Celebrity Challenge - RESULTS!

The inaugural Celebrity challenge is now complete and big congrats goes out to Hork 42 who took FIRST PLACE in the Main Event, winning a prize of $517. Second place went to the tournament host, Zithal winning $287.

Heads up lasted one hand as Zithal foolishly found himself all-in with K6o against, Hork 42's A9o. The board helped no one and Hork was crowed champion.

Rounding out the players in the money were Dick Hertz (3rd - $172), Mickey Holdem (4th - $115) and ScottyZ - (5th - $57). Sloth donated some swank to the party and that was given out to the 6th-9th place finishers.

The festivites began a little late and the Satelitte tournament began with 20 players. The blind schedue was a little long, but after 3.5 hours, four players won their entry into the Main Event; Sloth, ScottyZ, Iron and the Professor. On the bubble was my g/f "The Princess" who absolutely dominated her table before the final table was formed.

The rankings for the Satellite were as follows.

Sloth (entry to Main Event)
ScottyZ (entry to Main Event)
Professor (entry to Main Event)
Iron (entry to Main event)
5th: The Princess a.k.a. Zithal's g/f (5:45pm)
6th: Chugs (5:34pm)
7th: Mrs. Holdem (5:32pm)
8th: Hork 42 (5:18pm)
9th: AK*1 (5:01pm)
10th: (Forfieted) PaulStanley (4:53pm)
11th: HelmuthFan (4:25pm)
12th: Ventrick (4:13pm)
13th: Zithal (4:10pm)
14th: Mickey Holdem (4:02pm)
15th: Azriel (4:00pm)
16th: Micr0be (3:35pm)
17th: Astroboy (3:37pm)
18th: Siswanto (3:09pm)
19th: Kelso (3:01pm)
20th: Shnoobs (3:01pm)

(As a side note, the most memortable hand of the satellite was the one that Shnoobs was busted out on. She ending up in a three-way all in with AA against AJ and JJ, and lost when the two played river-rivered a straight.)

The BBQ was fired up and a wide variety of dead meat filled our gulllets. Due to the satellite going over time, the start time of the Main Event began at 7pm. The official standing for the Main Event were...

1st: Hork 42 (12:51am - $517)
2nd: Zithal (12:51am - $287)
3rd: Dick Hertz (12:44am - $172)
4th: Mickey Holdem (12:36am - $115)
5th: ScottyZ (12:31am - $57)
6th: Ventrick (12:10am - hat)
7th: Astroboy(12:05am - hat)
8th: Iron (11:58pm - tshirt)
9th: Teach (11:46pm - tshirt)
10th: Micr0be (11:27pm)
11th: Shnoobs (11:21pm)
12th: Chugs (11:01pm)
13th: AK*1 (10:51pm)
14th: All Aces girlfriend (10:40pm)
15th: Professor (10:35pm)
16th: All Aces (10:21pm)
17th: Esool (10:12pm)
18th: Xsqueezeme (10:05pm)
19th: Mrs Holdem (10:02pm)
20th: McTib (9:40pm)
21st: McTib's g/f (9:38pm)
22nd: All Aces brother (9:30pm)
23rd: Sloth (8:09pm)

All in all a good time was had by all (I hope) and there were hopes that the next one will be very, very soon.

Please use this thread to respond with your person stories/reports of the tournament.


  • Thanks for the great tournament Zithal. Was very well run and met a lot of good people today. As a little correction to the results you busted me out in 6th not 7th:P
  • It was real nice getting to meet everyone that was there. The competition was probably the stiffest I've come up against in Ontario. It's real intimidating being there and listening to all the big wins that some of the people have had. All in all, it was an awesome experience. I'm happy with my playing today, although there were some pots that I wish I didn't commit so much to. I would really like some feedback on how people thought I played. I do consider myself "dead money" and would like some advice on how to improve.

    Again, thanks to Zithal for being such a wonderful host. Congrats to Hork42! and thanks for the ride, Iron.

    BTW, I busted out 7th. $60 well spent for a hat. LOL! Neil, I plan to sport the hat all over Guelph. Hopefully it gets you some business. LOL.
  • My personal report...

    Wow. First thanks to everyone for so gratiously letting me get in the money. :) It was a fun tournament and I learned a lot from it. The style is incredibly different from the games I normally organize; normally games are loose with 5 or 6 people having a look at the flop. In this tournament, everyone was very tight and very agressive. It was a style I hadn't really played against and found myself out very early in the Satellite.

    At this point I counted myseld as dead money and offered to just be TD if we got over 24 people. Luckily, 23 peope eventually showed up and I was allowed to play.

    I was seated at table 2 and the agression level was big. I lost a big semi bluff early on and reduced me to just over 1000 chips (starting with 1500). On a whim, just after that I raised 3x the BB with 72o and (luckily) no one called and so I showed! Yay for 72o. After that inital loss, I decided to tighten up my game and play premium hands hard.

    For the most part it worked well, but I coudn't get above a 1300 chip count. Sloth busted early "Claiming a need to go to a b-day party" and the poker world was in shock. He didn't even have time to remove his pants.

    Table 3 busted out 2 players in a row and I was the one chosen to go there. The change of scenery was nice my luck completely took a 180. Seating next to Dick Hertz, three hands in a row I rasied UTG. By the second time, he looked displeased with me and said if I did it again, there'd be trouble. The next time the cards came around I got dealth AK and said, "You're really going to hate me."

    I hit good cards and my chips doubled in size. I made one very timely bluff that put me back in the running. I liked my new table but eventually the tables collasped and I was back on table 2.

    The one bad beat I gave was one that busted out AK*1. I had KQ in my hand and raised the blinds. The AK*1 re-raisded all in and I called. (It wasn't much to finish the call and I had him covered. The flop hit the queen and no other help came for him.

    So, for the next while I got dead cards, but stole enough builds enough to stick around as an average chipstack. I then started getting good cards and went into final table actions with a slightly above average chip stack.

    Once I hit the final table I went on a mad rush of cards and found myself with a good deal of chips. I used it to bust out alot of the players at the final table (mostly because I got great cards at the correct time. For example, astroboy made a move at the pot with I held KK in my hand)

    I decided to coast into the money, but sadly was forced to play with excellent hands. By the time we got to three players I had ~10,000 chips and pushed poor Dick Hertz around. (Though it was freaky how many good hands I'd get dealt when he has the BB) He made a BIG laydown as he folded AK against my KK prefolp. (We went rabbit hunting and discovered he would have caught on the ace on the river. Eventually we were heads up and rest is history. I stupidly found myself all in first hand. Though, at one in the morning, I don't think my brain was working too well.

    It was a fun time and I can't wait til the next time!!

  • First off, Thanks to Zithal for hosting. Great event with very good poker played.

    I'm not very experienced in live poker. Most of my play is online, and this is the first "real" tournament that I've played in that was not online...

    What can I say, I think I played pretty well, got the cards when I needed them. Made a couple of boneheaded moves in the satellite (Including calling all in with AJ vs AA and JJ... and then rivering a straight to split the pot) but I think I limited my mistakes in the main event.

    One thing that I've got to get used to.... The staredowns. Doesn't happen online. But there were a lot of thinkers... Staring right at me when I'd make a raise. Thanks goodness for CPP magazine and "It's a Small World". That tune was going off in my head on many a pot.

    One very memorable roller coaster of a hand that I was not involved in, but is worth posting...

    AA vs QQ, player all in.
    Flop Q x x (3 hearts)
    Turn xh (Aces makes Nut Flush)
    River Board pairs up to give Queens the boat.

    Anywho. Thanks again to all who showed up. It was nice to meet you all. It was a wonderful experience and I'm looking forward to the next one.

  • Zithal thanks for throwing a great tournie. While i have nothing to compare it against, i enjoyed myself and everything seemed very proffessional. For a guy like me who's good old fashioned 'Dead Money' this was great value for $60.

    I also really enjoyed the people at Table #1. It was the most quiet table in both the satellite and the tourney (and the only table i sat at), but it was a great game. Real friendly play all night, and with lots of players who really seemed to know there stuff.

    all i know is that you can count me in for your next tournament and thanks again for putting on a great tourney.

    neil (aka chugs)

    ps. i tried to stare people down, with no clue what i was looking for. just doing it to be cool :) what type of stuff are people looking for when they stare at a person, or is it just pure intimidation.
  • I spent some time this morning replaying my moves in yesterdays Main event and it dawned on me. Despite finishing 6th I was only dealt 1 pocket pair all night long, and that was a Pair of 2's which I folded to Scotty's 500 bet pre-flop when blinds were 100-200. He showed Cowboys. I did however seem to have more then my fair share of AK.

    Just want to thank you again Zithal for putting on a great tournament and to everyone else who showed up and helped make it great. Wasn't a sore loser among the entire group.

    And Heh, I'll be sporting my nifty new $100 hat around T.O.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    One very memorable roller coaster of a hand that I was not involved in, but is worth posting...

    AA vs QQ, player all in.
    Flop Q x x (3 hearts)
    Turn xh (Aces makes Nut Flush)
    River Board pairs up to give Queens the boat.

    Yeah I was AA. :frown: I limped in wanting to set a trap and it worked. :mad: The proffesor to the left of me raised, folded to me and I put him all in.(he was low stack of the table I believe) Maybe I bet to hard too fast but it doesn't matter in this case because we both had hands that would have ended up all in at some point.
    I never really recovered from this loss, the cards went cold and the action heated up. Oh well it was an awesome hand and at least I was involved with it. :redface:

    Scotty or anyone else at my table: Any advice for me on my playing? Other then of course maybe memorizing the chip $ values? :redface:
  • esool wrote:
    Scotty or anyone else at my table: Any advice for me on my playing? Other then of course maybe memorizing the chip $ values? :redface:

    LOL! I was watching you play from the table over. I don't think you could have played your aces any other way. I think with AA, your best bet is to get someone else all in and have them draw at you. As far as I can tell, you were real animated, as was your whole table. Real friendly (vicious) game on table 2. Lots of action. I'm real glad I didn't have to step over till the final table.
  • My apologies about my mangled session report above. It was really late when I was writting it and my brain was in the process of turning off. In fact on sentance, I tried writing about how the agression wasn't something I was used to, and when I went and re-read the sentance I talked about how I didn't have enough chicken wings?!?

    It was really, really messed up and perhaps I should have kept the whole thing. :) Anyway, I cleaned it up so it should make more sense now.

    The AA v QQ hand above was incredible to watch; a real rollercoaster.
  • Zithal,

    Great Tourney, And thanks for squeezeing My G/f and I in... Couldn't sleep last night when I thought of how poorly I played those pocket 3's... but it was a fun!! I'll be in next time forsure

  • Thanks for organizing this tournament, Zithal and anyone else involved. I had a great time and now I've got a great pocket Aces bad beat story to tell my grandkids!:redface:

    I have to agree with everyone else and say that it was a very professional and serious game.
    I also really enjoyed the people at Table #1. It was the most quiet table in both the satellite and the tourney (and the only table i sat at), but it was a great game. Real friendly play all night, and with lots of players who really seemed to know there stuff.
    Woohoo! Go Table 1! We were the polite, ultra-quiet and friendly table, and we had some good laughs too. It was nice meeting everyone and thanks for a great time!

  • shnoobs wrote:
    I have to agree with everyone else and say that it was a very professional and serious game.

    Especially when Scotty moved over to table 1
  • Thanks so much Zithal again for your hospitality. I had a fantastic time. We'll have to squeeze in at least one more this summer. As I had said before as well, I'd like to look into having trophies made up for such future events.

    Perhaps these things will continue growing at a rate that before long we'll need to hold them elsewhere! (I have a few places in mind already)
  • What a great event. I was lucky enough to be seated at the very friendly and chilled out table 1 for the main event, between Shnoobs and Chugs who were great table neighbours. I had an absolutely ridiculous lucky run of cards when I was down to 200 chips after posting the big blind at the 200/400 (I think) level that got me to the final table, where I busted out very quickly.

    Wish I could remember all the details of some of the hands that blew me away, because there were a lot of great hands. The hands I CAN remember of course are the ones I want to forget about. Thanks for adding the swag to the prize pool, Sloth and to Zithal for hosting a great tournament.
  • Thanks for a great time! Me, my brother, and my g/f all enjoyed ourselves very much, despite our relatively poor results. I can console myself with the fact that I placed 1st in the 2nd chance tourney, and 2nd in a rebuy tournament in Hamilton today, but really, well, you know, same as always, I just want to beat you guys, and I'll have to wait for the next one to inflict massive amounts of pain onto all of your asses. ;)

    Thanks to Zithal for hosting, and hopefully we'll get to do this again sometime!

  • Thanks Zithal for an excellent tournament!

    Honestly I can't remember ever having such a good time at a tournament, and we had some very good times at the Greek Club.

    I especially liked the chance to put faces to names with all the players I'd "met" before on this forum. What a wild bunch you/we all are! :)

    Here are the few most memorable moments of play for me...

    * Very early in the satellite I dealt the hand on which Shoobs busted out. The action went preflop:
    Shnoobs raises 3BB UTG, Hork reraises, some folding, Sloth
    pushes all-in, covering both; Shnoobs calls, Hork calls.
    Open: Shoobs AA, Hork AJ, Sloth JJ.
    (My jaw dropped! Hork: that is not a good call. :))
    Flop: Q-8-x
    Turn: 10
    River: 9
    Shnoobs: Sorry! I didn't do it on purpose! :(

    * I got shortstacked in the satellite and just tried to hang on and coast into 4th, since 4th=1st was a buy-in to the main.
    So I played tight ABC and it worked -- I made it to the final table with the third smallest stack among 7. Sloth, ScottyZ, and Iron were huge, Princess had double my stack, Chugs and
    Mrs. Holem had a bit less than me. I can't remember the hand but I first took out Mrs. Holdem. The big stacks weren't fighting much as their incentive was gone, with the flat payout. Next, Chugs was in the BB and it was folded to me in the SB. I raised to 4BB, Chugs thought, then folded -- so I flashed the 92o I was holding. Chugs went "Hey!" under his breath and I knew that I had set up a play for later. Luckily enough the very next time I was in the SB it was folded to me and I was holding AA! I raised to 3BB and Chugs pushed all-in with his 99. No help came and I now outchipped Princess. I think it was Sloth who eliminated Princess and that was that.

    * My firt big hand in the main was with Esool, sitting just to my right. He was the first into the pot with a minimum raise,
    and I held KhQh. I decided to flat-call, fold to a re-raise,
    and slam any flop without an A. We took the flop heads-up:
    J-8-4. Esool bet out 100 -- decent for the pot size -- and
    I raised to 400. He thought for a good while and grudgingly called. The turn was an A -- check, check. The river was a
    brick -- check, check. He showed J7 (suited?) and I mucked.
    I played this hand like shit. This cut my stack in half.

    * My next big hand was also with Esool, and he outplayed me again. He limped in UTG and I raised to 3BB with QQ, about
    40% of my stack. Folded back to Esool who quickly pushes
    all-in right away. I misread this as an overbet -- really he
    was only raising me the ~500 in *my* stack, as he had more than
    double me. Well my chips went in.
    Him: AhAx -- Me: QQ
    Him: "OH YEAH!" -- Me: "OH SHIT!"
    Flop: QhXhYh
    Him: "OH SHIT!" -- Me: "OH YEAH!"
    Turn: 4h
    Him: "OH YEAH!" -- Me: "OH SHIT!"
    River: 4x
    Him: "OH SHIT!!!" -- Me: "OH YEAH!!!"
    It was the biggest rollercoaster of the night and PROVED that it is better to be lucky than to be good.

    Ten or fifteen minutes after this hand I busted Esool out in a hand I can't really remember.

    * The next memorable thing affected me but I had to stay as uninvolved as possible. ScottyZ went on the most disgusting hot streak that it has ever been my displeasure to see not happening to me. And he was directly to my left! I could not get into a pot because he would always raise. I tend to respect a raise from ScottyZ, but after a while even he was amazed -- he showed AA twice, KK twice, QQ twice, all inside of 20 minutes! Needless to say, I was appalled.

    * Finally, the hand in which Dick Hertz busted me out. It was
    folded to me on the button and I raised to 3BB with JJ. The SB
    folded and Dick pushed all-in on the BB, covering me. I called instantly showing JJ and he shows AQ -- a classic coin flip.
    No help on the flop, no help on the turn, but a hideous Ace on the river. IGHN. You have to win some of these coin flips to win a tournament, and I think we both played this hand fine.

    Congratulations to all the money- (and swag-) winners!

    Zithal, thanks for a great event!

    See you all at the next one!
  • professor wrote:
    Ten or fifteen minutes after this hand I busted Esool out in a hand I can't really remember.

    * The next memorable thing affected me but I had to stay as uninvolved as possible. ScottyZ went on the most disgusting hot streak that it has ever been my displeasure to see not happening to me. And he was directly to my left! I could not get into a pot because he would always raise. I tend to respect a raise from ScottyZ, but after a while even he was amazed -- he showed AA twice, KK twice, QQ twice, all inside of 20 minutes! Needless to say, I was appalled.

    This is where I got into trouble..The cards went cold for me and I was down to 950 in chips with the blinds at 75/150. Twice I had unsuited face cards but both times Scotty raised it to 500 before me so I folded them. I figured the next decent hand I get I have to go all in. Finally I go all in(725) with 5,7s just before I am to be big blind which is 200, and you took me out.

    Any comments from anyone on how I could have handled this better?
    Should I have gone all in with my J,Ko after Scotty's raise? Even after learning to respect his raises?
  • Hey Sloth

    I have a bunch of friends who would probably want to play in a bigger event, with more room. If you can secure a larger space, I am sure we could make this into a regular event, kind of like what you guys have done with the Online gaming, but live and in person, which suits me fine since I don't play online...

    It could be the tour. Shit, I could probably host one at my house...

    Hook dat shit up!
  • * The next memorable thing affected me but I had to stay as uninvolved as possible. ScottyZ went on the most disgusting hot streak that it has ever been my displeasure to see not happening to me. And he was directly to my left! I could not get into a pot because he would always raise. I tend to respect a raise from ScottyZ, but after a while even he was amazed -- he showed AA twice, KK twice, QQ twice, all inside of 20 minutes! Needless to say, I was appalled.

    I'll have to admit, that was the most iNsAnE run of cards I've ever seen in my life. A big thanks to my blue deck of Kems, incidentally being used for the very first time in this tourney. :cool:

    It really shows you how fast things can change in tournaments. During the first 5 rounds before the break (1h 40min), I played only two hands, picking up the blinds with AK, and getting a free play from the BB and betting the flop with no callers. The very first hand after the break the floodgates opened. I pick up KK on the button, open raise and no callers. Show the hand. Just in case anyone who wasn't at the table is thinking I just *said* I was picking up all these big hands, I showed every single one of them.

    I think it was actually in the span of 2 rounds (40 mins) when I picked up 6 monster hands (I think it was QQ three times, KK two times, AA one time), but that's still very incredible. Consider the fact that it's pretty unlikely to simply be dealt AA one time in 40 minutes.

    This run also allowed me to pretty much open raise steal at will during those rounds, so I built my chips up from 1,200 up to around 3,000 very quickly while putting almost none of my own chips at risk. I believe the only hand I played past the flop that round was my AA all-in vs. McTib's g/f with QJs (yes, I know your real name, but it seems to be more traditional to use forum names on the forum). And I'm not even sure I would have gotten that action if she didn't get an affirmative response when asking McTib at another table if he was almost done himself. :)

    A nice moment during that run was when it was folded to the professor on the SB with me on the BB. He folds, and I normally don't even look at my hole cards when I get a walk on the BB, but I decided to have a peek, and thought I should flip over QQ.

  • professor wrote:
    Open: Shoobs AA, Hork AJ, Sloth JJ.
    (My jaw dropped! Hork: that is not a good call. :))
    I know, I know. I learned my lesson :)

    Good thing I got that out of my system during the satellite...

  • ScottyZ wrote:
    A nice moment during that run was when it was folded to the professor on the SB with me on the BB. He folds, and I normally don't even look at my hole cards when I get a walk on the BB, but I decided to have a peek, and thought I should flip over QQ.
    Yeah, I played that hand perfectly! :wink:
  • Best one-liner over heard:

    ScottyZ: I don't have time to read the forum!
  • bump..what happened to all these previous forum members? wonder how many still actually play poker? time for a reunion tournament.
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