
For those who will be there and want to drop by, Shopsy and I will be there into the wee hours.


  • I know there was talk last night about playing some cards at a Casino - As of midnight it was up between Fallsview, Brantford and Seneca.
  • Left Mario a PM saying Limit is good.

    2Bullets, I'll p.m. you soon as I hear back from Malt. But, hopefully a trip to Brantford around 7 is in the works.

  • Something tells me Mario wont take kindly to limit.
  • this i know. but, you never know.
  • We are leaving around 430. Hopefully we will see you there guys.
  • Ok, Malt got blown this afternoon......a tire people. So, Malt's out.

    Jeremy, check your PM's. JohnnieH and I are in for 7 to head to Brantford.
  • Wolff, come find us... SHopsy, will be the guy donking off chips and I will be the guy seeing every flop!!! lol

    If we all lose, could head back to my place for some action
  • Yep, I'm in. C'mon Mario!!!!!!
    See you guys there.

  • Just go back, saw Lou there. Played 2/5 with a friend that had never played there before, just for funzies. Left up $80 after 3 hours of play. Hit Admiral subs afterwards for an admiral burger, if you get a chance, this is the best part of Brantford.

    Good luck.

  • Was it packed? We are leaving in 15 min.
  • stpboy wrote:
    Just go back, saw Lou there. Played 2/5 with a friend that had never played there before, just for funzies. Left up $80 after 3 hours of play. Hit Admiral subs afterwards for an admiral burger, if you get a chance, this is the best part of Brantford.

    Good luck.


    Awesome! Any cool hands you want to share with us?

    Wolff and I will continue the dominance of CPF tonight!
  • This hand was great, for me. 6 limpers to the flop and I have 77 in the big. I just check as it's doubtful that my huge pair will hold up. Flop comes 6 4 2 all hearts. I have 7c7d. SB checks, I bet and get three callers. Turn is the only card that really helps me. It is the 7s, again I bet and get two callers. River is the 6 for a runner runner boat. I get two callers on the river, one with a 6 and the other mucked. I'm certain I had him beat the whole way as well. This was the largest pair I had all day and the biggest hand I had made. I was actually officially up more then $80 but bought two rounds of beer with the chips in front of me. This was the 2nd time I had ever played 2/5 as I almost always play 5/10 or 10/20, it wasn't nearly as bad as I remembered it being. It was very beatable and not that crazy.

  • Good times in Brantford.  Thanks for the idea JohnnieH.

    Typical 2/5.  Ran into Shopsy and Folded, said Hi to Lou.

    Had a roller coaster ride to ended up down 7.00, factor in the free t-shirt...night was a wash.

    Night took a turn for the wild when Folded joined our end of the table.  Last hour 15 was wild/great.  Not sure the rest of the table enjoyed our company, but, the lady sitting inbetween was killing herself laughing.

    First hand I play was fittingly 99 (we are in Brantford remember) I limp from UTG, 6 see the flop, of 9xx with 2 diamonds.  I bet out, 3 callers, bet, bet, brick brick, 3 show down and my set is good.  Phew, nice way to start.

    33, 44 go no where, AJd, AQh go no where, down 30 or so.  See AA UTG +1, raise, 5 see flop of 5,3,9, rainbow, I bet, there's a raise behind me, re-raise, 3 see the turn of Ad, now putting 2d on the board, I bet and get to re-raise again, river-brick, I bet, 1 caller, my set is good decent pot.

    AKo vs A6o vs Horseshoe....raised, re-raised, on xxx flop, turn A, bet, re-raised...lost when 6 hit on river.

    Greek Lee limps, I raise with AJd, girl with great hooters calls as does 1 other and Greek Lee.  Flop of K10Q rainbow.  Greek Lee bets, I raise, Hooters re-raises and its capped on flop/turn/river...Hoots shows TPTK, I'm about to scoop a biggish pot when Greek Lee turns over AJo...fuck, chop pot.  Oh well, made some money.  Up 60.00.

    I then get J9d, see a flop of JJ10, capped with one player, turn 10, capped again, river x, buddy throws his last 4 in (thank god or I'd have lost more) and says I hope you don't have pocket J's...and show's his pocket 10's for quads....oh well...

    Having fun shooting the shit with JohnnieH, and enjoying watching the donkfest at the table.  Johnnie hits is huge hand which was great, then Folded shows up.  I don't mean that in a bad way...Cory proceeds to mock my folds for 30 minutes...finally coaxing a few bets out of me.  Johnnie by this time has taking his +80 and is cruising the casino. 

    Cory gets a bunch of my chips with my QJ vs his J10 on a board of x10JxJ, damn...oh well, its folded.

    I then have the $%^&*(POIUJHGFHJKL:UYTR%^  donk hand of the night when I limp with K4c UTG and see a flop of ccc, capped, Jc, capped....$^%&*((&^%&*(&^%&* fold you donkey you are beat....Cassandra who's IT dancing jailhouse husband is picking up his stupid cousin in Windsor proceeds to show her cards to folded...FOLD YOU FKING IDIOT you are losing....I pay it off only to see A4c...I was dead a LONG FKING TIME AGO.

    So, from up 60 to down 60, I have about 40.00 left, and get AJo, raise, 5 players see flop of AxJ, bet, raised, xs, now 2 spades on board, bet, call, call, call, river S...%^&(*)(&&%^*)( I just went broke, check, dude at end that Cory has annoyed the Fuck out of bets, Cassandra and I call...whew, my AJ is good and Cory mocks me for not Check/Raising the river.

    Puts me back to down 7.00 its 2:30 and I see JohnnieH stroll in, he's been crusing for at least an hour now, I say GL to folded and Shopsy and head out.
  • It ended up being lucky night for me.

    So Wolff and I only had to wait about an hour on Friday night to get seated at a 2/5 table. Not nearly as long as I had feared. As luck would have it he and I ended up sitting beside one another. Cool someone to talk too! After buying $100 in chips and paying my respects to Magithighs, Shopsy and Folded, we were ready to rock.

    There was the usualmixture of 2/5 grinders, solid players and complete donkeys.

    Dave had one fella to his right who had no idea what he was doing, put his chips went in EVERY hand. Including a raise when he was in the Big Blind. I guess he didn't know that he was in for $2 already. I only showed down one hand with him, (2 pairs Aces and Jacks) and he paid me off nicely.

    Another player in Seat 1 got incredibly lucky. Hitting runner-runner two pairs, straights and Full Houses. He raise with nothing post flop then spike the river. My end of the table nicknamed him Horseshoe. He hit a r-r flush to my 2 pair, taking $20 off me.

    The majority of my session I could not make a hand to save my life. I'd hit TPTK, but someone else hit 2 pair. I'd hit 2 pair, and lose to a straight. Stuff like that for a couple of hours, it was quite frustrating, but Wolffy kept me in line, and we played on.

    Then around Midnight Dave asks if I'm about ready to head out. I tell him that being down $70 has put me in a bad mood, but I'll stay since he seems to be having a good time.

    Then, with $38 in chips, I hit the hand that made my night.

    I'm dealt :as :ac in LP. The action is limped to me, I raise and by the time action is back to me it's capped with 4 or 5 players in the hand, I think. I really don't remember.

    Why everyone limped then started bumping, I have no idea. I decided then that I"m married to these Aces, and that I'm probally going to bust with them. Meh.

    The flop comes :6c :7d :2s, checked to me, I raise, and again it comes back capped. Okeydokey, lets see the turn.

    An absolutely gorgeous :ad. Now it's raised in front of me, and I keep pounding the pot. Another player has all his chips in the middle. I'm now praying for the board to pair. It doesn't.

    But the river is :jc and I toss my last $2, one player folds and 2 callers come along. 2 players (including Horseshoe) show busted draws. The All-in player has 2 pair, Aces and Jacks.


    I'm stunned beyond belief. After all the crappy luck I had all night, I was sure I was dead. Of course top set is good here, but I though I was going to get rivered.

    After I stopped shaking, I scoop this massive pot, and count out it out to $180. Holy cow.

    After that hand, folded sat down with us. I played a few more small hands, taking a small loss, but winning one more little one. I decide to walk away while I was ahead.

    Cashed out for $177, and waited for Dave to finish up.

    Thanks again for driving Wolff, I had a great time with you, even while I was down $70. Finishing up was just icing on the cake.


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