River - Bet or check it down?

Villian is TA and hasn't gotten out of line. The rest of the callers and cold callers are generally LP. I figured there was a very good possibility of villian having AK/AQ given the flop lead/3bet/turn lead. Basically, given the previous action I didn't see much I could bet for value, and getting CR'd sucks since I'm not folding in that monstrous pot.

***** Hand History for Game 4863800962 *****
$5/$10 Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, August 02, 21:21:25 ET 2006
Table Monster #1282302 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 2: WeeSlippy ( $242 )
Seat 3: w00dyman ( $488.50 )
Seat 4: vinnyboy222 ( $225 )
Seat 7: abbeyro ( $400 )
Seat 8: ScoobD ( $392 )
Seat 9: Jikki7 ( $243.50 )
Seat 1: kyllerX3 ( $331 )
Seat 5: My_Rule ( $288.50 )
Seat 6: phantomb79 ( $245 )
Seat 10: ppc2608 ( $165.08 )
WeeSlippy posts small blind [$2].
w00dyman posts big blind [$5].
ppc2608 posts big blind [$5].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ScoobD [ As Kd ]
vinnyboy222 calls [$5].
My_Rule folds.
phantomb79 folds.
abbeyro raises [$10].
ScoobD raises [$15].
Jikki7 folds.
ppc2608 calls [$10].
kyllerX3 folds.
WeeSlippy folds.
w00dyman: damn CRs are backfiring
w00dyman folds.
vinnyboy222 calls [$10].
abbeyro calls [$5].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ah, 5s, 2h ]
vinnyboy222 checks.
abbeyro bets [$5].
ScoobD raises [$10].
ppc2608 calls [$10].
vinnyboy222 calls [$10].
abbeyro raises [$10].
ScoobD raises [$10].
ppc2608 calls [$10].
vinnyboy222 calls [$10].
abbeyro calls [$5].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7d ]
vinnyboy222 checks.
abbeyro bets [$10].
ScoobD raises [$20].
ppc2608 folds.
vinnyboy222 folds.
abbeyro calls [$10].
** Dealing River ** [ Qd ]
abbeyro checks.
ScoobD ?


  • I'd just check it. You may be losing $10 profit, but if you put him on AQ, and are worried about the check-raise (which you intend to call anyway) you'd be losing another $10 anyway (if that makes sense).
  • Don't know how some of you guys can add up a pot so fast, but it looks like about $200 + in the pot already? Give or take.

    I would bet out here, and if I got checked raised, so be it. Unless I was absolutely sure of my read, I wouldn't want to live in fear of a check/raise for such a nice pot.
  • I'd be a cautious cat and check it, but that's not for all cats. Some cats play it cool, and bet out. So what happened?
  • i think you see AJ AT enough times to value bet here. Its razor thin though. It really depends on how tight his pfr range is.
  • I would absolutely bet the river here; there is probably no river card on this board with this action, I would not bet if checked to.
  • I likely would bet.  He could have easily 3 bet the turn (everyone else folded when it came back to him) if he had a really big hand and gotten the same pot or more then calling then playing for a check raise on river.  If he check raises and beats you, congrats him for being tricky to win no more money then he could have playing it straight forward.  If he 3 bets the turn I suspect you are likely in deep trouble (ie: trips) though not sure it is possible to escape by folding :)
  • So what was the result ScoobyD?
  • If I was running good I'd bet out, if I was having a bad session I'd check. I think either way is fine. There maybe a slight value edge in betting but not much. He may have AK and is worried about you going down with AQ. He may also have AQ and knows your not going away and will be willing to check it down or check.raise if you bet. Post what happened.
  • Results:

    I checked behind and villian showed AKo for a chop. Not very often I'm not betting TPTK on the river for value, but I just thought it too unlikely this villain would have 3 bet the flop/led the turn with AJ or AT here.
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