South Simcoe Open II Aug. 26, 2 pm Bradford

:ah :acSouth Simcoe Open II :ad :as

Saturday Aug. 26 @ 2 pm.  In Bradford
$25 buy in with one rebuy of $25 at any time.  $600 guaranteed payout.  32 people max.
No rake will be taken at all.  However this means self dealt.

Once I finalize where the gift cards are coming from I'll post that.

And to answer some questions $25 rebuy at any time means if you go broke you can rebuy ONCE at any blind level.

1st    $240   or 40% of the pool if it exceeds $600
2nd   $150   or 25%
3rd    $100   or 17.5%
4th    $ 60    or 10%
5th    $50    or 7.5%
6th    $25   HMV gift card
7th    $25   HMV gift card
8th    $5.00 gift certificate for tim hortons
9th     $5.00 Gift Certificate for Tim Hortons

First 4 of a kind or better 300 piece chip set

Info can be had by private message here or e mail to

Blinds are 20 minutes, 1,500 starting chips and are as follows:


  • Count me in. Too bad it will be such a long drive. :'(:D
  • Hey Joe, I will try to play a few more hands this time.. sign me up.

  • Players List:  E mails have gone out to all those on my list and usually play:

    1.  Acidjoe
    2.  Aimee
    3.  Wayne
    4.  CanadaDave
    5   PokerJah
    6   KRT
    7   Shawn D  <--- SSO I winner
    8   Chris
    9   Heather
    10  Rob
    11  Rob+1
    12  Todd
    13  Matt
    14  Alekat
  • The players list is updated with 10 already confirmed. Anyone who needs directions please let me know and they will be sent out the week prior to the tournament.
  • The list is now up to date. Any further updates won't happen till Wednesday when I get home from Turning Stone.
  • how we looking Joe? full house?
  • It looks like we could always use a few more. If anyone else is interested let me know.
  • The list is presently up to date with 2 additions and one subtraction. Still room for people.
  • count me in for sure

    mabey 1 more, will let u know
  • it looks like it will just be me,

    I will need directions

  • I think everyone who needs an address has been sent one. If not please contact me. Everything is still a go for saturday. See everyone there.
  • I might have a guest but won't know for sure until Sat morning; same place as usual?
  • Yup same place PokerJah I'm assuming you don't need directions.
  • There are a few people not on the list that have said definate maybe. It looks like this may be an overlay for those who want to play depending on how the rebuys go. If anyone else is interested let me know I'll be checking the board up to noon.
  • :as :ad :ac :ah

    Joe -

    I also have 2 or 3 definite maybes that will know by noon( I'm guessing at least one of them will show) :D
  • That's great KRT, even if you don't know by noon you don't need directions (I don't think) so they are welcome to come.
  • It turned out not to be an over lay. I will post full results later but it was another sucessful event. No quads or better so the chip set will go on. Thanks to all who come out.
  • I was a great day for me.. LOL who had to work till 4pm ... and only had about 1000 in chips left when i got home...
    Luckily...... I found some very good cards in the first couple of rounds .. and at one point was chip leader... Then not chip leader anymore but holdin my own.. To come in second,, Joe will update the rest later today ...It was fun and had a great time with everyone here .... And Hats off to Joe ... Who had to almost singlehandedly do everything himself for this tournament.. GREAT JOB HONEY!!!!!!!


    I did help him some, but not much due to work. *wink*
    It was kinda nice to just walk in my own home and play poker without worrying about anything..
  • here is the full results:

    Dan:      $280
    Aimee    $175
    CanadaDAve   $122
    Chris L. $70
    Heather       $52
    KRT           $25 for HM
    Wayne        $25 for HMV
    Acidjoe   $5 for Tim's
    Alekat     $5 for tims's

    It was an action packed day as we drew one tight table and one maniac table.  All that was missing at the maniac table was two three.   There was a flurry of rebuys from the maniac table and the first 3 out were from there.  Aimee ended up working till 4 and being blinded out for 2 hours.  She then joined the fun at the maniac table raising almost every hand she decided to play.  Chris Lee was playing very aggressively and was a large chip leader at one point.  If he could have just slowed down a bit.  He went from having a huge lead to almost out,to a huge lead again by his aggressive style.  The two previous crown casino winners (KRT and Myself) found very little comfort in Chris's style.  At the final table we were in push or fold mode. 

    Thanks to everyone who came out.  It was a great day.  I hope I kept the spice's down enough for everyone on the ribs and wings

    Also during the clean up there is a pair of sunglasses here.  If the owner will PM me. 
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    here is the full results:

    Dan:      $280
    Aimee    $175
    Chris L    $122
    CanadaDave $70

    Hey Joe,
    I came in 3rd, and Chris came in 4th. At least that would explain the $122 you gave me. :D Great Tourney, can't wait for the next one.

  • Sorry Dave I posted this morning during a clean up break. I didn't pull out the laptop and went from memory. It has been fixed.
  • Bradford Calling Stations - 2    :D
    Poker Jah - 0   :'(

    Thanks Joe for hosting another great day of poker!  Couldn't seem to catch a break all day and the flush was definitely my nemesis on Saturday.  Losing my rebuy after the first two back to back hands really bit, but the river gods were definitely not on my side.  Looking forward to the next tournament and next time I bring my Bradford voodoo doll  :rage:
  • LOL Jah, it's a hard place with so many people who are willing to go to the river with any kind of draw. You at least drew the quiet (if there is such a thing) table over the super aggressive maniac table (which I basically folded for 2 hours to).
  • :as :ad :ac :ah

    Thanks for another great tourney Joe - everyone wants to come back! :D

    Great day for Dan - after he won the tourney the boys went to Barrie at 10:00 pm and he won $100 in a sng, then they hit Rama at 2:00 am and played $1-$2 no limit and he cashed out at 6:00 am up $400!! :D:D

    Thanks again.
  • So it wasn't your shades I found KRT? Looks like Dan had a good night, he's paying for pizza next time :)
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