She's at it AGAIN!!!

Eleanor takes down yet another game tonight!!

Heads up with yours truly, blinds 300/600 I'm dealt AA in the small blind. I call the BB, Eleanor raises to 1800, I hesitate PERFECTLY, go all in for the measly 1000+ more I had, which Eleanor quickly calls with her K10s.



Earlier, Eleanor's 77 against I believe it was Allens 10 10. Flop comes up 77x!! Unreal!!! She was catching when she needed too, that's for sure.

Jeff came in third place tonight, but he put up a hell of a struggle. He WAS chip leader for a short time, but constant pressure from both Eleanor and I reduced his stack considerably to the point where he had almost no choice to push into Eleanor's monster.

Great game everyone. Just a reminder, the next Three games will be held at the Elliotts home. I'll forward everyone the address before I head to Newfoundland on Friday.

Oh, SteveKerr was CHUMP tonight!!! New record too!! Igor would be proud!!!


Have a great next three games guys. I'll be thinking of you while I try to hustle some games on THE ROCK!!!


  • AJ take the El train to the rock. The games can be held at my place if need be. Good game El. Have a safe trip AJ and none of dat newfie screech.
  • FYI Eleanor's A-4 beat Jeff's A-5. The flop came 2-3-6, turn was 5, and river was 6. It seem like the night of the suck out, goods cards were not needed as everyone caught up.

    Good game every one. It is no problem having the games at our place for the next few weeks, as we are about 3 minutes away from AJ's.

    BTW Aces are the new Queens.
  • I :h: Easy. She can deal me quads anytime! :D

    I was monumentally lucky last karma was definitely on my side. Hopefully it stays that way when we're in Vegas this weekend.

    Have a great time in NF AJ!
  • Great game all around...I just can't believe the cards you were catching though. NOBODY deserves to be THAT lucky...well, maybe Derek, but only because he's been in such a huge rut lately.

    Good luck in Vegas Elliotts!!! Make The Hill Proud!

    Okay, so before I leave, I'm going to be sending out game notices for the next three games all at once. Chris will post on the forum the player's lists and any other announcements. All games will be held at the Elliotts, and I will be sending out the address and directions via the game notices. I'll try to check in once in awhile during holidays, but if I am not able to, you guys have a great time, and I'll see you in a few weeks.

    Oh, and somebody.......PLEASE

  • AcidJoe wrote:
    none of dat newfie screech. 

    You ARE kidding right? Go home to the ROCK and NOT drink Screech? THAT'S CRIMINAL!!
    Besides, I have my own stash at home :D

    Jig's Dinner, Newfie Screech, howling wind off the ocean as I gaze over the cliffs of home...DAMN, I CAN'T WAIT!

    When next you guys see me, you won't understand a single word I says :D
  • You guys let El win again??!

    Wow, I might have to come out to one of these someday and stir the pot a little.

  • Hork42 wrote:
    You guys let El win again??!

    Wow, I might have to come out to one of these someday and stir the pot a little.


    You know you're always welcome to try, Hork. Have to warn you though...Eleanor just keeps getting meaner, nastier, and has now developed a very bone chilling, evil scienitist laugh everytime she hits her hand. Sends chills up my spine just thinking of it...
  • Don't worry I'll take it down again. I have to suck out sometime. LOL. I just got to work on my aggression a little and I'll be back on top. My theory is go big or go home early (as long as I don't chump).
  • Oh, you were just BEGGING to be Chump last night!! I think Amanda was going to jump over the table and choke the bejesus out of you if you raised her BB again.
  • The view from thebusdriver’s seat:

    I really enjoyed the game.  I often debate with a buddy of mine, whether it is better to play a good variety of strong players, or weak ones.  I prefer strong players, while he plays a variety of drunken bar flies.  In 1-2 NL, he claims to be up over 6K for the year.  I played in his cash cow bar once, and I believe him.  However, I only have the time to play 1 night a week, so I prefer a challenging game rather than a money making one.  (If I was out for the money, I’d never play you guys)

    EL, you are absolutely unstoppable, the bus will concede victory to you now.  You can call it luck all you want, but aren’t good players allowed to win with luck also.  The difference is, crappy players can only win with luck.  My prediction is no one can stop the EL TRAIN.  I gave it my best shot, and I’m not worthy.  If your reading this HORK, we need you. 

    "Eleanor just keeps getting meaner, nastier, …"
    This is and understatement

    The old nice Eleanor that dominated season 1 & 2 has evolved into the dominatrix. I seen a vicious check raise she slapped Gus with that the old El would have simply call-call-call, rack in pot, and apologies for winning.  This new EL TRAIN comes right at me with A4, then tells me how dare I play crap like A5 against her.

    In the old days, AJ’s stare down would have her confessing like a school girl. Now she’s more likely to call “time” on him. (btw. The stare still works on me AJ).

    The bus tried a new strategy last night.  For the first half, no bluffing, no chasing, no calling raises, no confrontations of any kind.  By the second half, I never had more than starting chips.  When I finally turned it on, I had no ammunition.  I was forced into defensive mode, to move up some spots.  Then somewhere between touching felt, and making desperate all-in moves I become chip leader in the final 3.  I got no respect from AJ and the EL TRAIN.  I’ve never been beat up so bad as chip leader.  Sorry Justin, I played ‘weak’, must have been your chips jinx me. Folded my 33 against AJ’s all-in, folded my A9 suited against EL’s raise.  When I finally did make a stand, I just ended up doubling AJ, then EL. It was as if, I wasn’t even there, just merely holding some chips that they intended to divvy up between themselves.

    I’m seriously considering sitting out the rest of the games, then making a lucksack shot at the T.O.C.

    The bus gotta get some new rims, because these one’s feel off.
  • In the old days, AJ’s stare down would have her confessing like a school girl. Now she’s more likely to call “time” on him. (btw. The stare still works on me AJ).

    The STARE not working anymore??? Hmmmm, will have to work on about this??

  • The difference is, crappy players can only win with luck. My prediction is no one can stop the EL TRAIN. I gave it my best shot, and I’m not worthy. If your reading this HORK, we need you.

    I'm not quite sure if you're calling ME a crappy player, or Eleanor.... ?
  • apparently next to El we are all crappy players :) But this crappy player has not conceded defeat.
  • ElElliott wrote:
    I :h: Easy. She can deal me quads anytime! :D

    I :h: You too, El!!! But before I encur any wrath from the boys, I'd like to point out that it was AJ who shuffled that deck and gave you quads...all I did was cut. I believe AJs efforts were much more the cause than mine.

    But I told you you were gonna win!!! You had estrogen power on your side, how could you lose?!?!
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