KW SnG's Aug. 4 2006 around 8:30pm

It looks like we have enough interest to go again, so we'll be having low-limit SnG's tonight ($10?) starting around 8:30pm (time may change, will finalize by 6pm).

1. "Beanie42" Trevor
2. "KangaX5" Jenn
3. "DrTyore" Mark
4. "ItsaMe" Mario
5. "King Mob" Dave ?
6. "Reddington" Tyson
7. "Metro" Tom
8. "carmaker" Geoff
9. "FlintBones" Andrew

Please post or PM me if you're interested.


  • Looks like G2 called it right this morning:)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    6. "Reddington" Tyson

    Wow. The Legend returns.

    I'll be at Brantford, have a great game.

  • too bad I started drinking already.. can't drive out, else I'd make the trip.. I yearn for low limit live play :/
  • gokorda wrote:
    too bad I started drinking already.. can't drive out
    You got a few hours to sober up ;)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    You got a few hours to sober up ;)

    Aye, but I'm young, and have not bothered to go for my G lisence yet, so as of now, I must have a blood alcohol level of ZERO to drive. meaning if I get pulled over half way there, i'm screwed. and as I need to drive for work, I'm good about not taking risks like that :P

    another time, beanie. another time.
  • So has Mario now confirmed?
  • TNORTH wrote:
    So has Mario now confirmed?
  • Just to confirm, we'll start at 8:30. Still lots of room if anyone is interested. Dave will be late, so will probably join a second game. If anyone needs directions, PM me.
  • if tyson is playing i am going to have to come out of live play retirement for this.
    i hope there is still room
  • carmaker wrote:
    if tyson is playing i am going to have to come out of live play retirement for this.
    i hope there is still room
    Definately, you're in Geoff. It's been a while though - do you still remember where I live? :)
  • TNORTH wrote:
    Looks like g2 called it right this morning:)
    I'm in Waterloo/Toronto this weekend... hopefully something will be going on later Sunday night or sometime Monday afternoon/early evening. hint hint hint!

  • So are we a go at 8:30 trev?
  • TNORTH wrote:
    So are we a go at 8:30 trev?
    beanie42 wrote:
    Just to confirm, we'll start at 8:30.
  • yes i remember, i am leaving in 5 minutes , i will be a couple minutes late
  • I just woke up a few minutes ago and missed the bus to Brantford. I don't know if this is too late, but post if I can play.

    :as :ah
  • 2BULLETS wrote:
    I just woke up a few minutes ago and missed the bus to Brantford. I don't know if this is too late, but post if I can play.
    Come on over. Still waiting for half the people, so we'll be starting a few minutes late...
  • I'll be there. Blind me in!!!

    :as :ah
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