone for the weekend so no poker for us.

    Also if your phoning the Rock for seats can you add Dave Y to the list

    All Mexicans are tough
  • I won't be able to make it this weekend on saturday. I'll be at a BBQ.
    River Mike
  • Jay and I have a basketball tourny this weekend so where out

  • lol

    oh my...that's nuts..no one wants to play on saturday!!
    would it be different if it were sunday at 6:30?
  • Sunday at 6:30 we could make it. Let us know. Also if you havent phoned the Rock can you add Miranda to the list.

  • I'm down with sunday at 6:30
    Shake n' Bake
    River Mike aka El Diablo
  • Can't play Saturday. Can play Sunday. Hope you get enough!
  • hey, whats that there phone # for rockwood? I think I should hit that up tomorrow night. I can afford to donate a 10 spot.

    sir flakealot (Jay)
  • aahem, you mean The Rock. We want to keep it on the D/L!
    i'll PM ya the number dooder
  • Could I get in your game on Sunday. I've been looking for games in Guelph. Thanks.
  • sure dude...is it just you or do you have some friends as well?
    i'll PM you directions and my phone number if you like
  • count carmella and the mad mexican in for Sunday @ 6:30

    The blinds are already 20 mins. I would fix that 500/1000 and 1000/2000 jump
  • hmm, sounds good.....so where are you guys going this weekend?
  • Still ballin, so i'm out unfortunatly

  • PM da # please :D
  • Im in for a Sunday game at 630pm. Thanks! Jen
  • Stupid Rock how can I call an all in with 55. Better yet how can he push all in with AK soooooted LOL. Mark I took your spot as bubble boy.
  • Sandro Stop complaining I played 2 hands the hole night. Damn you Mike Sexton. I shall curse you voodoo style!
    River Mike
  • i hear that....stupid all in with KK......how can he call with 5/6?
    ..wait..how can he PUSH wiht 5/6 with an 8 on the board?!

    i hate playing all that time and coming in on the bubble
  • List for Sunday is as follows

    1. Mark
    2. Jimmy
    3. Timmeh
    4. Sandro
    5. Mir Mir
    6. River MIke
    7. Cowboy Mike
    8. QT Jen
    9. New Z dude on the forum (i'll pm you my number)
    10. Pink Lady (maybe)
  • Not enough Mikes in there. I'm in!

    Ranger Mike
  • by my estimation taking into account my odds and such this game I should get to at least see two face cards in my hand!
    River Mike
  • so, how many do you have for today? is it still on at 630?
  • Quiane wrote:
    List for Sunday is as follows

    1. Mark
    2. Jimmy
    3. Timmeh
    4. Sandro
    5. Mir Mir
    6. River MIke
    7. Cowboy Mike
    8. QT Jen
    9. New Z dude on the forum (i'll pm you my number)
    10. Pink Lady (maybe)


    see everyone at 6:30
  • What Happened?

  • Jen - First.....Timmeh- big 2nd...Ranger Mike - third...Mark - BUBBLE boy!

    good game over all...i'm posting for tuesday night's game right....NOW./.
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